Open The Storm

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
One rainy Saturday, Thomas decided to go to the Student Lounge and relax for a bit or just play a wizard game because of a small change so as not to have to sit in the common room all the time. He saw only a few students in the room who were busy with his belongings, so he quietly approached the couch, sat down on it, and took his notes with the runes from his bag to try to finally try to understand them. He put his backpack on the floor, but settled down on the couch and began to study.

@Jenna Jusantrea
Jenna always enyoi the raining days and she was try get a little warmer. Becouae she wanted today drawning and drawn the student lounge. Why noy risk? She know that she was not so far from Thomas. She was to bisy with her student lounge. When she drawning that she don't see it who was next to her.
Thomas was so fascinated by rune learning that he hadn't noticed Jenna among the students. He had to try to understand why they could not learn. In the end realized there will be no and dropped the notes on the couch. "To the devil those runes," he said, then turned to the fireplace and began to sing quietly.
She her vamiliar voice and rolled her eyes. She looked to her brother Thomas. "What wrong with runes?" She asked her brother.
He watched the flames of the fireplace dance on the logs of wood when he heard a familiar voice. Thomas turned his head and looked at the sister. ''They make me crazy. I don't understand them and I can't learn them.'' He said, taking notes on the couch and put them back in the bag.
"Gave me your homework and i do that. But i wanted for that two choclet frogs." She made the deal with her brother Thomas. She understand lot of homework easier.
"I know that you want to help, but I myself have to deal with it. You just can get chocolate frogs.'' He said protamms it was easier to close the deal, but he is nothing will not learn. "Better tell, how are you Sirius. He seems to like you more than a friend.'' He expressed his suspicions, because as much as Thomas watched them both, it really seemed that the guy liked Jenna more than a friend.
"You seemed like new Thomas." She was surprised this year how Thomas was changed and he get a preffect? She seemed to much surprised this year as he. "What do you meen? I see him as friend and i not sure if wizards can be together with muggle. And you know dad that he won't happen this. He alredy try me get the bank. So stuboorn." She take deep breath and she wanted be something else and work with dragons not bank.
"And is that bad?"He looked at Jenna with a questioning expression. The fact that he had become a prefect had, of course, partly pushed him, but partly he had changed because he was thinking about his future. ''I also think he likes you more than a friend. Really? Why not? Jenna, our mother was single. I don't think Dad will have anything in return. Don't worry because I talked to him about the bank.'' He said because he had talked to his father about the bank and Thomas would probably go there to work.
"I don't know". Jenna smiled Thoms and he seemed change and she hoped that he won't be jugde enymore her sister about her mother death. "It's my life and i will be choose when i be with somoune together. Right now i was get realy hard with Daintree. I don't wanna right now. I wanna try do something with my grades and mayby try later be Minestry of magic". She rolled her eyes about Daniel. She didn't wanted right now relontiships. She wanted more worked and worked to her grades."And he listened to you?" She asked
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Thomas closed his eyelids, the thought of his mother flashing in his mind, that after such a long time there was still guilt, but he still knew that his mother wanted him to save Jenna, and he kept his promise. ''Yes, yes .. your, but at least think about it. We can not choose only wizards and witches.'' He said, looking at the sister. Thomas liked something, but didn't say anything for now because he didn't know how it would all end. Then Jenna asked about her father, Thomas laughed. ''Of course he listened. He promised to calm you down if I promised anything in return."
She didn't wanted listened Thomas and Sirius was only a her closest friend and nothing more. Jenna ignored him as he always does when she was asked the same thing. ''I hate bank work. There is to money and people walk her and make bad days to workers with her anger.'' She told Thomas.
Thomas no longer touched on the subject of Sirius, so it remains to be dealt with on their own. Himself until recently enjoyed a girl who was a muggle. It wasn't that long ago. ''Not so bad at all. I mentioned that a worried father will put you to work with a bank. We have an agreement.'' He said, then pulled the chocolate frogs out of the bag and gave one to Jenna.
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((I'm soooo sorry ignore me the wrong thread was up in my browser))
Jenna was thinking about Thomas words. "You will work my place? Is only reason in my place?" She asked woried voice. "Thanky!" She say Thomas warm voice when she get choclet frog.
Thomas didn't really want to say any agreement, but Jenna's worried voice probably worked. ''When the time comes, maybe yes. Only then will I have the choice to learn what I want.'' He said, then reached for his sister's hand and put on her own. "I promised to be your support in everything." Until Jenna picked up one of the chocolate frogs Thomas smiled at her.
''You don't have to do that. If you don't want do that. I don't wanna be gilty later. When you be angry to me. I just better choose be Ministry official work to Magical creatures our Dragons in Rumania.'' She told Thomas and hoped he won't be mad at her twin if she choose be Rumania. Jenna didn't know how she will be later without her brother Thomas.

Jenna hugged her Thomas and she needed that nice hug and she missed her brother Thomas.
''Don't worry, I won't do it right after school. We talked with him, that you will get a profession and then, when he was away, then go to work in his place. I hope that by then will have to wait a long time. Why should I be angry with you?'' He asked. The fact that she chooses to go to Romania did not try to influence her, because it was her choice. Thomas answered Jenna hug. ''Tell me, how are you getting divorced from Daintree? Or someone you have met the other? ''
Jenna was relief when he said he won't be angrie. She take deep breath and it alredy was so hard from her choose what she wanna do. "Well, i not sure. I don't have becouse everyone is afraid when i say i was with Daintree. I feel like i be alone for while. And you? I see you the ball. Who is she?" She asked.
Thomas looked at Jenna with big amazed eyes. ''Then don't say I was with him. No one needs to know. Maybe you join sisters - Heta Omega they have blind dates with Brotherhood. I? Oh, I see. She's a girl from my house.'' He said opening the chocolate frogs and grabbed so as not to jump away.
"Oh, um! I was sign the heta omega sisters. But i not sure if i get boyfriend there but you don't need to woried. I miss spend time with you. I just curios about your life. I won't do enything that you make unhappy." She told her brother with her smile. He was her big brother and twin. They somtimes have a fight but Jenna still loved him.
''That's good. You don't have to lose confidence in yourself. I also miss time with you, but you are busy at work. Hopefully you will be at home for the holiday? Make it unhappy? '' He said, smiling at the sister. Thomas was missing time with his sister, because since she worked quite rarely spent time together. Everyone could hope to be able to now when they go home. "I'm thinking maybe we'll buy another dog." He lowered the card on the chocolate frog.
"I alredy lose" She was a little to stubborn. But she know that something her was losing when she was understand in her life bad luck. "You know, i'm happy worked and i need money. If i later transfer here, I live to New Zealand. I will ask my boss and if he say yes, then i be home. " She smiled her brother and listened what he says.

"You alredy have a cat. Then Bella have puppies and Danae have a pet and i have a russian cat Peaches. Please don't need make our home like Zoo." She know that her sister Danae have a pet. He always wanted home make like Zoo. He always can go Manhetan Zoo and there was lot of animals.
''You haven't lost anything. For one guy, life doesn't stop.'' He tried to encourage the sister. Although he will succeed, time will tell. ''We have enough money, but if work makes you happy, then everything has to change. I would move to New Zealand at least now. That would be great.'' He said, putting the card in his bag.

''There is no more cat, because he has run away and his father has not found the beast yet. We will return Bella's puppies anyway. If we move to a bigger house guard, we will need it.'' Thomas said, take a look away from Jenna and lean his head against the back of the couch.
''I sound like a desparete woman'' She giggled. ''Work make me realy happy and my boss is realy grate and amaizing person.'' She told her brother about @Samuel Phillips and little story how she was worked there. It felt amaizing when she can worked for now and later try be work with Fleur. ''Can we one sty? I realy loved puppies.'' She asked her brother.

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