Open This Seems Dangerous

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah had learned about the cliffs from one of the older students. She'd been told in the same breath that technically they were not a place students were allowed but was less monitored than the forest. Savannah had little interest in the forest, but the cliffs, that made her curious. She wandered out to them. The sky was dark and overcast, the clouds hanging low. She was sure it was moments away from the rain pouring down, but she still went. Savannah had a jacket, she was wearing it, but it was thin and old. If it rained she'd be soaked in minutes. She trudged her way to the cliffs, and finally she arrived there. Exposed as they were the wind was more intense. The water below was the furtherest thing from calm. This didn't entirely seem safe and Savannah was staying well away from the very edge. She was scared of heights....but she knew better than to tempt fate. Instead she just stood, watching it, letting her long hair blow in every direction, probably causing terrible knots to appear in it. But she wasn't going to move..not yet.
Remy had always liked stormy weather, and the quiet moments of anticipation before the downpour had always been his favourite. He couldn't say exactly why, but it made his usually frazzled nerves quieten and feel almost suspended in time. His waterproofed jacket was four sizes too big but kept the wind out of his bones as he wandered the school grounds. Remy wasn't in a huge rush to explore, but being a little more familiar with the area couldn't hurt. He squinted over at the figure of a girl going up to cliffs - which he was sure wasn't a place she was supposed to be, and wondered if she knew something he didn't. Feeling a little bit like a stalker, Remy made his way up after her. "Hey! Unless you have wings, don't jump off the edge." he called out, not wanting to startle her by just showing up right next to her.
Savannah hadn't noticed anyone following her, but she managed to at least not be startled as someone approached. She glanced at them..him..with a frown forming on her face. Why would he think that anyone would jump. "I'm not going to do that," her tone was almost bored. It felt obvious to her that she wasn't about to jump off the edge. "I'm just looking, exploring," she figured the boy was in her year, he seemed to be about her age, though she hadn't seen him either in Ravenclaw or at the Ravenclaw table and if he had thought she might jump then she doubted he was Ravenclaw material at all, so likely one of the other houses. "Do you have wings to jump off this cliff with?" Savannah's tone was just shy of outright mocking.
Remy was able to get a better look at the girl when she spoke to him, and vaguely recognised her as being sorted into Ravenclaw. He was almost disappointed that she seemed to be doing pretty much the same thing he was and didn't have any secret knowledge about the area. "You think I'd still be standing here if I did?" Remy snorted. He thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart. If he'd had wings, he would have been flying over the lake already instead of answering stupid questions. "Have you explored anything interesting yet?" he asked in a tone bordering on judgemental, as he expected she was too busy standing around and being rude to have unlocked any secrets of the castle.
Savannah frowned at his reply. "Maybe you wouldn't want me to see them," she retorted with a little scoff, but she didn't need to be getting frustrated with him, it was just that he was there. She wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her own upper arms, the air was not bitingly cold but her jacket simply wasn't thick enough for how long she had already been outside for. "Define interesting," she responded. She had no reason to tell him what she had or hadn't explored, and really she hadn't explored anything interesting, but her words and tone, certainly implied she might've. Mostly she just wanted to see if he'd say what he'd explored in response and she'd have soemthing to base her response on.
Remy shrugged and nodded thoughtfully. She had a point, having wings among a non-winged population could be an issue and was probably best to keep secret. "What, the dictionary definition? I dunno, like secret dragons hiding out in a cave up here? I found a painting of one of the sixth floor. It tried breathing fire at me." Remy was a little impressed at being blasted with harmless, painted flames, but he'd seen enough movies that it didn't come across as exactly magical. He frowned at the girl, noting how she wasn't dressed for the weather. He thought about offering her his jacket, but the line between being chivalrous or being an arse was too thin for him to dare. "If you freeze to death, I'm not dragging your body back to the castle." he said, instead.
Savannah rolled her eyes at him, but he did answer it a little. A painting that tried to breath fire was more weird than interesting. Paintings were just odd things really. She shook her head, "Well, then, no, I haven't seen anything interesting. Dragons could not be kept secret," she said with a confidence that she didn't really have, since there could very well be one and she just wouldn't know about it. But she felt it was so unlikely it wasn't worth considering. Savannah scoffed lightly. "I'm not going to freeze and I wouldn't want you to either," she was cold, her jacket was not thick enough for this weather but she wasn't about to admit anything of the sort or allow anyone to help her even if she had frozen to death. "In fact, please don't ever even touch me,"
Remy was pretty sure dragons, despite them being rather large, would be pretty easy to hide otherwise juggles would be seeing them all the time and then there would be a big problem. "If you haven't seen one, then it's probably a very good secret." he reasoned. The lack of dragons was pretty disappointing, though he hadn't expected this girl to find any because that would make it too easy. Remy snorted, offering help to someone who didn't want it was futile and honestly he didn't blame her. "Sky burial it is, then." he said, with a slight smirk. "My jacket can be an umbrella if the rain gets bad," he added, in the most neutral words he could. He didn't want to just leave her to get soaked, but he wasn't about to force his help on her.
Savannah scoffed loudly, "Why would they keep dragons at a school. That would dangerous," Savannah replied. But she knew the school had had a deadly incident just over a year ago, one that could've ended with a student dying but that hadn't been the school's doing, it had been the students. Savannah nodded, she'd happily take a sky burial over this boy feeling sorry for her and giving her a jacket. She didn't need it. "I don't need an umbrella, my parents cast magic on my they can't get wet," Savannah said in a tone to imply that this boy's parents would never. Her parents hadn't done it, and that wouldn't help what he was likely offering but Savannah didn't care, her tone would remain sharp and she just didn't like the boy or his implications.
As far as Remy was concerned, magic and danger went hand in hand. He would be shocked, but not surprised, to find all sorts of magical creatures intent on hurting students hiding just out of sight. He gave the girl's clothes another look, doubting she was telling the truth but also not especially caring. "Lucky you. My parents are too busy being dead to do something cool like that. Looks like I'll be the one struck by lightning or something, " he said, rolling his eyes. It was only a half-truth, but Remy felt oddly good about how easy it felt to say it out loud. He clearly wasn't going to befriend this girl, so it didn't really matter what he said.
Savannah scoffed lightly at his statement, of course she felt a little bad that his parents were dead, but parents in her experience were pretty useless. Hers were useless that she'd probably be better off without them, but no, she had to have them. "I'm sure a professor would help you," she retorted, not lingering on the dead parents. The rain began to lightly come down in the way that indicated it would only get worse. Savannah retreated a little away from the edge, thinking it was probably time to go back to the castle before this boy figured out that she'd been lying. And because now, with the rain beginning to worsen, she was getting cold.

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