Open Spooky Scary Models

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Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie didn't mind working at the different school events. It always gave her something to do. halloween though was usually a treasure trove of things to be doing. so thought Rosie was supposed to be taking pictures of things, she had instead settled in the fun house, taking pictures of herself with the various mirrors. Helped by the fact her costume was pretty colourful. It had been her sister's doing, and Rosie thought Aurora looked much better than she did, but not in a way that she had an issue with how she looked. And Rosie was still having fun with her outfit in the mirrors, so that made it all the better.
Margo wasn't always the biggest fan of Halloween. The spooky decorations put her on edge in a way she didn't enjoy at all. But she did like the dressing up bit. She was wearing something that was a bit out of her comfort zone, but she figured that was the point. She was looking for her friends but after being startled one too many times she found herself wandering into the fun house. She could handle the mirrors and she felt herself relax a little. She spotted Rosie and waved. "Hey, are you hiding in here or is it just me?" she asked with a tense chuckle.
Rosie glanced up as someone else walked in. She gave Margo a smile and shook her head lightly. "Not hiding, but...being distracted," she said with a little smile. Rosie then pointed to the mirror. "I'm taking pictures with the mirrors," she explained as what she was doing. "but I'm really supposed to be taking pictures of the feast," Rosie then laughed lightly. "I like your costume,"
Margo smiled weakly. "I guess I just scare easy then." she said good humoredly but when she heard a shriek come from outside at the feast she jumped a little, not sure if it was a decoration or a student. She moved to stand by Rosie so she too could see herself in the mirrors. "Oh right. Get any good ones?" she asked said when the other girl said she was working. Margo was mentally taking notes in case she needed to cover it for the paper. At Rosie's compliment she ran her fingers though the fringe of her jacket. "Thanks, I like yours too. Your make up is really impressive." she said earnestly.
Xinyi had been wondering the hall for a little while now, looking for Rosie. Eventually he'd hopped into the fun house, just to peek, and was pleased to see her standing there. He smiled, noting that she was standing with someone. "Hey, girls," He greeted, leaning against a nearby mirror. "You're both looking lovely this evening. Am I interrupting?" He offered.
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