Open The Built Up Excitement

Fiona Burke

irish ☘️ | playful ✨ | loves adventure! 🏕
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
12 (06/2049)
Fiona knew it wasn't long before she was heading to Hogwarts. The rest of her siblings were now in Hogwarts, having the best time, and she was being left behind. But it wasn't going to be like that for long. Fiona's dad had something to do in Obsidian Harbour, and she was happy to tag along. She was allowed to explore the place while her dad had to do whatever he had to do. She knew that within the next few months, she would be walking down this harbour to buy the things she needed for her Hogwarts adventure. Fiona saw the wand shop ahead and decided to make her way towards the shop excitedly. She stood outside the wand shop with curiosity, the pretty wands displayed in the window display, as well as the store looking pretty itself.
Miranda was doing everything she possibly could to avoid going to the ice cream parlour. It wasn't that she disliked ice cream - on the contrary, she loved it - she just didn't want to go meet with her mum. She had no idea what she was supposed to say, or how she was supposed to talk to the woman. Or even if she'd show up. Even calling her mum was a bit of a stretch. At least at school she'd just be able to keep it neutral with 'Professor', she guessed. Still, at least the street was helping her bury that hesitation with excitement. Soon enough, she'd have a wand and be learning magic, and that was extremely exciting. The wands were the most exciting part of all, and Miranda found she was actually able to smile when she saw them, and saw another girl who looked to be about her age looking at them. "Don't they just look so cool?" she asked, sticking her hands in her pockets as she eyed them off. "I can't wait to get one of my own."
"So cool!!" Fiona said excitedly as she continued to look into the wand store a little more before facing the person who was speaking to her. The girl looked about Fiona's age, and Fiona was always up for making new friends. "Me too! I can't wait to do and learn spells at Hogwarts and whatnot! It's gonna be fun!" Fiona says with a smile. She couldn't wait to get a hold of her own wand and to try and test it out. She had heard so many things about the school and well as wands from her siblings, and she couldn't wait until it was her turn. "Are you going to Hogwarts this upcoming year?" Fiona asked the girl. It wouldn't hurt to ask, and it was nice to make friends with those who were going to Hogwarts, too.
Miranda liked that other people were excited for Hogwarts. It helped any hesitation she had about leaving home ease off. It was so much easier to look forward to studying magic when other people did too, it would make it more fun. The other girl had what sounded like an Irish accent, and Miranda thought that was really cool. Her own was a weird mix of Australian and British that didn't necessarily fit one or the other. "I know right! Reckon there's gonna be a lot of cool stuff to do. Spells will be fun!" she added. "Yeah! Guessing you are, too? I'm Miranda, what's your name?" she asked, keen to know some other people before showing up for sorting.
Fiona nodded along in excitement. "There must be like a lot of cool spells we get to learn," Fiona says excitedly. She had hoped they would be learning the exciting ones when she went to Hogwarts. There were a few boring ones, but she didn't mind if they were going to be learning those too. Fiona's face lit up when the girl mentioned she was in fact going to Hogwarts next year which relieved Fiona a little as she was happy that there would at least be someone familiar going to Hogwarts with her. "Yup! I'm really excited! My brothers and sister had told me stuff about the school! So I can't wait to go!" Fiona said excitedly. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Fiona"

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