The eye

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka was looking at herself on the reflection from the shop window. The window didn't really show it but Zazuka now had one purple eye. It amused Zazuka how a simple change in attitude also changed a little of how she looked. Zazuka had also cut her hair of course that that had been her choice. Her right eye had been a violent shade of violet ever since she recuperated from seeing her father again. She wondered for a moment of Jon had gotten over it too. Then Zazuka put her hand on the glass and got a look as if she where remembering something. What she was really doing was looking into her friend. As far as Zazuka could tell he was fine.

Zazuka dropped her hand then started to walk away. There was nothing really for her to do here. Eden was off at school, so was Epiphany. After years of being home schooled Epiphany insisted that she had to go to a real school building so she could make more friends. The friends she had where well enough but Zazuka understood what she wanted so she had made arraignments and had her sent to a good privet school with some help. There Epiphany could learn safely. She was still unsure about letting her little sister go but that's how it went. Epiphany and a few others where the only ones that Zazuka had room for in her heart anymore. Thinking of the things that had come to her mind Zazuka wondered the Harbour, slightly unware of what was around her. Not that she had to be. Her mind's eye would tell her what was going on if she needed to know.
Andrew was back in New Zealand. After having traveled all around the world,having seen all different kinds of wizards and witches, cultures, clothing, food, wizardry, he was back. Not only because he wanted to come back but also because of his training which he couldn't miss. Serious things like his training were important and he gave them greater priority than his comforts. He hated to believe the fact that he was still jobless. He did have a fortune which his mother had left for him and also the one which he had forced Mallory into giving him but he was idle much often. He also wanted to buy a big manor for himself so he wouldn't have to stay in hotels but that would take time and his current residence was in the Leaky Cauldron.

It was about noon when he walked into the main street of Obsidian Harbour hoping to find a decent lunch date. He had to say that the foreign girls were much prettier than the local ones but conversing with them in their different languages and accent was a problem that is why Andrew preferred local chics. As he was walking he noticed a face that looked familiar in a weird way. It was as if it was familiar to him but much had changed, a lot much. Her hair had been cut short, her eye color was different, her height had increased and so had her curves. He could not fail in figuring out that the girl was Zazuka Bones, his ex. What better than her ? he thought as his mouth turned into a smile. "You've made it harder for me to recognize you" he said to her with a grin. "But I did succeed" he added with a chuckle as he gave her a soft kiss on her cheek.
Zazuka beamed as she reseved the kiss. "It was not my intention to hide." Zazuka said looking over her ex-boyfriend. Andrew had grown a lot as well. He was taller and much more built. Zazuka took a moment to let her one purple eye do it work and she got quite a bit about what Andrew had been doing. Things where going well for the boy, now man, who she hadn't seen since graduation. "You where always good at finding me." She said as she gave Andrew a friendly hug. "You have to tell me yourself what happened to you." She added as she hooked her arm around his. Andrew may not be her boyfriend anymore but that didn't stop her from being friendly.

Zazuka knew that they would stay friends even after today. Past, present and future where always going around in her head. Never stoping, never kind Zazuka had grown used to the constant streem of information. Zazuka herself knew that there was a chainge in her. She no longer cared about the earthly and mundaine. The world was about to reach the end of it's cycle and if she had anything to do about it the new start would be a much better one.
Andrew did trust Zazuka when she said it was not her intention to hide. He did remember all the times she was hiding herself under books in the library of Hogwarts New Zealand but all that had changed, he could sense it. He hadn't seen her after their graduation and speaking of graduation he remembered that she had not made her speech as Head Girl that day, he had been looking forward to it that day but it hadn't come. He grinned as she hooked her arm around his wondering if she was single or not. Not that it mattered but he didn't feel like he could just 'have fun' with her the way he had with Larissa if she was seeing anyone.

"A lot has happened, good and bad" he said casually wondering how powerful Zazuka's visions and seer ability had grown. Could she know that he was training? "I've been all around the world, a mini world tour, highly entertaining" he said with a smile as he watched a few pair of eyes turned their way, he ignored them and continued walking. "Haven't found a decent job yet, I don't think anyone wants to hire me" he told her with a chuckle as he observed that her eye was a shade of purple. Not in a bruised way but in a coloured way and he knew that the trend of wearing lenses was in the fashion market but purple wasn't exactly the color he'd choose.

"Your turn" he told her. He wanted to know what was with the new look, did Gethathorn tell her she looked better this way? Or were they done. The ravenclaw boy who had dated Zazuka after him was a fine enemy of Andrew's and Andrew wondered what the outcome of a duel between them would result once he had completed his training.
Zazuka had not given her speech because the vision of the world that she had gotten months before didn't let her. How was she supposed to give a speech on a bright and shining future when there was no such thing to look forward to. Not unless there was a dramatic change in the world. She could almost see the inside of Andrew's head. She hadn't seen anyone in ages. Zazuka didn't really want a relationship at this time. Nothing lasted forever and Zazuka knew that most wanted that forever kind of relationship even though it was human nature to find others to share their cardenal desires.

Zazuka was above things like that but she was not above pleasures of the flesh. "I would say so. I can tell you that you will find something soon. That is of course if you make the right choices and look in the right places." She said very crypticly. She placed her free hand on her lips as if telling Andrew that she was about to say more. "I on the other hand haven't done something so exciting. I have been taking care of my little sister while helping out a few friends that have stayed in the area." She said then ran a hand though her neatly cared for curls.

"Brian and I broke up some time ago. He did not understand my visions and what came with them. I still think that I frightened him as I do a lot of people." She said with a large grin on her face. "The eye is a marker." She said as she placed a hand on her cheek. "I am changing slowly but I am. I have had to change since I met my father and for the fourth time in my life tried to kill me. He is convinced that I am to blame for everything that he's going through." She said. "The eye sees everything and everyone, there is no stoping it. In short I think I should be grateful to him. I brought something back with me when I visited the realm of the dead once more. Something powerful." She said with a lage grin on her face. It was true. Zazuka could feel power bubbling under her skin.
Andrew smiled, a little confused on Zazuka's words but her way of saying things about the future or her visions had always been confusing. At least she had said that he would find something soon if he took the right choices, that was something positive. He listened, allowing her to speak all about how she had got the eye color which he found rather interesting. Everything and everyone, told him that his head had been scanned. Well, it was good she would get the idea faster than him having to say it out loud. Another thing that pleased him was that she had broken up with Brian.

"That doesn't seem like not-so-exciting" he said with a grin. "Especially about the eye and the vision ability stuff although I am sorry about your father trying to kill you" he said meaning it. Although he was going to become a Death Eater, not all deaths were going to please him especially not of his friends. "Would you like to have a drink?" he asked her, a smirk playing on his face. He wished he would have seen Zazuka in the evening and not at noon, it would have been more fun.
Zazuka had known that Andrew had not liked Brian. More over she knew that a fair few people had not liked Brian. Zazuka had offered him sanctuary when she was there and alive. This was much more than what he had tried to offer her by never being there. Zazuka no longer thought of all this though. It was a matter that had gone on and in a matter of years would would be a matter that she wouldn't even reflect upon. "It does when you are constantly looking at the bigger picture." Zazuka said with a soft smile on her face. Zazuka kissed Andrew's cheek and nodded. "I would love to have a drink with you, and maybe spend some more time more time with you." She said as she slid a finger down the front of his wizard's robes.

Zazuka had no limits now. She didn't need them. The laws and morals of the world where nothing to someone who could see them all clearly. Everyone saw things differently while Zazuka herself saw them as nothing to really be though about at all. In nature there was no such thing as good and evil. There was only what was right for them. This was Zazuka now. She knew even now that some would see her as dark for this but again this didn't matter to her. She was above them all.
Andrew just smiled as Zazuka talked about looking at the bigger picture and somehow he understood what she meant. Spending time helping others and doing community service work was a step in socializing but it was boring and useless especially for clever Ravenclaws like Zazuka who could use their brilliant brains else where unraveling bigger mysteries and solving crisis of the wizarding world. He smirked as he heard Zazuka's reply to his offer and he didn't miss her finger that slid down over his robes. "I'm glad" he told her as he offered her his hand and walked her back to the Leaky Cauldron which seemed the only decent place in the Harbour.

They walked in through the front gates and Andrew found them comfortable couches in the corner because he didn't feel like being the center of attention, not today. Soon a waiter came to take their order and asked Zazuka what she would like. "A firewhiskey" Andrew said placing his order. He wondered if all girls he had known from school just kept getting prettier as they grew, their skin soft and acne free unlike other girls he knew or was it just that the girls from NewZealand had charm and looks that no foreigner could match.
Zazuka followed Andrew into the pub and sat close enough next to him that people could see that they where to gether but not close enough that they where uncomfortable. Zazuka ordered herself a Gillywater and had the waitress move on with a kind yet some what venimus smile. She was growing some what bored of people. She felt herself having the thought more and more that they where foolish being, below her. Even the Sliverback family who had power to their names did not mean much to Zazuka. She saw the begining, the middle and the end of this story, she could use the enegeries of what was around her to menipulate the world to her will. Every wizard had this power and didn't do much with it and that to this Zazuka made them worthless.

Zazuka leaned back a little on the couch and watched Andrew a bit of wanting in her eyes. She made a bit of a show of crossing her legs at the knee making sure that her foot rubbed up against the leg of Andrew's pants ever so slightly. "I knew we would be seeing each other again. There is no way for ex-Hogwarts students not to find each other at one point or another." She said laughing softly as if she had done nothing at all.
Andrew was enjoying the closeness with Zazuka, it almost made him feel like the olden times except now so much had changed. He looked down at her and smiled as her foot brushed against his trouser. "Of course we had to meet" he said, his smile still on. He still remembered their last day at Hogwarts, their graduation. She seemed like she was broken that day because she hadn't given her speech. "You did prove yourself brighter than the rest being the perfect brainy head girl" he complimented her as their drinks were served. "You were always different, better than others" he said as he raised his glass to her. He did mean it but it was also to please her, she did deserve it after all.

"So what does the brainy Ravenclaw do these days besides seeing other people's future and baby sitting her sister?"he asked, referring to her job and her extra activities. Andrew was dedicating some of his time to reading, flying and travelling, things which he liked to do.
Zazuka was also reminded of time no so long ago but back then she would have done this just to be close to Andrew, right now she was playing a game with her idle time. "I made head girl because the professors and the Head Mistress believed it appropiate for me to be her and I did not make my speech because I chose not to. I had gotten a vision no too long before then and it put me out of sorts." She said somewhat humbly. She had given she speech because she didn't think she needed to. She was above and byond them all after all. At the time of the speech she was just realizing that. Her Gillywater came and she raised her glass along with Andrew. "I would not say as much but still thank you for saying so." She said with a wide grin and kissed his cheek.

"I work in a local library. It's a magical one so I don't feel out of sorts in there and I'm still an assistent for Olivander's so I'm doing that as well." She said. Zazuka was not about to mention her activities outside of work because most of them where illicate in nature. "I have become close friends with the Sliverback family. They seem to have taken a shine to me and my sister." She said with a bit of a proud smile on her face. There was no harm in telling that. Zazuka had made to oath to them and she could tell who she chose to. Zazuka was smarter than to go shouting about it but still.
Andrew heard as Zazuka told him about why she had been made Head girl and why she had not given her speech.He wondered how the visions came to this seers, it was mystery after all. He grinned as she kissed his cheek and thanked him. He sipped his drink and gave her a smile. She did have her charm and it was working because he was playing as well. He slid his one hand behind her back and rested it on her shoulder. "Library.. interesting" he said to her. She always was the books type and it was a good thing because having knowledge was always a useful thing.

As she mentioned the Silverback family, Andrew tried and made the connection. The previous owner of the Silver Snake, Luxen Silverback was married to Andromeda's mother if he was not mistaken and maybe that's how Zazuka and her sister were friends with them. "They are related to Andromeda?" he asked her wanting to confirm his knowing on them. Luxen had after all been respected by the Death Eaters and then turned into a Dark Presence, it was nasty but fun. He wondered who this sister of hers was because he couldn't remember Zazuka mentioning her before. "Your sister, is she a student?"he asked her curiously.
The library wasn't much. It was a magical library that was placed were hardly anyone ever went and the books remained untouched by anyone except the staff. Zazuka made sure that it was all clean and she read a lot of the books. It would take life times for her to read all of them but Zazuka was sure that she wasn't going to be there life times. Zazuka sipped her drink and sighed. "Yes they are. They are related to the best friend that hasn't contacted me since we left school. I know how she is of course but I would like her to give me a ring every once in a while if you know what I mean." She said with another sigh. There wasn't much to tell her anyway. Well much that she would like to tell her anyway.

He mentioned Epiphany and shook her head. "She will be when the time comes. At the moment she's only eight. I was helped though find a magical primary for her so she didn't have to mingle with children that don't understand her." She said. There was a little hatred of muggles there but that was because of what she had been through with her own father. Before she had been sure that not all muggles where bad but she didn't trust them enough to send her sister to school with them. Epiphany being the heavily magical little girl that she would expose herself on the first day. "Lets stop talking of somewhat unpleasant things." She said as she drew closer to him. "I know something about you and I don't mind." She said playing a bit of her cryptic games.
Andrew sipped his drink as he heard her sigh and say that Andromeda hadn't contacted her lately. Andrew knew that losing touch could sometimes be painful but knowing these two friends who were always together he didn't doubt that they could ever lose their friendship. He too had not contacted Adira in a long while, although here the case was a little different and contact, more important.

Andrew nodded as Zazuka spoke about her sister, how lucky the young girl must be to be sent to a magical primary school, something he wished he had. "She's lucky to have you" he said with a smile before that was shooed away by Zazuka as she spoke something rather interesting. With a grin, as he watched her eyes he asked "What is it that you know?"he asked her because there were a lot of things Zuka could know as she was a seer. She could know about Adira and him, she could know about his training, the later would be a bit dangerous but he trusted her.
Zazuka drank down what was left of her gilliwater and ordered another one. The glasses were small and the alcohol in it was meant to be strong but Zazuka didn't feel it. Then again it took a totally different set of chemicals to alter Zazuka's mind now. It wasn't like it was difficult for Zazuka to get a hold of Andy, it was just what Andy could say now that she was in a different side of life than anyone thought she would be in it was rather difficult to explain. That and things could have get complicated for everyone of Andy got involved. Zazuka put her thoughts away and scooted closer to Andrew.

Zazuka shook her head. "More like lucky that I could pry her from my father's claws. If he hadn't come to find me I wouldn't have caught her in time." She said. Before too much damage was done on the little girl. There was still some there but it was better than how she could have turned out. "A lot of things Andrew. Some are more than I would like to know." She said. Zazuka was not about to give up her cryptics but yes she knew about his Adira and didn't really care. When they had first kissed he had been seeing another Slytherin girl. Back then she had felt bad about it. Now it was a while different story. "You know I really have nothing to do today." She said as she ran a gentle finger over the side of his face.
Andrew was tired of the talking but this was Zazuka who was the all seeing girl and he could never be sure of what went inside her little Ravenclaw brain so he had to be cautious and calm. "All we can do is not mention it, after all you could always try acting that you don't know" he told her with a smirk as she said that she knew some things that she didn't like to know, he guessed it was about his training but she couldn't do anything about it and Andrew didn't want to do anything about it because he was perfectly happy with how everything was going.

He grinned at her as she said in a seductive voice that she had nothing to do today. Of all things he had expected of Zazuka, this one wasn't one of them but everything changed with time and he could see that he was not what people had once expected him to be so he couldn't blame her either. "Neither do I. What do you suggest we do?"he asked playing along as his grip around her shoulder tightened pulling her closer to him.
Zazuka laughed into her second gilliwater. The waitress wanted to give her a searing look but Zazuka had put out a pulse which said quite clearly that if she did anything that Zazuka would be putting her in a full body cast that not even magic would help remove faster. "I good at that. I'm very good at that." She said as the finger along his face went down to his neck. He pulled her closer and Zazuka somewhat grinded against him. "Now this is an idea." She whispered and started to trail kisses up his jaw. Was she intresed in Andrew now that he was taken again? No, not at all. Zazuka was just feeling needy and Andrew just happened to be there and handsome as always. She didn't know why but she hated to idea of being tied down though she used to love the idea of a romance, a boyfriend. At the moment the very idea repulsed her. It was better this way, all phisical need and if he chose they would have to see each other again. They would be just not like this.
Andrew smirked at Zazuka as she said she was very good at acting that she didn't know and he knew that she was saying the truth. He finished his drink as he watched Zazuka get more seducing, it was hard to sit there and resist her. His finger at her neck and then the trail of her kisses and the closeness of there bodies seemed to do the trick to turn him on. "Seems like the perfect idea" he said with a wink as his hand slid to her waist and his lips reached hers. He took her into a deep kiss, his other hand being nestled in her short curly hair. A few heads had turned towards them but Andrew ignored the looks because it seemed like it had been ages since he had felt her lips against his.

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