Closed Studying

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
Jordie was feeling less confident of his abilities. He needed to study, but it was always so hard for him. After a bit of thinking he had decided there was really nothing for it. He made his way up to the library, looking for an old friend. He was easy to spot. Nervously, Jordie walked over, giving him a shy smile. "Hey, Eoin. Are you busy?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
It was not uncommon in the slightest to find Eoin in the library with his nose stuck in some sort of book. He was doing just that when he heard a familiar voice, looking up from what he was reading to see Jordie standing there. "Not really," he lied, setting the book he had been reading back down on the table. While he had been quite absorbed by what he had been reading, he supposed he could make some time for a friend. "What is it, Jordie?"
Jordie hesitated, before moving to sit down next to Eoin. "Can... can you help me study?" He asked. "I- I know it's probably- I'm probably just being a pest. I just..." he sighed, slumping down onto the table, defeated. "Everything is just really hard," he pouted, looking up to Eoin with soulful eyes.
Eoin sighed softly as he watched Jordie practically slump over. "What are you struggling with specifically?" He couldn't really help if he wasn't told what the exact problem or subject even was. And while he would rather not, he supposed that helping Jordie out could count as revision for himself as well.
For a moment, Jordan almost felt guilty, but he quickly pushed that aside. "Transfiguration," he grumbled, sighing and shutting his eyes. "I think I'm okay with the others, but its all tough," he pouted, opening his eyes again to peek up at Eoin. "I've been trying really hard but I don't seem to be getting any better," he confided softly. The professors probably all thought he was stupid.
Transfiguration wasn't easy to try and master, he would give Jordie that. Lucky for Eoin he seemed to be quite gifted when it came to actually performing magic. Something which gave him no end of grief when he still hated doing it in the first place. "I take it's the practical side of things giving you trouble?" The theory work was a lot easier for people to pick up and didn't need some sort of skill to get it. "Which part have you found the hardest?"
Jordie sat up and back, running his hands through his hair. "All of it? I mean, I think I understand the material but then my spells are always really weak," he sighed, turning to look at Eoin with wide eyes. "You always make everything look so easy in class." Jordie pouted. "I know my wand is powerful, I just... need to learn to master it," he sighed dramatically.
All of it was not really very helpful to him and Eoin sighed slightly. "Well, it's not easy," Transfiguration was probably the hardest branch of magic to master. He supposed he was just lucky it came easier to him than it did a lot of others. From what he recalled, his wand probably had something to do with that as well. "You shouldn't blame your tools," he offered quietly, "Unless you struggle with all sorts of magic, there is nothing wrong with your wand."
Jordie sighed. "Well... I lost my last duel," he shook his head. "Apparently I'm only ever good when I'm acting on instinct," he scowled. It had been useful when he'd been stuck in his head, but when he relaxed around Elara he'd lost his edge and been hit.
"Just because you lost doesn't mean you're bad at magic. If I were to duel someone I'd probably lose as well." Being able to perform spells and losing a duel were two different things completely and he shouldn't get all hooked up on it. There was more to duelling than just because able to perform a good spell.
Jordie was surprised with Eoins' response. He turned to the other boy, eyes wide. "Really?" he asked softly. "I thought duelling was to test your skill at magic," he brushed his hair back, giving Eoin a shy smile. "You always know how to make me feel better," he laughed lightly.
"Yeah," he responded with a small nod of his head, "And didn't you win two of your duels before being knocked out? You made it to the finals, dude. So stop with the pity party already." If he was apparently that bad at magic, then he wouldn't have made it that far in the tournament in the first place.
Jordie's smile faded as Eoin scolded him. He blushed, looking away. "Sorry..." he mumbled, unsure what to say. He hated being scolded. It always made him want to cry. He rubbed his nose, feeling more down. "I, um... I can go, if you'd rather," he offered, his voice unusually quiet and his tone softer than before. He didn't look to Eoin, worried he'd see the other boy glaring if he did.
If Jordie really wanted to see what being bad at duelling was like, then Eoin would be more than happy to show him - even if that did mean having to actually cast magic himself. But maybe it would get the message through that Jordie was better than he seemed to think he was. "I already said I was fine helping you with stuff," he admitted with a sigh, "Why would I want you to go away?"
Jordie peeked up, giving Eoin a small smile. "Sorry," he apologized. "I've been feeling... kind of down lately, I guess I'm just feeling insecure," he admitted, laying his head on his arms. He wanted to cuddle, but he had a feeling that Eoin wouldn't like that. He glanced to Eoin's books, curious what he had been reading before Jordie had got there.

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