Things just aren't going right

Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Kate walked around Hogwarts worry lines etched on her face.She didn't know what was wrong with her lately.She seemed to be finding it hard to sleep and she always had very bad head aches.She was worried that there was something seriously wrong but she wanted to finish this year at Hogwarts so se wouldn't miss the exams or lose any study time but at the moment that wasn't working because with her head aches she found it hard to concentrate on anything but the pumping noise in her head.Most nights she spent tossing and turning in her bed frustrated that she couldn't sleep.She now dreaded the nights and classes too espcially with everyone talking and the effort of trying to concentrate was to much.Suddenly she couldn't wait for the holidays to come so she could relax and maybe see a doctor.Her parents would be furious o course that she didn't tell them but Kate pushed that to the back of her mind trying to focus walking and not on her thoughts or head ache.

She walked passed an empty classroom and for a minute she went back and looked through the doorway.She smiled remembering Rose's party in her from first year.She shook her head trying to comprehend what had happened since then.She wasn't sure had it all been for the better ut there was nothing she could do about it now but move on.She walked into the classroom and stood by the window.She took a peek out and looked at the people down bellow.She sat down on the window ledge and opened the widow so her feet could hang over the side.She knew this was far from safe but she didn't care.She wanted some space and fresh air.
Tara was walking along the second floor corridor. when she saw a familiar head in front of her. she tried to catch up with her friend Kate however a group of second years decided that that would be the perfect moment to leave what ever class they had. she just had chance to see her friend go through a door. after the younger students dispersed she was able to reach the door and go through. she saw Kate was sitting on the edge of the window. she didn't want to disturb her friend and cause her to fall she knocked on the door to alert Kate to her presence before making her way across the room. "Kate are you okay?" she asked, kate hadn't seemed like herself recently and she wondered if she could do anything to help her friend.
Kate started without meaning to thinking about life.She had had her ups and downs.But all those ups and downs had started when she had entered Hogwarts,when she had met new people.It was because if these things that she was they we she was today(excluding the illness).She had grown up so quickly over the past three years and she had accomplished lots even though some people might think one or two weren't. She was able to do magic,she had made friends she would keep for life,she possible found the person she loved,she had lost a sister and became anorexic for six months.It was strange that it was these things that had defined her.You couldn't call all of them accomplishments some were just disasters but none the less she was who she was today because of them.She was sure a lot more things would contribute and she was looking forward to the bumpy ride ahead.She guessed at the moment she had met one of her bumps.Even though she was sitting by a window with fresh air flowing in,she still felt her head ache and she could hear her heart beat was faster then usually.She stated taking deep breaths and closed her eyes.When she heard a familiar voice her eyes opened and the breathing stopped.She looked around and managed a smile "I'm grand,could be a small bit better but nothing major"Kate said.This was technically both the truth and a lie and she felt terrible lying to her friend but she didn't want to admit it to anyone that she was sick. "Do you want to sit down"She said indicating the space beside her.If Tara was afraid of heights she would move.Kate herself had a fear of heights but it wasn't a serious one and at the moment she wasn't up to high.
Tara made her way over to the window and stood next to her friend. she had been keeping an eye on kate recently and she knew that she wasn't herself. however she hadn't had a good opportunity to talk to her friend. they were always doing something, either in class, the great hall, in the busy dorm, or if they were somewhere good it just wasn't the right time. she had gone through her own sets of problems at the start of the year after a distressing holiday. Kate had helped her through, now she wanted to help kate with whatever it was that she was going through. she heard kate say that she was fine she smiled. "Thats good, but now how are you really?" she asked, looking kate in the eye. at the offer of a seat she sat down in the empty space. she knew that now she was well on the way to leaving the past in the past even if she couldn't help the feelings she had for Dymetris, but she was leaning that the past was the past, and was learning to live with her deal. she knew that it was a good deal compared with what many others had and she was thankful for it. she had started a while ago to add colours to her pictures again, and a few weeks ago she had ventured to the north tower for the first time all year.
OOCOut of Character:
i hope you don't mind if i make tara think that there is something up with her. but i would think that she would notice as they are close friends and in the same dorm
OOCOut of Character:
No bother :)

Kate knew Tara thought something was up especially when she asked was she okay again.She wasn't sure whether she liked it or not.She didn't like to be helped but that hadn't gone so well last year so maybe she should give it a try though she wasn't completely sure what was wrong with her.Also Kate felt she owed it to Tara who had told her everything and Kate felt she should be just as honest.She waited for Tara to sit down glad she didn't have a fear of heights as Kate was enjoying where she was sitting.When Tara was settled Kate looked out the window. "Well to be honest I don't think everything's okay"Kate said her voice quiet. "Lately I haven't been able to sleep and when I do I always wake up my heart pumping and all sweaty.Also I have these headaches all the time and I can never concentrate and there are times when I feel totally panicky I feel as if I'm about to have a heart attack."Kate said her shoulders feeling as if a slight weight had been lifted of their shoulders.It felt good to of told someone her worries and possibly tell her what to do.
Tara saw the expression on Kate's face change, from her usual kate expression to something that looked a lot more vulnerable. she loosened as her friend talked about how she was feeling. she gave kate a hug and thought about what she should say. "that certainly doesn't sound normal, maybe you should go and see the nurse." she said thoughtfully. then she had an idea. she sat up straighter and looked at her friend. "Have you ever tried Meditation, or yoga? that may help you feel less panicky" she said she wasnt sure if her sugestion would make her fully better, but she hoped that it would help. it was what many people at home did to relax, calm down. she herself spent at least a couple of mornings a week meditating in the grounds before class, (or if it was cold in one of the towers). she had over her time at the school purposely tried to not to use her beliefs for show, or try and make the others practice them. however she was pretty sure that her suggestion wasn't too pushy.
Kate nodded.She had thought of going to the nurse but she didn't want to be sent home she wanted to lats till the end of the year.She wasn't exactly sure why this was but it was and she was going to make it.It probably wasn't that serious and who knows after a while it might fade away.BUt Kate had the distinct feeling that it wouldn't.Kate looked up when Tara suggested meditation.Kate had never thought of that and she had to say it was a very good idea. "Okay,yeah that sounds good"Kate said her hopes lifting.Kate was starting to get a headache and she just wanted it to go away. "How do you do it?"Kate asked,crossing her legs in front of her.
Tra was glad that Kate had liked her idea, but now she realised that she had to follow through with it and explain how it was done. she thought for a moment and then got up. "I will show you, just give me a second" she said. she headed over to the cupboard in the corner of the room and was thankful that the room had probably been used for charms or defence against the dark arts in the past as she found a pile of cushions. she took the top two from the stack and headed back to kate. she but both of them on the floor facing each other. "okay this is the easiest way. come and sit down" she said gesturing to one of the cushions whilst taking her seat on the other. "now sit strait and comfortably. let your eyes partially close to wherever they feel most comfortable. now try and focus on your breathing, nothing else. let all of the other thoughts in your mind go, you just need to concentrate all of your energy on each breath" she said in a calming tone. before waiting for kate to follow her instructions.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry I thought I had replyed to this :r sorry its so short btw

Kate watched as Tara found to cushions and gave one to Kate. Kate sat opposite Tara on the cushion and crossed her legs which she found more comfortable. She then listened to Tara's instructions and set to work straight away.She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.She then tried to clear her mind which was easier said than done. Little thoughts kept popping up in her mind but she persevered and soon she was clear of thought. Unsure as to what was next she waited for Tara's next instruction.
OOCOut of Character:
thats okay, i have been pretty bust this week with a different plot anyway

Tara watched as kate started meditating, she had forgotten how hard it was to meditate when you hadn't don't it before. "you need to focus on your breathing and your mind will clear itself. try and imagine that there is a white light around you and every time you breath in you breath it in and it is warm, calm and peaceful, and when you breath out you are letting go all of your problems, and anything that you don't like. she said wondering if kate felt any better.
Kate was in her "Happy Place". Her heartbeat was at a normal pace,her headache had decreased in severity and overall she felt at peace. She was extremely grateful to Tara.If she hadn't come into this room Kate would still be feeling panicky and her headache would be nearly unbearable.Kate knew she was far from better but at least this would help her until she knew what was fully wrong.After what seemed a long time to Kate she opened her eyes and let the present day come crashing down.She felt much better and she couldn't wait to tell Tara. "Thank you so much Tara,that has definitely helped me"Kate said getting off her cushion and giving Tara a huge hug.Her current problem had been bothering her for weeks and now she had some way of making it better and all because of Tara.It was time like these that Kate fully appreciated a good friend,it would be impossible to live with put one.

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