The Morning of..

Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Nina walked to the Great Hall nervously, it was the morning before the first task and hoped nothing would happen, especially to Alex, although she wasn't sure why she was nervous for him. When Nina was in the Entrance Hall she took a large breath and opened the doors to find a few other people there and a couple house elves, it was after all extreamly early. Nina took a seat at the HS table and just sat trying not to think of anything.
Harri skipped into the great hall she was excited to see what would happen today, it being the start of the TWT and all. She spotted Nina at the HS table and so walked over, "Boo!" she said coming up behind her and sitting on the bench, she wasn't sure whether she was allowed to sit here, but she couldn't leave Nina alone! "How are you?" she asked.
Nina was sitting letting her thoughts consume her when someone siad "Boo." Nina almost jumped 5 feet in the air then blushed deeply when she saw that it was just Harri. "Hey, I am good how about you?" Nina asked nicely, glad someone was here to consume her thoughts.
"Woah sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" Harri siad as Nina jumped at her arrival, "I'm good thanks, you seem calm thats good!" Harri said smiling, this wasn't altogether true, she could tell Nina was a bit nervous, but then again who wouldn't be? "I know your going to do great!" she siad positibley "Not as good as Hilary but still great!" she said light heartedly, "I'll be cheering for you as well," she added. She knew the others at HNZ might not like this, but Nina was her friend and she certainly was going to cheer for her.
"Yeah sorry, I was just thinking," Nina said with a weak smile. Nina chuckled lightheartedly as Harri said she looked calm, she knew she didn't look like it. "I don't think that would be at all true," Nina said answering to the comment about Hilary and herself then made a silly face then returned back to her nervous self. Nina then said, "Yaye." Nina smiled nicely, glad that Harri would cheer for her even though almost all of HNZ would be against that. "Do you want to sit?" Nina asked nicely.
Harri smiled "Well you look calmer then I'd be!" she said chuckling, "Sure," she said taking a seat next to her "Pretty empty down here!" she siad looking around "You seen Alex this morning?" she asked hoping to take Nina's mind off of things.
"No, but it still is pretty early, I mean he likes his sleep." Nina said with a smile.
Harri laughed glad to see a smile on Nina's face, "So you feeling as prepered as you can be?" she asked, she knew Nina was going to do great, she would be stiff competition for Hilary!
Nina nodded confidently and said, "More prepared than your Gryffindor." Nina stuck out her toungue playfully then nodded to show she was actually prepared for this.
"How rude!" Harri said in mock shock, "I'm sure my Gryffindor is well prepered!" she said grinning, though she couldn't be sure seeing as she hadn't ever spoken to Hilary before! It was weird to think that she was better friends with Nina then someone from her own school, in her own house!
"Oh I kid, she is nice, I haven't spoken to Cameron though," Nina said, she actually hadn't seen him aside from the Banquet, she found this quite odd, she had meet a few Durmstrang students but he liked to keep well hidden, Nina guessed.
Harri smiled "Yeah he's one of my best friends brother!" she siad "And one of my other best friends boyfriend!" she siad laughing. "I haven't seen him either!" she said, this was a bit strange afterall she would have thought she would have seen him somewhere!
"Oh Caysi is one of your best friends?" Nina asked a little surprised although Harri and Caysi gave her no reason to be. "Strange right?" Nina said a little surprised at the fact Harri hadn't seen her and she was connected to him through two very important people or people that should be important to him.
"Yup she is!" Harri said, "Suprising huh?" she asked after hearing the suprise in Nina's voice. "Yeah, he's probably just busy or something," she shrugged.
"When I think about it isn't all that strange." Nina said backtracking a little bit.

"I suppose so."
Harri smiled and nodded, "So hows dress preperation for the yule ball coming along?" she asked
"Great, I just finished my dress last week and I have started Ashers." Nina said happily. "Have you decided whether you are going or not?" Nina asked hoping she would go.
"Wow really?" Harri said, "Yeah I decided I'm most likely not going, so you'll have to show me your dress sometime!" she said, she would have liked to go to the ball, but she certainly wasn't going alone.
Nina nodded and said, "Such a shame, but yeah you should come down to the tents sometime and check out the dresses." Nina smiled happily.
Harri laughed "You won't even notice i'm not there!" she said truthfully, "Yeah I'll be sure to do that. What's it look like?" she asked.
"Thats not true." Nina said crossing her arms and pouting like a small child then laughed lightheartedly at this and said, "My dress is green silk, it has a train and it is rather flowy."
"Ahh come on you know it is!" Harri said playfully, "Wow! A train! It sounds beautiful!" she said honestly.
"Boy I hope so, silk is rather expensive and hard to sew." Nina said happily.
Harri nodded "How did you sew it? with magic?" she asked, interested.
"Oh no, I used the muggle way so I could make sure nothing went wrong, I have always had problems with spells like that and it is fun." Nina said happily, "But I did use some wizard materials to sew it with, the silk has a spell on it." Nina said happily.

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