


Cris was sitting there relaxing and thinking about what to do with Lils. SHe was acting... well upset about something. He loves her but he just wants to know what is going on with her. That's when he seen Pez.

"Hey PEZ!"
"hey you." pez siad and walked over to where he was sitting and sat down infront of him.
" Oh ok.. I have a question can you help me with something? Please?"
"Earlier I go really upset with Lils and yelled at her will you help he clean and decorate my corrider with candles and all so that I can make it up to her please?"
" I just... Pez I love her and I really lost me temper the other day."
" I grabbed her wrist lout of angry and yelled at her. If you could have seent eh fight you. It was terrible."
Cris looked down. "To tell you the truth no. I'm not ok. I really loved Lils. And always will. I think that she knows that too, she jsut needs soem time to think about it. And just like I told her. I will give her the time she wants. I can't make her love me." Then a tear ran down is cheek. " But if it's want she wants, then it is what she wants."
"Um... Pez if I tell you something do you promise not to tell a living or dead soul?"
"yeah....wait why would i tell a dead soul?? thats creepy! anyway. go ahead." pez said looking at him and smiling waiting to see what he had to say.she thought it had to be pretty good for him not wanting her to tell anyone. he was prolly gonna do soemthing 'nice' for lilian to 'try' and make up.
"so what is it?!?!"pez said really wanting to know more and more.
" I think I really, really... love her. Like that I want to be with her forever. Idk though.. what do you think......? am I insane for thinking that?"

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