Take Care, Yeah?

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Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Hey guys,

I'm not good with goodbyes and I feel like I haven't been around to even post a well throughout letter. And you know me, bad grammar and bad wording, etc. It's just ain't me at the moment and it's kinda hard because I'm going through a lot right now. I wish I can tell ya and be open, but my personal life I like to keep it private no matter how bad it gets, the internet just been my escape from the real world. It has been for several years now, role playing has help me a lot in more ways than possible. And it kills me because I wished I didn't have to go, but you know all good things comes to an end, in order for greater things to start. Here's me hoping I'll get a fresh start with my life. It's all I want right now. But anyways, I'm going to miss you guys, you've been great. Take care, be safe and be happy.

Ciao, Madz <3

Ps: Maddiie.black.moon@gmail.com is my email if you ever want to chat :) Awrite, bye!



I am going to miss you. you know what I think, so i will keep this short.
I hope things get better for you soon. You know where to find me if you ever need to contact me. Skype, Twitter (or even sneak on here and shoot me a PM ;) ).
I hope to see you around
but until then
This is sad.
You and I aren't really close or anything, but it was really nice having you around. I wish you luck with everything. Maybe we'll see one another around someday!

♥ Jessye
Life can be super tough some times, but I really hope that things work out okay for you. Everyone deserves a fresh start and all that. :)
All the best Madz! Take care. :hug:
Oh Madz :cry:

The site will be poorer without you, seriously.
I hope real life is going to work in the best way possible for you and get to do the things you really want.
I should also thank you for helping me become better with my roleplay. I used to read your plots when I first started roleplaying here and they really inspired me so the least I can say is a big thank you.

I hope we'll catch up on skype sometime.
I wish the best for you.

Liam :)
You'll be back. They always come back. :r
But for now, I wish you luck to deal with your real life troubles. Be sure to stop by and say hello every now and again! ^_^
Oh Madz :hug:
I hope you decide to come back after all your troubles are settled. You'll be missed and I wish you luck! All the best, and take care Madz. :)
I hope to see you again
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