Sure Fire Winners

Jakobe Vittori

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Jakobe didn't really know what was what anymore. Though he had genuinely been trying to get Scarlet to hate him, he had never really expected it to end the way it did. Kissing Chaos Zhefarovich what even was that? Jake didn't know whether he was more angry, or hurt, but he knew that he really didn't like that stupid Hufflepuff and he was really upset about Scarlet. He needed a friend, or something. Taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself, though not quite about to stub the flow of tears that seemed to be escaping his eyes, Jake sat on the closest couch and began to write a letter to Giuliano. Maybe his best friend would be able to help him out of this predicament.
Esmè, deciding to study in the Student Lounge for a change, made her way down the fourth floor corridor. Dusk, her ever faithful half-kneazle padded along behind her. Reaching the door, she pushed it open with one hand and let herself inside. Barely a few steps in however, the Slytherin noticed another student already present. Jakobe. Was he crying? Oh Merlin, Esmè was awful when it came to sympathizing with people. Trying to reassure Avie had been a whole new step for her. Probably best to leave him in peace. Right? Right. The witch turned to leave, but the door slammed loudly shut behind her. Fantastic.
"Jakobe!" She said as she turned back, making out like she was just entering. She couldn't leave now. "Haven't seen you in a while. Are you okay?"
Jakobe hadn't seen Giuliano since the end of their fourth year. Being chosen as a prefect certainly hasn't factored into his plans and to be honest he was quite shocked. It was something he would have to discuss with his friend when he was finished this problem with Scarlet. Jake rubbed at his eyes as the tears continued to fall and hadn't been expecting to be interrupted. People didn't usually come here and so when he heard the door close he jumped. Jake turned around and saw his friend Esme standing at the entrance. He sniffed and rubbed his eyes again. "Hey, Esme." He said, slumping against the back of one of the lounges. "I'm not really, but I'm not sure it even matters anymore. What's done is done and all that." He sniffed again before looking up at her. "Spenser made me a prefect."
Bracing herself for whatever sob story she'd have to endure, Esmè walked further into the room and took a seat next to Jakobe. She raised her hand, letting it hover just over his shoulder as she tried to decide whether or not patting him was a reassuring gesture. "There there." She recited with as much sympathy as she could muster, deciding to just give his shoulder a light squeeze instead. It had worked once before. Why was it that the boys she knew seemed to cry more than the girls? Hearing that he had been made prefect though, the girl couldn't help but look at him quizzically. "You - sorry, you're upset were made a prefect?" She asked with uncertainty. That was quite the opposite reaction a person should have. Being a prefect wasn't something she even cared about. Sure, it came with power, but it was too restricted.
Despite how uncomfortable she clearly was, Jakobe had to admit he appreciated the fact that Esme was at least trying to make him feel better. She squeezed his shoulder and Jake smiled slightly at her, though the tears did not stop flowing. He wondered whether they ever would, because quite frankly he had no idea what he was thinking anymore. He almost barked out a laugh when she misunderstood what he said. He wasn't upset that he had been made a prefect, though he was confused about the decision and sure Spenser should have picked someone else, but it certainly wasn't what was causing the turmoil within him today. "No... that's... no." Jake shook his head and sighed, rubbing at his eyes. "I don't even understand why I'm upset. I just... can't stop thinking about it."
"No?" Esmè repeated. So it wasn't to do with being a prefect. That made more sense. She wished he'd just come out with it already. Merlin's beard, there was absolutely no point to being so vague about the subject. "Can't stop thinking about what?" The Slytherin pressed, refraining from rolling her own eyes as he rubbed his. How long was she going to have to sit there before he started to explain himself?
Jake looked at Esme as she seemed to press him a little and he realised that there was no way she could know why he was so outraged and so he sighed and shook his head. "Merlin, I'm sorry Esme. You're not a mind reader, I know that." Jake looked away from her for a second before continuing. "Do you remember Scarlet? The girl from Hufflepuff?" Esme knew nothing about the position he was in, but she was going to learn a hell of a lot about Jakobe in the next several minutes, he hoped she was prepared to take notes.
Jakobe was right about Esmè not being a mind reader, but as he said it she wished she was. Of all the abilities she could have been born with, she was merely gifted with vague snippets of the future in her dreams. Though she knew that it was something she could train, so far it was of little use. Pulling thoughts from people's minds sounded more fun.
The mention of Scarlet's name caused a sound of disgust from Esmè, who quickly covered it up with a cough. "Sorry. Scarlet, that lovely girl you're friends with?" She asked, hoping that if she was the reason he was upset, it'd give her an excuse to outright hex her the next time she was around. The Hufflepuff was just so irritating. How did someone like her have any friends to begin with?
Jake sat back as he heard Esme scoff. Clearly Esme didn't like Scarlet, and considering how he was feeling now, he supposed he could understand why. "That's just it. We haven't been friends since last year... but... I think that, maybe I..." He trailed off. He didn't even believe in any of this in the first place. "She kissed Chaos Zhefarovich and I was right there." Chaos Zhefarovich. The little poop had actually enjoyed it too, like Scarlet was the most prized possession in the world. "Damn, I wish I'd never even walked down that bloody corridor."
Jake and Scarlet hadn't been friends since the previous year? That came as a surprise to the Slytherin, who realised she'd payed little attention to her friend's life recently. It wasn't just him though, the girl hadn't gone out of her way to spend much time out of class with a few of the people she enjoyed the company of. She had her own problems to deal with and it left little space for her to bother with anyone else. "Chaos Zhefarovich, you say?" Esmè repeated, now more interested in the story than she had been before. Since she'd met Vulcan, the name Zhefarovich started to mean a lot more to her than it used to. "I didn't think someone like him would have an interest in a girl like her. Wait." If they weren't friends, why did he care who that harlot kissed? "You don't have feelings for her, do you?"
The way Esme said that Zhefarovich's name made him think there was a story there, but he was too preoccupied with his own feelings to care too much about it. He'd never been this open and honest with anyone before and to be honest, it was starting to terrify him. Then Esme went so far as to make a connection between the way he was feeling and the fact that he cared so much about this. The thought alone was enough to terrify him, because he was too busy trying to protect her to have to worry about falling in love with her. "What? Of course I'm not in love with her, why would you say that, what's wrong with you?" He couldn't love her, love didn't exist for one and two, she was of lower birth, how could he ever be with someone who wasn't a pureblood. He looked at Esme. Why couldn't he have just liked her instead. His life would have been so much less complicated.
"What's wrong with me?" Esmè asked, furrowing her eyebrows at the Ravenclaw boy. The nerve of him. Was he really so far in denial that he couldn't see how obvious it was? Then again, if she was in his shoes, she had no doubt she would deny it too. Falling in love with that filthy little foreign girl was embarrassing. If Jake wasn't a sobbing mess, she may have suggested he see the school counselor. It wasn't right. "I'm not the one sitting here crying because Chaos kissed someone you say is no longer your friend." She shook her head at him and cast a glance down toward her half-kneazle who watched them both with some amusement. Even he could tell how ridiculous it sounded. The Slytherin returned her gaze to her friend, sighing. "You need to forget about that girl. She's not worth it."
Jake almost winced when Esme seemed offended at what he'd said. But she was wrong. He didn't love Scarlet. She was quite obviously not good enough for him. She kissed Chaos Zhefarovich, how was he supposed to accept that. That guy was a literal demon, and Jake had told him so. "That's not the point Esme, it's not like I'm happy feeling this way, I don't even know why I am." As much as she was saying that he had feelings for the french girl, he just couldn't accept it. He looked at Esme as she spoke again. "I don't know how."
"I'd be concerned if you were happy with it." Esmè muttered, pulling a face and gagging. The thought was enough to make her sick. She couldn't understand why he had befriended her in the first place. Pity? She was a wretched little thing, hardly worth a second glance. "At least you understand that it's wrong." The Slytherin placed her hand on his shoulder again, patting it gently. "I think it might be best for you to focus on another girl. Someone more worthy of your time. Shouldn't be too difficult to find, she's the lowest of the low. You can only do better from there."
Jake looked at Esme as she spoke, and he was genuinely comforted by her concern for him. He appreciated that she was being here for him and trying to help. She was being a real friend, unlike Scarlet who was just trying to get back at him. Clearly he should be looking elsewhere. He nodded at her as she mentioned his slowly coming to terms with the truth. Scarlet wasn't right for him was she? All the things he had to do to stop her from being killed, perhaps Esme was right. "Yeah." However soon she continued and mentioned finding another girl, someone more worthy of him. But who in this school was worthy of him? Who would he feel comfortable with? Esme? Esme. Jake looked at his friend, she clearly knew her place in the world, as he did, that they were superior to others. Maybe she was right after all. "Esme..." He turned then and softly pressed his lips to hers. He'd never kissed anyone before and had no idea how it was supposed to feel, but it wasn't horrid. Maybe this was something he should explore?
"Hm?" The Lancaster girl made a questioning noise at the mention of her name. She expected Jake to speak once she had finished, even though she had wanted to go on about her distaste for Scarlet, but his reaction was not what she had been expecting at all. As the Ravenclaw leaned toward her, Esmè wasn't certain as to what he was doing. She looked at him, confused, but before she could open her mouth to speak again, he planted his lips against her own. She stared wide-eyed and silent as he kissed her, her own lips remaining motionless and unresponsive to his advance. She was in shock. What was happening? This was not what she had meant, not in the slightest. She had been willing to listen to him talk about his problems and try be as comforting as she was able, but he had crossed a line that should have never been crossed.

The shock passed after a moment and she regained control of herself, forcefully shoving Jakobe from her and leaping to her feet. How dare he just lean over and kiss her without any warning, like she was his to do with as he liked. Perhaps being a Prefect was getting to his head. "Have you lost your mind? What the **** do you think you're doing!?" Esmè screamed, wiping at her mouth in disgust. He had kissed her. Kissed her. Who did he think he was? She had liked him as a friend, sure, but nothing ever more than that. He wasn't her type, and someone else already had her heart. Oh, no. What if Vulcan found out? Merlin, she wanted to slap Jakobe. No. She was a witch, she could do more than that. Without needing to think about it any further, the Slytherin withdrew her wand, an action she was finding herself doing too often in recent weeks, and aimed it at the boy's chest. She all but shouted out the first hex that came to mind and immediately, bat-winged bogeys swarmed out of his nose and attacked his face. Not wanting to stick around to see the show, she stormed out, her cat already at her heels. "You're a freak. Don't you ever touch me again, Jakobe." She called over her shoulder as she left, slamming the door behind her.
Jakobe didn't think he'd ever moved faster in his life when Esme jumped away from him. His hands immediately covered his mouth and his eyes went wide. What had he been doing? Or trying to do? He didn't even like Esme in that way. "poop, Esme, I'm so sorry!" He knew she was pissed, she had every right to be, but that didn't mean that he was prepared for the bat bogey hex that he was hit with. With his own bogeys attacking his face all that Jake could manage was to swat at them and shout for her to stop them, but it seemed that Esme was not so inclined, because she called him a freak, rightly so and left. Jake spent the next ten minutes attempting to reach his wand for a counter curse eventually relying on the generosity of an older student to help him. When asked what had happened Jake rolled his eyes. "A demon, that's what." But he wasn't talking about Esme.


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