There Goes My Life

Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose

The hardest part of Imogen's day was the end. After having picked Pixie up from school, she would have to walk with the young girl all the way back to the house, while also picking up lots of bits and bobs that they needed. Pixie tended to be slow at the end of the day, and after being on her feet all day, Imogen longed for to just sit down and sleep, but there was a lot more for her to do. Looking after a sibling was really a lot harder without any support. Before in Wales, Imogen had to at least never worry about money. Now, she had everything to worry about. For some reason, on this day Pixie, was a lot more active and jumpy than usual. She was singing, and talking hyperactively about how good her day was. Imogen wondered how her sister could be that hyper, with the whole night ahead of them. Imogen directed Pixie to a bit of green away from the main street. She took a seat and then watched as Pixie played and ran around. It wasn't often that Imogen decided to just sit, and let her sister be a child, without the worries of someone else become hers. Imogen didn't mind sitting with the sun beaming down on her face, no matter that it was a weak sun. She just let herself feel encircled by it. The light and slight warmth. Imogen looked around her, she did feel self concious about how it looked. Imogen knew that people would think of her badly. They would assume things about Immy without bothering to get to know her. It wasn't something Imogen liked, she prefered to hide it, since it really did upset her. She was just like any other person, providing for someone, who couldn't provide for themselves. She might have quit school to do it, but what had to be done, had to be done. Imogen didn't feel wrong in her decision to quit school. She might have made a better decision about what to do, if she had spoken to some about it. But, none of her friends were there and Imogen assumed that none of them would've cared or understood what she was saying. To most it just seemed like she was throwing her life away for someone else.

The solid truth about Imogen was that, she a family girl. Family was important to her. She wanted to have a family. A perfect little family. She knew she didn't have a perfect family. But as long as she stuck with her sister, and guided her sister down the right path, then she knew she was doing right. If one of them could come up with a wholesome education and a family, then Imogen would be happy, even if it wasn't her. She was happy, being with her sister, and doing what she did. As happy as a person, who worked everyday, and got no real breaks could be happy. Imogen watched her sister play, (her sister was currently playing with another young child) and smiled to herself.While not all was perfect, Imogen couldn't deny, seeing a happy Pixie, made her smile.
Nathan had been busy these days. He had to find a job. His saved money was slipping as day passed by. He decided to take a sit first and inevitably thought about his sister. His sister,Natalie, was a wonderful gift for him though others thought that she is a burden that if Nathan let go, he'll be successful. As Nathan ponder the thought about his life without his squib sister,he can't avoid hating himself even for thinking. His sister has been his lucky charm. But he can't avoid thinking about his life if his sister was a witch. Natalie could be in school and they could still live with their family. Nathan hated the fact of the squib's status in the society.

Nathan was forced to get Natalie out of the house because their parents despises Natalie. Now, he was struggling to survive. Fortunately, he still have a good neighbor who didn't mind that Natalie was a squib and did a great favor to look over her. Still, Nathan wanted to go home and to look after her sister by himself. Though Nathan and Natalie were step-sisters/brothers they love each other very much. That's the main reason why Nathan haven't had friends - he was stuck to his sister all his life - but he didn't mind.

On a nearby chair, Nathan saw a girl who was watching her sister playing. Nathan smiled, maybe they were sharing the same fate. He decided to sit beside the girl who looks like younger than him and hoped that she didn't mind. He can leave if he wants to.

"Hi!," Nathan Greeted, and continued, "Your sister?" he asked as he pointed his finger on the child the the girl was looking.

Odd as it was, sitting alone watching someone else have fun, was beginning to feel weird. Immy loved seeing her sister so happy, but it was a long time since she could remember herself that happy and carefree. Of Course, Imogen knew herself to be the exception of that little group of people, who all had close to perfect lives and had only there appearance to think about. Imogen did not take her gaze away. Little Pixie wasn't the type to run off, but she was a Day, and they had a tendancy to not always watch what they did. That and Imogen felt very very protective of her sister. She was constantly worried about losing her. Losing her in a very literal sense, and just losing her to social services. Imogen had been granted the right to be emancipated and the right to look after her sister. But since Imogen was a mere 14, a watchful eye had to be kept on both of them. What Immy was pleased about was that she had managed to get a job quickly. She had been able to get a job quicker than most others. And she could hold onto it. However the store was pretty empty this time of year, but she was just stocking up for the influx of people going to be going into the shop to buy school books, come July and August. Imogen didn't mind her busy times, were the times she prefered most. It meant she was always doing something and she was never even given a moment to think about what her life was like outside the little book store. A voice, and an older male sitting next to her, broke her from her slight chance. She hadn't even realised she had zoned out. It was surreal to her to have just completely left her mind and to be thinking about something completely different. Usually, she zoned out, for only a second, but with her life how it was, this was becoming a regular occurance.

"Yeah, the little brunette. She's not usual this hyper after school, but Today she's really hyper, I can bet she wasn't doing maths at the end of the day." Imogen said keeping her eyes on her sister, her english accent soft, and fading. She'd been in New Zealand almost 4 years, her accent was bound to fade eventually. She then glanced away from her sister and up to the boy who had sat down. Imogen just at him, while wondering how old he was, but ignoring the question. Age didn't really matter. Life gave chances and what you did with them mattered, not how old you were. "What about you? Got a sister or Brother playing, or just taking a walk."
Nathan was relieved that the girl he talked to seems nice. He was right about the sister thing because he saw her affection toward the playing kid. He realized that they are both having the same kind of affection towards their siblings. He looked at the young girl's sister,she is very hyper,indeed, as her sister describe her. "I have a sister but she's not here. She's home" He said. He missed his sister and wondered what she was doing. His thought had changed toward his parents -their parents- who indirectly abandoned them. Maybe if they just accept Natalie's condition, he may not be in this situation but shook off the thought. He don't want to hold grudge and he was decided to take full responsibility of Natalie now. "she look sweet,though. Where are your parents?" he asked. Maybe they also have that same fate. But Nathan can't blame fate because his happy where he is now.

Imogen gave a warm smile, as the boy, if he could be called that seeing as he was older, spoke. She was happy to talk to someone, no matter who the person was. She didn't often have the time to stop and have a chat with others. Imogen looked at her sister affectionately. Imogen glanced away from the boy and back to her little sister. She couldn't help but feel happy around the little girl. Imogen felt like a mum most days. And it was these moments while watching her sister, that she really felt like she was doing something worthwhile with her life, other than throwing her education away without batting much of an eyelid. Of course, who knows how little Pixie could've turned out had she left her, with the women she had been with. Imogen didn't want to make her spoiled and to forget who she really was as a Day, just because she was no longer around them. Immy looked back up at the boy as he asked Immy, the envitable question. Her parents. Imogen had no idea where they were, or what they were doing. She was miles and miles away from them. And they had no real idea as to where she was. Imogen planned on keeping it that way. As much as the welsh girl loved her home country. And home continent, she had to put up with New Zealand, for her sake and for her sisters sake. One thing that Immy would never let happen would be the return of her life in Wales. Where she was apart from her sister, and her mother as weak as she was, making decisions that would affect everything.

"My parents aren't around. Not, dead, as far as I know. But not here." Imogen admitted with a slow sigh. There was no point lying to the older guy. She could see no harm in telling the truth. "Parents can be useless at times. One family tradegy and everything goes to sh!t. And they don't want anything to do with you." Imogen continued. She looked up at the man. She gave a small smile, that said sorry. She didn't mean to start dumping her problems onto him. But somehow, she couldn't stop herself. "What about your parents? Looking after your sister?" asked Immy. Wondering what sort of situation this guy was in. Knowing he was probably thinking it really weird for a 14 year old to be looking after someone, who was less than ten years younger than her.
Nathan listened solemnly to the girl whose name until now he didn't know. He nodde and smiled back,realizing that she is on the same position as he is right now. "Useless .. Yeah, that's a term!" he said with a smile. Useless,indeed. "Hm. I should say that they are looking after my sister but unfortunately, No, they don't" he said and looking on the ground. He don't want to be sad today but since he met someone who can share his problems with, let the sadness devour him. "My sister's on our home but we're not living with our parents" he sighed and looked back on the girl's sister remiscing the moments when Natalie was as old as she. " by the way, what should I call you?" he asked.

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