Things I Never Thought I'd Say

Leon Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
Really weird but oddly enough exciting things had been happening around Leon lately, a lot of it either involve his family or just general news out in the world that he found to be more exciting than what usually happened. His niece had fallen in love, his nephew was dating someone he was being force to married, Danielle had returned, and Svetlana had recently had a baby that she had put under his last name. A lot of it was just adding it up to make Leon a much happier person than he had been for the longest time, and that had led up to his wanting to do something really drastic just to make his life even that much more exciting. However if did require him to seek help in his sisters because they knew a lot about the things that woman liked, while Leon was a little clueless about everything he needed to know. It had come to his attention that over time he developed strong feelings for Svetlana, maybe even considered to admitting he loved her which is something he never quite ever saw himself falling into.

He had owled her not to long ago and asked her to meet him somewhere in Italy, it had been some time since they had seen one another since the baby was born and not only did he miss her but he had an important question to ask her, hopefully he had the guts to muster it. Running swift fingers through his soft brown hair he made sure no dirt had gotten onto his nice clothes, even after all this time he still had an issue with getting dirt on himself because he was constantly afraid he was going to get sick. 'Svetlana better hurry, I'm starting to get worried.' He thought to himself worriedly as his ice eyes scanned the streets carefully, the longer this was going to take the more his nerves were going to grow and make it harder for him.
Things could not have been better for Svetlana right now. She could recall giving a natural birth to Sophia Valerie, and looking up into Leon's eyes when she named her little baby. Svetlana put Sophia in a cute little pink dress, and she cooed at her pure-blood daughter, "Oh, we are going to Italy today!" Svetlana wore a cute dress. Svetlana had still a bit of weight on her bones from childbirth, but it didn't matter much at all. Svetlana brought her tiny daughter to her chest, cradling her as she made sure she had everything. A little carrier, a diaper bag... Svetlana was a set mother. She was still nineteen when she gave birth to Sophia. The next day, she was twenty. Happy Birthday, old girl!

Svetlana apparated to the location, and she gazed around. The sun was shining, and though winter had settled in nicely, Svetlana was used to much harsher winters. Sophia was wrapped in a furry pink blanket so she would not get sick either. Svetlana spotted the man that brought joy in the young woman's life. Svetlana called out, "Leon!" She waved with one of her arms, though the stylish diaper bag weighed down her arm. Whatever he had planned was out of Svetlana's knowledge. She assumed that they were going to go eat in a fancy restaurant.
Leon shifted his body away from the wall he was leaning against and moved his head to let loose a soft but always charming smile when he saw Svetlana and little baby Sophia with her, they were both quote a charming pair. "Hey, you look stunning today." He said as he stepped over to Svetlana and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, as soon as that was said his attention turn to the small baby where he smiled and gave the child a small kiss on the cheek as well, even though this child wasn't exactly his he adored her all the same and treated her as if she were. Leon was surprisingly great with kids, after all the years he had spent raising Teddy and Alyssa he figured he would have to have some sort of talent with children. "Do you want me hold Sophia for you?" He asked glancing at Svetlana lovingly, although he wasn't a master at holding babies he knew the proper way to hold them and it looked like Svetlana could use maybe a moment or two to settle herself and take a breather while he tended to the baby.

"I hope it's not a bother that I asked you out for dinner today, it's been awhile since we've done much together." With her just giving birth and him being busy with all the family things that have been going on lately he had unfortunately been unable to spend as much time with the woman he loved as he would have liked to. Alphonse had yet to been told of Leon's plan but it didn't matter because Leon really wanted to do this and he could care less if his brother had a fit or not. "You'll have a nice time, I promise." He smirked lightly and brushed his suit off again, he figured Svetlana had gotten used to his super clean ways by now because she didn't really seem to notice or comment on how he always seemed to be cleaning things or dusting himself off. His issue with him feeling constantly sick though was something he hid form her well, maybe with her being around he was starting to lose a little more of that disorder in his system.
The tiny kiss was enough to brighten this woman's day. Svetlana could no longer be called a teenager anymore. It was almost a relief to leave behind her worst years of a fake attitude. Now, she has blossomed into a tan, brunette of a flower. "You look just as handsome as ever," complimented Svetlana in her Russian accented voice. Sophia let out a soft cry, and Svetlana sighed. She cuddled with the baby, but she seemed a little excited. Did she want to be held by Leon already? Sure is going to be a daddy's girl... Well, a kind-of-daddy's-girl, thought Svetlana. She would be damned if she gave Sophia the last name 'Dalton'. Svetlana smiled, "I think that is what she is wanting anyway..." Slowly, yet cautiously, she handed over the bundle of pink blankets wrapped around the bundle of joy.

Softly, she shook her head, "No, of course not Leon. I'd be happy to do anything with you." Svetlana winked at him, but she was not in the mood for various activities. Not when she still had her own weight to get rid of. Plenty of walks was helping with that. Though she didn't mind the bigger-anyways, Svetlana adjusted her bag on her shoulder, and she laughed, "I just hope I won't be craving peanut-butter and bananas again. Well, that is a good combination actually. Where do you plan on taking me? You should know it is never a bother." Svetlana would have playfully punched him on the shoulder, but since Sophia was now over in his arms, that would not be the smartest idea.
Leon prided himself with the fact that it seemed like Sophia wanted to be held by him, he had always wanted a baby of his own and of course she pretty much is daughter now so it was always a tender feeling to be able to hold 'your child' in your arms. "She's so small. I've always wanted kids" He commented and kiss her atop her small head, as he carefully rocked her he nodded his head in a random direction telling Svetlana to follow him to the Restaurant that he had planned on them going for a nice meal and the surprise he had been planning for quite some time. He also wanted to make sure that the small baby didn't stay in the cold too long because he didn't want her to get sick.

"I'd hope you would, otherwise my entire idea for this night would be ripped apart. Peanut butter and bananas, weird mix." Then again she was a baby so he couldn't really say all that much about what she liked to eat, even if he wasn't that fond of peanut butter for some reason. It stuck to his mouth and took him forever to get the taste out and to stay out instead of sticking to his teeth and everything, Sophia was lucky she didn't have teeth yet then. "I'm actually not sure of the name of the place, my sisters picked it out. They helped me plan this whole night, it was important that they do and you'll see why later." Leon led Svetlana to the place there were eating at and didn't hesitate to have her seated and to have a place for place out too. The moment he sat down himself though he began to feel the nerves filling up inside him as if he were about to be shot right then and there. He was pretty sure that if Svetlana noticed the look on his face she would become either creeped our or worried for him, he looked distressed but only because he was nervous.
Svetlana wanted to say, I'd give them to you, but her mouth remained closed. She did not want to get pregnant anytime soon right now. Having children in such close ages were chaotic. She remembered visiting Dietrich and his many children, and they were all living with him and under three-years-old. Maybe older, Svetlana could not remember. To Svetlana, Sophia's father was Leon, not that other man. Svetlana did not care to seek out James and tell him about Sophia, but chances were, she would never see him again, hopefully. Svetlana preferred this man with her over them all. Svetlana started to walk in the direction where he nodded his head toward. She placed a tanned hand upon his arm.

"They were good...when I was pregnant. I think Sophia will turn out to be a sweetie," Svetlana gazed over at her baby, and she smiled. She had very little hair, but it was chocolate, just like her mom's. Svetlana gave Leon a weird look and she laughed softly, "You are making me rather curious, you know. Is this a special dinner or just one that will impress my sandals off?" Svetlana glanced down at her heels, and she couldn't resist a shudder as a tiny gust passed through the area. "In any case, I think we need to hurry and find this place, cause I sure did not wearing anything to protect my legs." Her arms were protected by her white wrap, but the long legs were bare as can be.
Leon tried to avoid looking at Svetlana's legs when she commented about her not having anything to protect her legs, he loved those long legs of hers but figured he shouldn't say anything so he could avoid making any vulgar comments that would upset her. "Were here anyways, no need to worry hun." He gave her a charming smile as they stopped in front of the fancy Restaurant doors. Leon opened the door for Svetlana with one hand and ushered her inside so she wouldn't get any colder than she already was plus Sophia was beginning to get a little restless from being out in the cold so long, or at least he thats why he assumed she was. Grabbing Svetlana's hand softly he led her over the table that he had reserved for them and pull out her chair for her just like his mother told him he should always do for a lady when he went out when he was younger. "I bet Sophia will end up looking just like you when she gets older." He commented as he set Sophia down in the baby chair that he had brought out for them, looking at the small baby he became curious as to what the actual father looked like. So far all he saw when he looked at her was Svetlana, as much as he considered her to be his child he was envious that she was not his by blood.

Sitting down in his own chair he was thankful that the waiter had not crowded to them yet because he was a bit overwhelmed that he was here with her and considering to spend the rest of his life with her. "I'm sure you'll remember tonight for a long time." He answered hesitantly, every girl dreamed about being in love and having a family from what he gathered by listening to his sisters and other female family members. Leon himself never pictured he would have a family, he thought he would always end up in his brothers shadow being bitter and hating the world like everyone else who lived in that Manor too long seemed to do. "So tell me...have you ever thought about what you've wanted for your future? Like.. a job, family, world domination?" He said the last part with a small laugh, he just wanted to know how she saw or how she wanted her life to go from this point. He would try to support her in anything she wanted to do, but since he was only human he could only go so far to help Svetlana achieve her goals.
Svetlana could not resist thinking Men… when she caught the look Leon had cast toward her legs. You would think that even after you saw every bit of a women, you would get used to seeing those legs. Guess not. Svetlana giggled softly as Leon announced that they had arrived. Of course, she wasted no time entering the restaurant when the door was opened for her. Svetlana only smiled once more when she saw her little one getting a little restless. She was just changed, there was no way she needed a new diaper already. Svetlana doubted she was hungry as well. Svetlana followed Leon’s lead to the table, and she sat down when he pulled the chair out for her like a gentleman. She flattened her dress against her bronze thighs, and she smiled softly. “I hope so. I couldn’t imagine someone so perfect looking like her biological father,” Svetlana said with a small, nervous laugh at the end. She did her best to ignore the fact that Sophia’s father was not at all a decent man.

“I remember every night with you, Leon. You should know that,” Svetlana winked one of her eyes at him, and she wondered what she should have to drink. No alcohol. Svetlana did not want to do that anymore. Sure, she wasn’t addicted to it, but it was still a bit…horrid to wake up to in the morning. Hangovers were the worst. Svetlana gave Leon a funny look, before she burst into soft laughs, “World domination? Oh please, this world could not use so many of me out there. I am a Transfiguration professor at Durmstrang. That is about it. I’ve always wanted my own hair-styling salon. As for a family, I’m not entirely sure of yet. I have Sophia, and I have you. What more is there to ask for?” As far as Svetlana was concerned, she had her future. Right in front of her. But she wasn’t thinking about marriage or anything. To her, she just took a few steps at a time, and allowed the world to come at her, not the other way around. Svetlana knew that her old schoolmates were either in a relationship, had children, or they were married or engaged. The only one without children was Demitris, the oldest of the group and the man she used to lust so much after. That was all it was, lust.
Leon couldn't resist a deep chuckle rising in his throat at her words about Sophia's real father, he was unsure if Svetlana knew how amusing her words could be at times. "Is he really that ugly?" Leon asked jokingly, although he was unsure what the man looked like he guessed from Svetlana's words that she didn't find him all that appealing, in fact he wondered how the two of them even knew each other in order for them to be comfortable enough to sleep with one another. Even as much as he figured her words should make him feel better, Leon knew he had no room to claim he was that much of a better man than the other man was. "I should not talk as if I'm some saint though." He muttered softly as he quickly ordered himself an unsweetened iced tea when the waiter asked if he would like anything to drink. Leon was a death and was from one of the few meanest Wizarding families around. He's even harmed others before, and thought of himself better than others so he knew he was not perfect like a lot of people seemed to think he was.

"Hair-styling salon? I didn't know you were even into that sort of stuff." That must explain why her hair always seemed to perfect, she was really good at making it always look amazing, he always loved being able to rub his fingers through her hair when they cuddled together in bed or on the couch when he was over. Svetlana's answer reminded him that once long ago Leon had be convinced he was going going to be part of a Circus...boy did that dream die fast once he went to Hogwarts. "What about....marriage?" He asked casually after a moment, it was so casual it sounded almost as if he were merely asking her about the weather. Taking a quick sip of his tea he tended to Sophia to see if she were doing alight and stopped fussing, for some reason he felt unable to meet Svetlana's gaze directly.
Svetlana could not resist the blush that arose on her bronze cheeks when he asked if James was really that ugly. Svetlana couldn't say no, nor could she say yes. It was merely an one-time thing, in a meadow, and that was it. James wasn't very passionate, but it was enough to make her swoon. Leon had better talents though. They won her over so much, and Svetlana purposely evaded the question. Svetlana ordered a fruit juice, and she turned to Leon. She smiled, "Oh, but you are a saint to me, darling." Svetlana saw no wrong in Leon. Though her family were against the Death Eaters, it was almost romantic. Like a Romeo and a Juliet tale that has been twisted to the cliched versions of love instead of the truthful meaning of lust. Svetlana wasn't too keen about the Death Eaters yet, she had no opinion for them.

"I am very fashionable. It comes from my mom's side of the family. My dad's has this huge broom making company in the depths of Russia. It was natural I took up with mom's interests and genes." Svetlana ran her fingers through her wavy hair. Though it could appear to be perfect, Svetlana was normal. She had her wacky days where her hair did not want to cooperate with her. So, she would tie it into a ponytail. Also known as a lazy day. Svetlana took a drink of her fruit juice when it has arrived, and then the question rolled off his tongue which almost made her choke. Svetlana coughed slightly, and took a napkin to her lips. Breathing a little heavily, and nervously, she stammered, "M--marriage?" It took her off guard. Well, it was every woman's dream to get married to a prince one day. Even Svetlana's. She thought for a moment, regaining her sweet posture, "Um, I've thought about it, and well, I haven't really gotten a clue about it. I want to be married one day, but well..." Svetlana faded off. She couldn't say that she didn't expect herself to get married. "I guess it is a plan that I have secretly been dreaming of, but have yet to truly grasp it."
Leon took her evading the question as a sign that he should drop it because it was something she could not answer, it did not worry him though because if she preferred that man over him he would be here right now with Svetlana and little baby Sophia instead of it being Leon. It almost made him think back to his youthful days, until he had met Svetlana he never really spend much time with girls because not only was he extremely shy but his brother tended to hog all the pretty ladies that Leon had become slightly interested in. "You haven't known me long enough to know the bad things I've done though, Svetlana." He smiled almost shyly, he would do anything for her even if that meant him admitting his crimes in the past to her, he knew his brother would not allow it but he didn't care what his brother thought when it came to the choices he made with the woman he was in love with.

"Maybe I should have you do my hair sometime." He teased her a little, he wondered if she could actually do his hair and make it look good. His knew for a fact that neither of his sisters could so he usually just left this hair alone and gelled it back when it was bothering him. Leon was a beauty or hair person, he actually wasn't much of anyone but a shy guy who barely stood out in the world except for his last name and maybe some of the crimes he's done, Svetlana was the only person who made him feel like he wasn't just another person in the world. "Svetlana...I love you. And I have a question for you....a serious question." Leon was quite red by now, and as much as he wanted to just quit and run out of the restaurant he wanted this so he knew he would have to be brave and have hopes that she wanted this as much as he wanted it.
Svetlana knew that two could play at that game. She herself was a horrid person of her past, caused one of her former friends to break up with the love of their life. Well, they are married now, so it worked out in the end. Svetlana remembered all the pain that she had caused people, and it was just awful. She couldn't reveal this to Leon, not ever. She sighed and she nodded. "I understand. The past is the past, and it doesn't need to weigh down the present nor does the future need to depend on the past." Svetlana smiled softly and nervously at Leon. Oh how handsome he was! He struck her breathless. She took another drink of her fruit juice so her mouth wasn't completely dry.

"Oh I'd love to!" Svetlana said with a small laugh. She loved to work with hair, and working on Leon's seemed like a dream come true. Show him the proper hair products to use, and all this great stuff. Svetlana was really excited about stuff like this. Then again, she was also excited over being a Transfiguration professor too. Could she abandon her kids? Svetlana doubted she could. Not until she was in her late twenties. "I love you too, Leon. Please, ask away." Svetlana gave him a soft concerning look. What was he going to ask her with his face red, and looking quite embarrassed and stressed? Svetlana connected the conversation in her mind. Oh...he couldn't be asking... Could he? Svetlana's heartbeat started to increase, as each second passed.
Leon was thankful that Svetlana seemed to do a good job at explaining that she was not all that worried about his many mistakes he's committed in the past. As of right now he was going to focus on the future and making it much more easy to remember than his cruel childhood had been, as long as the people he cared about remained in his life he was sure that everything would turn out fine. "Perhaps I should have you tell that to my brothers and sisters sometime...they could use some of your advice." Leon stated as his hand reached across and encased her smaller hand with his, All together Leon had two brothers and three sisters and they were quite a handful to deal with at times. Leon was probably closest with his youngest sister though because they were the youngest out of the bunch and were raised together longer than they were raised with anyone else. When Svetlana said she'd love to do his hair sometime he couldn't contain his laughter and small smile, he just hoped she was more steady with the scissors than some people were.

Leon's hearted swelled when Svetlana said she loved him too, she also told him to ask way which meant he couldn't back out now...even if he felt like he was about to pass out. Shakily he reached into his pocket and grasped that little black box he had been dreading to look at while it was on his dresser at home and pulled it out of his jacket. 'Seriously I don't know how most men do this without passing out.' Leon thought to himself as he gently lowered himself down onto one knee right in front of Svetlana and open the small black box to reveal a gorgeous Engagement Ring that gleamed in the light of the Restaurant. He knew he was being bold and that he could possibly get rejected, but he was much to far along to stop now and take back what he said. "Svetlana, I know we haven't known each other that long but..will you marry me?" Leon couldn't believe he had just gotten that out without throwing up or passing out, but as he shakily held the ring out to Svetlana he prayed that she would say yes to him.
“Perhaps you should.” Svetlana smirked a bit before she gazed down at their hands. She smiled warmly as she lovingly stroked Leon’s hand with her own. She adored this man so much, but she wasn’t aware of Leon being a Death Eater. She might not have formed an opinion on that matter, but it would still upset her. Svetlana was not sure about doing anything, as she was raised that everyone was equal. Yet, it was sheer coincidence when her child was born from two pure-bloods, and the love of her life happens to be one. It was nothing more of coincidence. “Perhaps I should.” Svetlana was a being of light. There was no evil bone in her body. She didn’t think that there were killings done, everywhere, to this day. Death Eaters, murderers, insane people, Svetlana was about to get thrown into that, and she wasn’t even aware of it.

When Svetlana saw him lower down to one knee, Svetlana gasped. Sophia managed to make a funny noise as well, as if she knew what was going on the entire time. Svetlana bit the inside of her lip. Oh God, oh God, don’t faint! thought Svetlana urgently in her mind. She could have cried, if her tear ducts were working. When that engagement ring popped out, she knew what was coming. The words phased through her mind, and Svetlana wanted to just pounce on him. Yet, she was much too classy to do that, especially in front of Sophia. Svetlana couldn’t find her voice to answer. Instead, she took the ring, and she gazed down at it. Svetlana murmured, her heart swelled with joy, “I… Yes, I accept.” Slowly, Svetlana slid the ring on her left ring finger, and her brown eyes gathered some moisture. That is…before she fainted.
Leon honestly felt like he was going to burst into a million pieces when Svetlana accepted his proposal and took the ring from him to put it on her own finger. She honestly looked more shocked than anything else which she couldn't be blamed for, this was going to be a huge step in their lives and futures that it was almost hard to believe that it had changed for them so suddenly. But no matter how happy he felt there was something naggy feeling in his heart as well; what was his family going to say and think about the whole situation between him and Svetlana? Leon loved her and she was a pure blood so even though he saw absolutely no problem with it, his siblings, family members and even those that work with the family might not see it the same way he did and not like the idea of the marriage. But he could care less of what they didn't or did like about it because this was his life and his decision to go out and get married, he was the second of his siblings to do it so he supposed he would be the Guinea pig to test and see how Alphonse would react to have a sibling get married.

"Oh god Svetlana!" Leon gasped when she fainted right before he eyes, with utmost hurry and care he made sure that she didn't hit the floor or anything as he gently rested her head in his lap. The worry he was feeling right was expressed in his eyes as he gently felt her forehead to make sure she wasn't sick or anything, it appeared she had merely fainted from shock. He asked for a waiter to bring him a glass of water as he tried to wake Svetlana up. Svetlana honey...please wake up." If she didn't wake soon he would have no choice but to ask for a healer or something, he was sure it wasn't big but he always got really worried over her safety and such and wanted to make sure she was okay. He shook her gently, trying to find some way other than dumping water on her to wake her up.
Svetlana was in a world of blackness, but it only lasted a moment. Her brown eyes flickered open to see an angel hovering over her. Svetlana slowly lifted her hand to her forehead and she moaned softly. The engagement ring shone in the light, and it made a twinkle in the woman’s eye. “I…guess I suffer from faintness when I am in shock.” Svetlana suppressed a small giggle, and she added. “I guess eating right now would be out of the question. I am so happy, I am. I think my body needs to adjust to it. I’m fine, darling, I am.” Svetlana wanted to assure Leon. How could she though? Slowly, she sat up and pecked his cheek. He was so sweet, and Svetlana loved him to death. As long as she did not have to have a rushed wedding, only then would she be truly a princess in a fairytale. With Leon as her Prince Charming.
Leon sighed in relief when Svetlana came to, he wouldn't need to take her to St Mungos or have to worry that she was sick or something. Leon lifted her face a little so he could kill her softly on the lips then help her up so she wasn't on the floor anymore in the middle of the restaurant where everyone was staring at her and everything. "Thank you so much, you don't realize how happy this makes me." He kissed her again and pulled her smaller form close to him in a tight embrace as he tried to imagine how the the future might be now that he was engaged with the most amazing woman and had a child that wasn't exactly his but he considered her to be his daughter regardless. He was happy that things finally seemed to make sense for him and that for once he could feel the happiness and love that he had seen in all those books his mother had read to him as a child and such.

"I hope you won't mind if this is a long engagement. We have many things we need to do and I feel it's best if we inform out...families as well. Plus if were going to move and everything." There was a lot of planning to be done and not so much time to do it, the thing that worried him the most though was trying to talk to his family about this whole situation. If anything he knew Effie would be ecstatic because she adored Svetlana. But hos four other siblings have yet to meet her and might not be as excited.
Svetlana could only sigh when he embraced her like so. She wrapped her arms around him, and she nuzzled into his chest. Never had she been so happy in her life. It was all too wonderful. She stared up at him, and she smiled beautifully, “Yes, we do. So many things to plan, so much family matters. My mom should adore you. Dad, I don’t know about him. Then my cousins, the Metzger’s… I would have to meet all the Snows and all that. We can discuss this at a later time. I do think… We should go my apartment to celebrate.” Svetlana gazed over at Sophia, who was slowly falling asleep. She gasped softly and went to hold her baby. Her brown eyes landed on Leon once more as she cuddled her child. Perhaps it would be best to pay for the drinks, and just leave. She wasn’t in the mood for eating anyway. She just wanted some alone – family time.
Leon suddenly became nervous again, the thought of meeting Svetlana's family excited him but made him really nervous at the same time. He was afraid that they would not except him because he could be a little strange at times, or maybe that had heard about the Snows and disliked their family because of the terrible things they had done and were still doing to innocent people today. "I can't wait to meet your family. I'm sure most of my family will love's my oldest brother and his twin that I'm nervous about." All the younger ones should be fine but Alphonse and Anastasia were often suspicious and weary of new people they didn't know well into the family without their permission first. Thats why they usually tried to put the younger ones into Arranged marriages now, Theodore was the guinea pig for this method and so far it seemed to be going well so who knows if he would be done again. Leon would not budge though, he loved Svetlana so much and he was going to make them see that, god forbid that someone in the family actually fell in love with honest intentions.

"Celebrate, hm?" He chuckled and softly kissed her cheek before his eyes fell to baby Sophia. Celebrating could mean various things with her, but regardless he knew he would be happy anyways because just having a family and being with them gave him more happiness then his childhood family ever had. "Care to lead the way gorgeous?" He held out his arm, he was unsure if they were going to apparate or not but he often needed to be reminded on where Svetlana lived thanks to his poor memory he was gifted with during his childhood.

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