Open Twin Yellows for A Green

Corey Edogawa

tengu seeker • things should be simple • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Corey was not new to this whole delivering roses thing. He had enjoyed it immensely last year and so had decided to sign up again for this year. His list of deliveries weren't very extensive. And they didn't look too difficult to find either. He was quite excited about it. His first delivery for the day, he decided would be his classmate. They didn't really talk much or at all really. They were in two separate houses after all, and Corey didn't even interact with his own housemates that much. But hey, a delivery is a delivery. And so, he waited outside the History of Magic classroom to corner his first delivery. "Hey, you're Nicole right?" he approached one of the Slytherin girls with a grin.
Nicole was busy thinking about who on her delivery list to tackle next when she nearly walked to Corey standing outside their classroom. "Oh yep, I am," She said, eyeing the roses he had with him, excited at the prospect of getting another one. "Do you have roses for me?" Nicole asked, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.
Corey grinned as the girl seemed amicable enough. He knew that some of the Slytherins could get pretty grumpy, but then again that was pretty much every house as well. "I do actually! Two for my wonderfully smart classmate today!" he said waving his hand with a flourish before beginning to rummage around his basket of roses.
"Oh yay," Nicole said happily when Corey had not one, but two roses for her this time. She was curious who they were from. One almost certainly had to be from Jenna, she was sure. She blushed a little at Corey's compliment too, waving her hand as if to swat the word 'smart' away. "I'm not smart, please," She said, shaking her head, but she was more distracted by the prospect of roses to really argue.
Corey chuckled as he handed her one of the yellow roses that he finally managed to find along with its note. "Nope, definitely smart!" he said with a grin. "You're doing a lot better than me in classes so that's a given," the boy commented as he tried to find the second rose.
Dear Nicole,

I hope you have a wonderful day, and many others.

Nicole flushed when Corey insisted on calling her smart not sure how to take the compliment. "I'm sure you're doing fine as well," As nice as it felt to get school work done, she always worried people would think she was lame or boring if she focused too hard on her school work. "Thanks," She mumbled instead, taking the rose and note and smiling as she read it. "Oh, it's from Iris, how sweet,"
Corey chuckled at the thought that Nicole actually thinks he was doing fine in his classes. "Not even close," the boy said as he handed her the second rose.

I hope you have a good day! Meet the dance tonight?/Jenna Jusantrea
Nicole frowned when Corey implied he hadn't been doing very well. "Well.. I'm not the best at some stuff but if you want some help sometime?" She offered, her previous embarrassment soothed by yet another rose. "Oh yay, and this one is from Jenna," Nicole said, tucking the note in her bag safely. "Have you gotten any roses as well?" Nicole didn't want to brag exactly, but she had gotten three already today and was feeling pretty pleased.
Corey's smile widened at the offer. He wasn't really the best student and though he did try sometimes, it isn't nearly enough to help him get by. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!" he said with a grin, watching her light up at the roses she had received. He really did like handing out roses. "No I haven't. But if it's anything like last year, my cousin's sisters would probably have one for me and give it personally," he said with a shrug.

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