Open The Meeting Place

Zora Jackson

baby badger · plant obsessed
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 16 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Zora had spent enough time in the Hufflepuff Common Room since starting at Hogwarts that she was picking up on people's quirks so the girl decided she needed to venture out of her house so maybe she could meet people outside of it as well. As great as Hufflepuff was she knew that other houses were great too. If only because her big brother was in another house did she know that. She got a sense though that he wanted time to meet people too so she didn't want to act too clingy with him although she did miss being as close as they were when they were at home. It had always felt like them against the world but now it didn't need to be that way. With that in mind, instead of doing some of her homework which she probably should be doing, she picked up a book to read for pleasure and began reading from the first page. As she read, Zora felt a set of paws touch her legs and noticed it was Basquiat's cat who had found her here. Zora put the book to the side briefly to greet the white cat and snuggle him tight. She kissed the top of his head then settled back down to continue reading. She knew that Bas would likely wonder where the funny cat went off to so she'd have to tell him about it later but for now she was glad for the cuddles and the company whilst she read.
Elise was starting to figure this whole Hogwarts thing. She went to class, she went to meals, sometimes did her homework, and returned back to her dorm every night. From the way her brother promised over and over to look out for her she thought being at school was going to be more difficult or dangerous. So far it just felt like school. But at least in her free time she could explore the castle and the grounds. She hadn't ventured into the forest yet but she knew it her bones it was inevitable. Today she was checking out the student lounge. It just seemed like a common room for everyone which probably came in handy if you had friends in other houses. She wandered farther into the room with her hands folded behind her back. But she stopped when she notice a girl from her year who had a cat. Elise walked over to join her. "Is that your cat?" she asked curiously with wide eyes. She had been tempted to walk around with Nyx on her shoulder but she had been talked out of it.
Zora looked up when someone spoke to her about the cat currently purring on her lap. It suddenly occurred to her that maybe the cat was not allowed to roam the castle but she hoped if that was the case the girl wouldn't tattle on her. "No, it's my brother's but he's a good boy," she answered, hoping that it would keep the girl from getting upset about him if she was. Zora couldn't really tell her intentions with the question so she decided it was best to err on the side of caution. As a first year she really didn't know the unspoken rules yet while she had very clearly understood the ones shared about certain forbidden areas. Of course she couldn't understand why they had them at a school at all and instead hadn't magicked the danger away or moved the school to an area where certain students would not be so tempted.
(if you don't want to continue with this thread i totally understand!)

Elise gave her a curious look when she said the cat was her brother's. "Does your brother know you have him?" she asked skeptically. She thought for a moment and wondered if Ezra had a cat would she have brought him to school if it had been left behind. Probably not. But if they shared the cat maybe. She thought of Ezra taking Nyx without asking and she frowned. She would have him pay for giving her that kind of fright. "I hope you asked first." she added, and wondered some more if you could mail a cat.
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Zora was getting more confused by the other girl's line of questioning by the second. She shared a home with her brother, why on earth would he mind if his cat spent time with her? She grinned trying to placate the other girl, hoping this would end whatever accusation she was throwing her way. Did the girl think she was catnapping her brother's pet? No, surely not. "I think he's in class right now so I'm sure it's fine," she said while giving the little cat a scratch under the chin. Zora actually wasn't sure if Bas was in class now as he hadn't shared his class schedule with her - again she assumed it was because he wanted to be independent as mean as that felt to the very co-dependent little sister of the pair.
Elise blinked as the girl answered. "Oh well that's good." she said with a nod now that she knew the cat was probably well accounted for. "So your brother goes here too? I have a brother too, he's older. He's in fourth year and in Hufflepuff." she explained before getting a bit closer and taking a seat. Elise tried to be patient but her hands were eager. "Can I pet your cat?"

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