Something of a meeting

Kaede Okinawa

Well-Known Member
Birch wand 14" 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
Her shoes made a soft tapping sound as she made her way up to the Cliffs. It was a beautiful day, the sun was exploding with joy from behind the clouds, despite their determination to put out it's light. Kaede smiled as the warm beams splashed against her face, adorning her smile with a hint of summer. She didn't really have a reason to be happy, but she didn't have a reason not to be either.

Clammbering her way up to the top of the Cliffs, she took a deep breath and took in all the fresh air she could squeeze into her lungs. The air had a sweet taste to it. Stretching, she lazily sat down on the ground leaning back on her hands. From where she was sitting, she could see the lake below. Gazing out at the shimmering water, she waited quietly for something to happen. Whatever it was, she was ready for it.
Isaac was taking a stroll around the grounds wearing a red long sleeved shirt and black faded jeans, not much direction or reason as to why he was just roaming, while he thought of his time at Hogwarts which had been rather different than he expected. Before he knew it his feet were carrying him over in the direction of the cliffs and since he had nowhere else to be, he didn't protest.

Upon his arrival, his pale blue eyes landed upon a familiar person, Kaede if he remembered correctly. He chuckled inaudibly as he remembered that the first time he'd met her was here at the same spot. "Do you always hang around here?" he spoke up as he walked forward, a playful smirk on his face.
Merlina was on a high, her house were winning the quidditch games left right and center. All they had to do now was beat Hufflepuff and the cup was as good as theirs. She was glad of the day off she had and wearing her black and green plaid skirt and her favorite raptor top. headed to the cliff tops. The weather was a lot cooler now and she was grateful for it, she may have been Italian and used to the intense heat but there was always something about the cooler temperatures that captivated her. Clambering now across the rocks she looked across to see Kaede. She had only seen her in class really and hadn't had any chance to really speak with her.

"Kaede!" she called out, standing up shakily and giving a wave. A rock moved from beneath her foot and she slid downwards, a slight rock slide but nothing major. Merlina managed to stay balanced as she had to almost run down the upper cliff face with the moving rocks jumping the last bit to the path beneath. It was only then she spotted the boy as she came down heavily on the ankle that always seemed to take the brunt of anything. She flushed a beetroot shade before looking to Kaede.
"Missed my footing. Hey" she smiled at her as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She wasn't the most graceful of people that was for sure.
Kaede jumped at the sound of a familiar voice. Turning around, she stood up quickly and smiled as Isaac, a boy she had met a little bit ago, came walking up to her. "Not always, but most of the time," she said in a friendly way as her voice carried a happy tone. "It seems your up here quite a lot yourself, or am I wrong?" Her smile widened, happy that he had come up to the cliffs again. After talking to him she had decided that he was a generally nice person, and definitely someone she would proudly associate herself to if she needed to.

Suddenly another voice rang out, but this time it was her name that she heard. Turning towards the sound of the voice, she recognized Merlina. Her friend gave her a small wave right before she started to slip, the sound of rocks echoing as they slid down the steep cliff. For a second Kaede's smiling face was wiped away as fear quickly engulfed it. Despite her fear, it seemed Merlina was able to keep her balance, and continued to walk up towards Kaede. As her smile returned, she waved back at Merlina. Noticing that Merlina was blushing, she quickly responded to her. "Don't worry about it, it's surprising I didn't fall of the cliffs on my way up here. Did you know that I fall up the castle stairs at least once or twice a day?" Laughing at that, she realized that she hadn't introduced her two friends to each other yet. She didn't know if they knew eachother, but she decided that either way, it would be more polite to do it then not to do it."

Turning towards Isaac, she motioned towards Merlina and said, "This is my friend Merlina." Smiling at him, she turned towards Merlina and gestured towards Isaac, saying the opposite to her as she had said to him. "This is my friend Isaac. I didn't know if you two knew each other already, so I thought that the best thing I could do was introduce you guys." A deep red started to come up across her cheeks. She wasn't sure if she had said too much or to little.
Isaac smiled in return as Kaede greeted him and said that he seemed to be at the cliffs a lot. He was about to reply when he heard Kaede's name being called out by an unfamiliar turn. The Slytherin boy looked over his shoulder to see a very odd looking girl waving to Kaede and then slipping. The slip up happened to fast for either Kaede or himself to do anything about it, and luckily the girl was alright.

When she finally reached the pair of them Isaac noticed she was beet red and couldn't help but think I'd be too if I nearly fell in front of a stranger, completely glad he didn't. The Slytherin boy leaned against a large boulder while still being able to remain standing. Isaac listened as Kaede introduced the two strangers to each other, nodding his head in acknowledgement as the Hufflepuff girl said his name. The proud Slytherin boy stuck out his hand with his head held high as he said, "Isaac Chambers," as if Kaede's introduction weren't enough. It was just natural for him to introduce himself with his first and last name. "No I don't believe we've met," he clarified to Kaede, meaning to keep his tone nice and neutral, though being as arrogant as he was it came out rather snotty for a boy at least.
Merlina had always liked how Kaede made her feel 'normal', her own snappy way of speaking her mind and putting her foot in it had gotten her into more scrapes than she cared to mention but Kaede had never judged her badly and had always given her a chance to simply be herself. The initial 'mean' talk as others would have put it was simply a defense mechanism but she didn't know any other way having been around adults all her natural life. Here at least she had learnt to control her motor mouth somewhat and being around Ryuu had helped an awful lot as well.
"Thanks Kaede, I seriously couldn't picture you falling up anything though" she smiled and the action made her awkward features seem almost normal, "those stairs are a hazard though, it's a wonder someone hasn't done themselves a serious injury yet".

Her friend politely began introductions to the boy and Merlina turned to face him, she recognised him vaguely from some of her classes but had never spoken to him and had never known his name before now. Though why he felt the need to repeat it after Kaede had already told her was beyond Merlina. Perhaps he thought she was stupid or something, her Italian accent was still thick but that didn't mean she was and it certainly didn't mean she couldn't understand plain English. She looked briefly at the hand he outstretched and Merlina was very tempted not to shake it. It was only looking back at Kaede that prompted her to behave. She put her hand in his and shook it slowly.
"Merlina Caliburn" she repeated herself looking directly at him bristling slightly.
Kaede smiled as Isaac said that he hadn't thought that they had met before. She always enjoyed meeting new people, even though she wasn't really meeting anyone new. But the fact that she could help others meet new people made her just as happy.

Turning to Merlina, Kaede grinned as her friend started saying how she couldn't picture Kaede doing a thing such as falling up the stairs. "Oh believe me, it is quite and easily possible if you don't pay attention. And that's something I don't do a lot, at least not when I'm walking." Her voice was bubbly but had a weird calmness to it. "Oh I know! I'm guessing if it ever happens it'll probably happen to me. Hopefully though, it won't."

A calm wind flew over the cliff, causing Kaede's hair to brush her rosy cheeks. Tucking her hair behind one ear, she started to babble about things that were currently on her mind. "So how has school been for you guys?" It was a mutual question, and was one that everyone could relate too. At least that's what Kaede thought.

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