This Is How You Do It!!

Leon Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
Leon scowled slightly and brushed a bit of dust and dirt that had landed on his suit when he had apparated from the Manor and onto some random street in his hometown, he needed some time away from his brother and the family. All the kids plus the newborns were home so it was even more hectic within the walls of the manor than it usually was during the school year. 'Meh I feel sick already, maybe i should head back and get my temperature checked.' He sighed, this street could be covered with germs and sickness from others, it looked dirty enough to get anyone sick. Rolling his eyes again quickly he stepped around some children, he was feeling a bit frustrated and not liking the conditions of the street already.

Since the day he had become a Death Eater he noticed it was harder for him to get out, which he needed most of the time so he didn't drive his family crazy with his issues of having a spotless house. Sighing softly he knelt against a wall and put a hand to his head, no wonder he was alone, he really needed to let go of his phobia's and issues, maybe find a nice girl and get married like everyone else seemed to be doing. Too bad no one had ever caught his interest or was able to put up with him for too long, maybe he was destined to be alone and such, he would never resort to what his brother had and go around sleeping with every random girl he could find, that was belond wrong.
Three months pregnant. Svetlana had been counting on her calendar in her home in Russia. Oh, ever since that day with James Dalton, and as it turned out, that man was a pure-blood according to her family tree, she was going to have a baby by him, and at least it was a pure-blood. Svetlana had changed her ways. She had gotten more serious, a lot more careful, and she was just overall worried. Deciding to go to the best coffee shop in France, Svetlana apparated. Stepping inside, she ordered a non-caffeine mocha and she took a drink of it. One of her slender hands were on her stomach, and she was surprised on how little she still was.

Some areas nonetheless were growing, but her stomach was just a tiny bit poochier. At least she apparently wasn't going to be one of those large pregnant women. Svetlana finished her mocha, and she exited the shop. When she turned, dark brown eyes leveled on a very handsome man. Instead of thinking of anything more to the man, she approached him and she greeted in a smooth, Russian accent, "Hello! Are you thinking about getting one of those mochas?" Her elegant purple robes covered most of her body, and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. She was a young woman, but she was also gorgeous as well. Only this time, she did not flaunt her beauty.
Leon blinked and lifted his soft eues when some random woman walked up and started talking to him! Was she completely insane enough to actually walk up and start talking to some random man that could possibly kill or rape her, not that he would do either, but still he couldn't believe she would. "I would never drink coffee from a shop, chances are they never clean their machines." He stated softly, glaring at the shop before turning back to the girl, he rarely ate out due to always feeling sick and being afraid of getting germs from something unclean. It was weird and he hated to admit it, but it was unchangeable now, he had been this way for far too long.

"Do you always talk to random strangers miss? I'm Leon Snow." The woman was gorgeous and very charismatic but it was still a little odd that she walked right up and started talking to him as if she had known him her whole life. Or maybe everyone was like that and he just acted differently because he was raised around a cruel family, holding out his hand he hoped she would shake back.
Svetlana raised her eyebrow and she bit her nude lip. "I suppose they do. They have to keep their machines clean or else they would be shut down. At least, I think that is how it works..." Svetlana shrugged, and she glanced down at her purple robes. Before she was pregnant, she would never conceal so much skin. Now, she just wanted to keep her body to herself. There was a child growing in there, and it was hers. No one else's. Svetlana sighed and her eyes met with Leon's, now hearing his name, and his statement.

Light laughter escaped her lips, as she gently shook Leon's hand. "Oh, I can be really mean to strangers too. But usually, I am rather friendly and always out to make a new friend or two." Svetlana then introduced herself, "Oh, I'm Svetlana Khamidouline. I come from Russia, so that is why I have such an odd name." His was so short compared to hers. His first and last name was as long as her first name alone. Svetlana put her hands at her sides once more before smiling charmingly. She debated on making her way down to a store and go shopping, but maybe this man, this Leon, could stop her.
Leon chuckled softly and pushed some of his bangs out of his face, this girl was completely adorable and he wasn't afraid to admit that to himself, usually he was very timid and shy around girls but this one seemed to be good at making him feel like he could open up his feelings to her. "Well, I must admit I'm glad your not biting my head or anything." He laughed softly, and stood up from the wall. As soon as he stood up he dusted himself off and wiped the dust from the wall off his jacket, he thought it was so gross that the building was dirty enough to leave a mark on his jacket like that.

"I know we just met and all, but would you like to take a walk with me?" He asked softly, looking down the street. He really wanted to get out of the manor and try to relieve some of the tension and stress he felt from all the family issues there was going on lately. Svetlana seemed like such a nice girl and he wanted to get to know her a little more; "Unless you'd rather force me to try once of those coffees..." He shrugged his shoulders and started to walk away from the wall, he motioned for her to follow him a bit slyly, even if he was sweet hearted he always had a bit of a dark side to him that occasionally came out.
Svetlana smiled shyly and her tanned cheeks turned into a light rose as fresh blood filled them. She watched him curiously dust himself off. That was interesting. This man had to be a clean freak, judging from that statement said about the coffee and then the action he just performed. Svetlana smiled, "Yes, I would love to take a walk." Her steps even and graceful as she walked beside the Snow man. "No, I won't force you to do anything." Svetlana thought for a moment, and then she remembered something about the Snows. Every pure-blood family has mentioned other pure-blood families in some sort of fashion. Svetlana had to ask, "Are you by any chance related to those pure-blood Snows?"
Leon laughed when she said she wouldn't force him to do anything, he wouldn't have let her do anything in the first place. He was thankful that she was walking with him though, he needed some good company for once other than his obnoxiously rude siblings who seemed to love making his life hell. It wasn't often that Leon was able to walk with a pretty girl that his brother didn't already have something with first, the ladies loved Alphonse for some reason.

"Ahh, yes I am in fact related to the pure-blood Snows. I hope that isn't an issue." Leon knew that some people had a reason to dislike his family and such, so it could be possible that her family didn't really get along with his all that much. Just hopefully he wouldn't get hit by her of anything like he had a few times in the past, some woman were just so vicious. "If you have heard of my family....are you pure-blood as well?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as he continued to walk with her, it would be highly interesting if they were both of the same blood. Even if Leon didn't really care about blood status like his brother or sister, he was a Death Eater and vowed to only marry a pure-blood one day to keep the line going like his father had wanted.
Svetlana's hands went to her stomach and she felt a bit nauseated. Curse this little baby. Svetlana heard that he was indeed related to the Snow's, but she could not recall any information that her parents had given her. She could not recall a single thing. That was usually bad if she couldn't. Svetlana giggled, "No no, that isn't an issue. I have not heard any bad things about the Snow's, but I don't judge by families. I judge by the person and what they bring to the table." Though if only she had foreseen herself getting pregnant by James Dalton, then she could have stopped that event.

Then again, if she didn't get pregnant, she would have still been a *****. She had to owe it to James for enlightening her life and making her more responsible. Svetlana murmured, "I am indeed a pure-blood. So is the child I have managed to spawn because of a foolish action." Svetlana couldn't believe that she spilled that information out like that. Her hand went to her forehead and she shrugged. "Mistakes are mistakes, and belong in the past, right?" Svetlana tried to lighten the mood, but that wasn't going to happen as shame filled her brown eyes.
Leon listened intently, so she was a pure-blood that baser her opinion on people by their personality and not by blood or by the family history, that was truly interesting to him because it was rare to find a pure-blood nowadays that even thought remotely close to that. Their blood was dying out and people were becoming frantic with trying to keep it going, thanks to Alphonse and others though he was almost sure that it wouldn't be happening anytime soon. "Svetlana I must admit that you are very interesting, far more than I've seen from people in a long time." Leon stated with a soft chuckle as he side stepped around a small puddle that was on the street, there was no way he was going to get his shoes wet with mud like that. Leon was used to the company of his family, Nicolette, the friends of the children, or those Zhefarovich members that started appearing right after Nataliia and Nicolette's marriages. He had to admit that many of them he rarely talked to so he was used to not really having an interesting conversation with anyone but his younger sister really.

"Uh...your pregnant? Are you sure your husband would want you to walk around like this then?" He had froze for a second when she first announced that she was with child, but then realized it was no different than when he had to see any of the Snow family members pregnant, even if she was quite small for a pregnant woman. He wouldn't hold it against her though, he didn't know her well enough to invade her life to begin with plus he adored children...when they weren't bringing large amounts of germs into the house. "Mistakes often belong in the past miss, but this one will happen to live with you in th future too." Leon stated wisely, his icy blue orbs looking at her oddly as he did so. Svetlana viewed that baby as a mistake, did that mean that it wans't planned or that she was possibly forced into having one? Leon was far too curious for his own good now.
Svetlana also stepped around the puddle, not wanting to get her high-heels dirty. They cost way too much money to get them dirty this soon in the day. "Thanks, and you are among those for me." Svetlana was not used to receiving compliments unless she was wasted and partying or while she was revealing her body. Most of the compliments thrown her way were about her physical appearance, not about her personality. Svetlana felt a little flattered. Tints of rose breathed on her cheeks. "Yes, I am. I...I am not married. If the father of this child is my husband, I would be killing him," giggled Svetlana. She wasn't serious and she knew that she didn't have the heart to take someone's life. "When I mean by mistake, I think of my whole early teenage years as a mistake. I have to thank this baby for opening my eyes to reality, and growing up." Svetlana enjoyed opening up to Leon. He seemed really nice, even when Svetlana was trying not to swoon.
Leon turned a little red, not many girls stayed talking to him for so long because they found him extremely odd or frustrating, he liked this girl far more than he ended up liking most of them already, she was interesting, pretty, a pure-blood, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind about things. However when she mentioned she wasn't married he gave her an odd look, he had never really talked or interacted with a person who was having a child without being at least engaged if not married already. "Was he that bad of a guy or something?" He asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, if so he was definitely going to have to show this poor woman that not all men around here were a hopeless cause. Leon had yet to ever be rude to a lady like that and he wasn't going to start anytime soon.

"Growing up hmm? You seem perfect to me right now." He had to admit that he liked how she was now as well, so he had to thank that baby just as much as she did for changing her and such. Leon hoped that the poor girl had everything she needed for the baby as well, if not he was willing to help in any way he could.
"Well, it was more of a spur of the moment... I promised never to do that again unless I really like the man, and plan on actually...settling down." Svetlana brushed some of the fallen hair from her ponytail from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Her gaze was locked on the ground. She was a little - more than a little, she was completely ashamed of what she was doing before her baby was formed. Svetlana blamed herself mostly for it. She gave in so willingly. Laughing and blushing, Svetlana shook her head, "Thanks, I really appreciate the compliment. Growing up is is a lot better than how I was. But hey, the future is bright, right?" Svetlana was not usually this optimistic. Maybe it was her baby giving her such hope?
This girl sounded almost inspiring to him, Leon wished he had something to keep his going like that when he was down in the dumps from living with his family. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side lightly when some kids ran by and almost ran into her. "Sorry, I didn't want a collision." He smirked slightly and brought his hand up to run it through his soft brown locks, he was feeling a bit flustered down but ignored it all the same because he always got this way around pretty girls that he found interesting enough to not run away from.

"You have a place to stay and things for the baby right?" He asked with the smallest hint of a blush, he wanted to make sure that she was going to be alright because no woman should be without a home or the things she needed for her baby.
"Oh!" Svetlana gasped when Leon pulled her out of the way of the children running by. That would have caused her to have a miscarriage. That would have been so awful to endure. Svetlana's soft brown eyes locked on the children that didn't even apologize, but they soon landed on Leon once more. "Thanks, I guess I owe you one." She blushed a bit, and her hand patted his upper arm for a thank you instead of just saying it. Svetlana thought for a moment, remembering her apartment that she lives in. Two bedroom, nice and small, it was just perfect for her and the baby. "Um, yes, I do have an apartment and I have to set up the bedroom for the baby. But I want to know whether it is a girl or a boy first before I try to decorate the spare room," said the woman. She then inquired, "Why do you ask, Leon?"
Leon paused, he didn't think that she would ask why he wanted to know if she had everything she needed and he was a bit embarrassed because he sort of didn't know what to say to her without making it seem like he was being seedy with her. "Oh well um...I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed and this is awkward." He laughed and averted his gaze away from hers as he turned another light shade of red. Now he was just sounding like an idiot on front of a pretty girl, it was such a shame that he didn't have the skill to charm woman like his father and older brother did. They had woman at their feet within seconds, and they were rude as well at times.

"I do live in a manor though, and if you ever needed help..never be afraid to ask miss. Having kids is an honor you know." He smiled sheepishly, he had always wanted children of his own someday but never had the excuse to go out and find a woman yet. Plus he knew he would feel bad if he let his poor woman on her own without any help, he was much too kind and charming for that.
Svetlana couldn't help but laugh softly when he laughed as well. "Aren't you a kind one. That's not very common that I run into a man who wants to make sure a child that isn't even theirs is taken care of. I find that really nice and flattering," Svetlana smiled at him. Having children is an honor? Svetlana wouldn't know. She was just having her first one. "You...aren't married, are you. Nor do you have children..." If he didn't, Svetlana would be extremely shocked. How could such a nice guy go without being claimed already? Svetlana never really bothered to settle down herself, but now that she was thinking about it, she wondered why this man hadn't been able to.
Her compliments made him turn a light shade of red, usually only his sister Effie or occasionally Nicolette were ever this kind to him. Pausing for a moment, Leon tried to think of some simple way to answer to her question without completely revealing himself or without making a long lecture about it. It was a simple answer to him but everyone else never seemed to understand his reasons for anything and to him marriage was one of the most complicated things a human could do with their life. "No, I'm not married nor to I have any children of my own." Her saddened smile spread across his face, so far the only one of him and his siblings to have either was Alphonse. But of course Leon wanted wanted a family of his own, he had just hadn't found the perfect woman or reason for it yet, everything he did needed an action behind it before it made sense to him.

"I wouldn't mind having a family someday, I just haven't had the time nor have I found a woman who has managed to stick to me." He stepped closer to Svetlana, no matter how pretty she was or new to him, he figured he should respect her and not ask what had posessed her to sleep with a man she didn't love or at least like in the first place. She was too kind and gentle to be bothered by it right now.
Svetlana was needless to say - shocked. How couldn't he? He was charming, flattering, kind and not to mention just handsome. Though not having the time did not shock her. A bunch of people didn't have time for much, not really looking for someone to settle down and have a family with. But the last part confused her. He hasn't found a woman to stick by him. She wondered why: was he an alcoholic and beat women half to death or something? "Oh, well I definitely cannot see why that would be." Svetlana tugged at her purple robes, adjusting them so they were more comfortable on her shoulders. Her gaze fell away as he stepped closer to her. Feeling a bit bold, she inquired, "Leon, I would consider us friends, because I rarely open up to people. Would you like to stop by my apartment with me to get a drink or something? My apartment is very clean, you know." She playfully winked at him, and wondered what he had to say to that. "But I allow no alcoholic drinks in my home."
Svetlana seemed shocked that he wasn't married and that humored Leon in many ways, he had seen this reaction many times before from people that seemed to find it odd that he wasn't married yet. It was almost like those people expected someone like him to be married as soon as possible. Leon let out a small chuckle and he brought his hand up to softly rub the back of his neck, the look she had given him had also made him nervous about the thought of her judging him. "I can be difficult person to be around at times, plus my family is strict as hell. I'm still young no worries." He shrugged his shoulders as he tried to explain to Svetlana what he thought his reasons for not being married yet were. Leon had only just turned twenty-three not long ago though, so his hopes weren't diminished quite yet. after all none of his siblings but his brother had found someone yet so it's not like he's alone in that department.

The fact that Svetlana wanted to invite a person she had just met into her home struck Leon a little, the poor thing didn't know he was a Death Eater so he almost felt bad for sort of leading her on to think he was such a good guy. He may not be as bad as his older brother and such, but he still held a form of prejudice and would love to rid the world of filthy people. "Clean hm?" He teased realizing that she had picked on his little issue with having to have something be extremely clean before he went anywhere near it, if she thought he himself looked clean then she should see how clean he has to keep the Snow Manor in order to live in it. "I suppose I'll go with you, and perhaps no alcohol is for the best, I don't make the best decisions when drunk." Never again will he let his brother and Nicolette talk him into a drinking game, not only did he lose quickly, but they could do horrible things to him again when they realize he is that vulnerable. Looking at Svetlana he wondered if they were going to apparate, floo, or walk. He wouldn't mind broom or floo travel only he knew either of them would probably ruin the nice clothes he was wearing.
She had always thought that her family was strict, but then again, they were loosening their laws, as proven by her aunt when she married a muggle-born and created Dietrich and Damian. Damian would be a second year now, and Dietrich was finally dating someone. A male, but that did not bother Svetlana. She murmured, "My family is just protective. I guess you can call them...a laid-back family. They want me to be with another pure-blood, but they won't force something like that on me." Svetlana was glad that would be that. Her father didn't even know his blood type until he looked on the family tree. It just showed the names, pictures, and blood types, with of course birth dates and death dates.

Svetlana held out her hand for him to take. "Apparating would be the best. I live in Russia, but in the part that is still in Europe." The accent was evident, and she grinned. Not many people made best decisions when they were drunk, and Svetlana was not a drinker herself - not anymore that is.
Svetlana's family sounded pretty nice to Leon actually, he figured her family sounded like one he would have wanted to have for himself one day, but instead he got stuck with a bunch of pure blood bullies who seemed to do a better job at making themselves miserable over anyone else. "Your family sounds delightful, mine is just full of pure blood supremest bullies..wanna trade?" Leon teased lightly, not really meaning it about the family trading thing. He would never try to force family members upon someone so amazing like that, if he could barely stand them, they would surely drive this poor woman up a wall.

"Ahh, I've been to Russia a few times before. It's quite beautiful there." Leon knew that both Nicolette and Kasura were from the same country as Svetlana, all three of them all had really strong accents that could make a mans heart melt. "Just promise not to steal my kidney, or try to force me to marry you and we'll be fine." He grabbed Svetlana's hand and was fully prepared to go with her to wherever her home was, he trusted her not to kill him or anything. She seemed so sweet and harmless that he knew he would be fine and possibly make a lot of memories with a new friend tonight.
Svetlana giggled about trading families. She doubted that she would give up her family for the world. She adored them, and Svetlana wouldn't replace them for the world. Though she was raised in a rich home, and had everything she wanted, Svetlana had a hole missing, and she was dying to know what it was. "I couldn't take your kidneys," laughed the brunette, "Mine are functioning, and I don't plan on getting married anytime soon." Grasping his hand gently, she disapparated them and she opened her eyes to the living room of her apartment. It was nice, small and cozy. "Have a seat, anywhere." Svetlana crossed the room and perched herself on the couch. She fiddled with her hair and flashed a lovely smile at Leon.
Instantly Leon took an interest in looking around Svetlana's apartment, it was quite small but still as homey as the Snow Manor was itself. He found a seat on the couch and let his icy orbs gaze around the room over and over again, it was actually surprisingly clean too, it was nice to see a woman who could take care of herself. "This home is just about as charming as you are, Svetlana." He stated with a soft smile as he leaned back into the couch, she seemed to be the perfect woman that Leon was looking for in a possible partner for the rest of his life. But he was just really nervous about trying to make any sort of move on a pregnant woman, especially one who lived alone and seemed so sweet.

"So you really live yourself?" It would be so awkward to have a roommate or someone else walk in with her having some random person sitting on the couch. Plus it would be a lot easier to-no wait..Leon needed to keep clean thoughts here. He never had problems with this before so why would he be having them now when he had just met this person.
The young woman brought her legs underneath her, and her robes curtained the cushions of the couch about her. She figured that he was summing up the apartment in his mind. It was small, yes, and awfully clean. She didn't even have a house elf to mend to her. Though that would be ideal when she were to be a mother. Blushing, Svetlana murmured, "Thanks. I try to make it express the type of person I am in the heart." Never would she have been this charming, not while in school. She had a serpent's tongue, and she couldn't physically fight. She just acted like a ***** to keep those off her back, and Svetlana drove her own friends away at times. Maybe this baby was having an affect on her that even she didn't know, warming her icy heart. Svetlana gazed over at Leon and she laughed, "Yes, I do. I am contemplating on bringing a house elf from mom and dad's house to assist me when I get a little, um, bigger and after the baby is born." Svetlana wondered what was going through this male's head, and she studied him carefully.
Seeing as Leon was sitting on the same couch as Svetlana he noticed that he absently scooted closer to her on the couch, he was unsure why but his body just seemed to move on it's own. "Person you are at heart?" He asked slyly with a raised eyebrow, they were far closer than they were earlier and it almost creeped him out a little to notice that his body seemed to be doing things in it's own accord. Why was this particular woman having such an effect on him like she was, for some reason she made him feel more alive than he's ever felt in his life. Turning her grabbed her hand to grab her attention, what was making him so bold for once

"Svetlana, some reason you make me feel way more alive than I've felt in years, but I have no clue why." Leon said shaking his head and trying to clear his thoughts. It wasn't his place to be so bold with her like that because he knew he wasn't ready to go out and do anything big like dating or marriage with his life yet.

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