Open The night is for hunting

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Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
28 (1/8/2034)
tonight was the Halloween feast. and willow was struggling to get into her costume. it was a tight fit of a fabric that didn't have much stretch which meant that it was a bit of work to get into, it wasn't that she was too big for it. in fact her frame was slim and she exercised enough that she didn't carry much fat, but much like a new pair of skinny jeans you had to ease it on. except for this was much shorter than jeans. eventually, she was in and the zip closed up at her back.once she was into it she did some makeup and made her wat to the feast. she and her boyfriend were going together as she entered the hall she looked around to try and see him. she knew what he was dressing as but that didn't make it easier to find him. wandering around the hall she realised that she couldn't see him because she was the first to arrive. she kept wandering trying to see what other costumes she could see and what her friends had come as.

[[ooc: also kudos to those who recognise the title of a john marsden book]]
Noelle went down to the Great Hall for the Halloween Feast. His girlfriend was attending as a demon hunter. It went well with his zombie hunter which pleased the Puff. They did not exactly discuss the costumes but managed to coincide them. The Puff entered the hall and found the redhead among the sea of costumers. He was easily attuned to her that he could easily spot her whenever he wanted. He smiled as he sneaked up on her from behind. When he was right behind Willow, he wrapped his arms around her waist and slightly lifted her off the floor. "Wanna hunt?", he teased, dropping a kiss on her cheek.
Willow didnt notice noelle enter the hall. or maybe he had always been there and she hadnt recognised him. either way she had not seen him walk up behind her and put his arms around her. She let out a squeek of supprise and twisted arond to see who it was who had grabbed her. She twisted around as she was lifted off the floor and felt a kiss on her cheek. "You're pretty strong for. a bookworm" she said kissing him back once she was back on the floor. "What do you want to hunt first? food drinks, games or people you know as warm up for zombies and damons" she asked. looking aroudn the room to see what drew her attention. the food table was always good[/B]
Noelle chuckled as he settled his girlfriend back on the floor. His redheaded girlfriend as a demon hunter looked especially good in her outfit. "You look pretty tonight. I bet demons would love to be hunted by you.", he joked. Told he was strong for a bookworm, he pretended to be wounded. "Ow, I still work out, girlfriend." He took Willow's hand, twirling her around before he pulled her toward the snack bar. "I know you. You give me choices but my girlfriend was already eyeing the food.", he laughed as they reached the snacks. He grabbed a plate and piled it up with her favorites and gave it to her before grabbing his own plate.
Willow smiled as noelle complimented her on her costume. "It's all part of the plan. you distract them and then go in for the kill" she said. mimicking going in for the kill and stabbing him with a pretend dagger. as he responded to her comment about being a bookworm she backpedaled a little bit. she had only been teasing him and the tease still stood but she did ease off just a little. "I said you were strong for a bookworm. I didn't say you were a typical bookworm" she said still with a slight tease in her voice. "you're my bookworm" she said as he spun her around. and led her to the food table. "mum always says you can't go hunting on an empty tummy. and those crawling spider cakes are awesome" she said realizing after she had said it that she had referred to her mum going hunting and she wondered if that would bring up any questions about why her mum was hunting especially given her nature during certain moon phases. she was about to take a plate when she was handed one by Noelle. She had gotten used to him doing things like getting food for her. she didn't particularly like it as she would rather get her own food as she knew what she wanted but she had gotten used to it and had figured there was no point in arguing. as she looked down she realized that most of the food on there was what she would have picked herself anyway. "Have you seen any zombies or daemons around? she asked taking a bite of her pumpkin pasty. "I know one of my friends is a demon but i haven't seen her yet. and the creepy Ravenclaw twins might be zombies, but i didn't seem them close enough to be sure" she said. before taking another bite.
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