Open Something For Me

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
Aurora had always felt very pleased and confident in herself, she had never been the sort of person to have a personality crisis, well, that was until now. She was the youngest of her siblings and had never been like either of them, having a defining trait or something that she loved that was easy to pick up on. Rosie had her flowers and plants, Branson had his books, reading and writing about them, and she...well, she liked quidditch, she liked reading, she liked plants but none of them to the same degree as her siblings.

Aurora wasn't sure if this meant she had to find something to be interested in, or just that she would eventually. Aurora felt the weight of her family and the legacy so many of them had had at school. She knew each had been good at something, had held something, apart from dad, but no one ever talked about that in negative terms. She had come to the trophy room and was looking at the names of the head people, looking at the halloween trophies, the top points, spotting the familiar names of her family. Winning at halloween would put her amongst the people here, but that wouldn't really help she didn't feel like she was a halloween girl.
Brooke had been warned time and time again that their OWL year was going to be difficult; that they'd need to be prepared for more work and harder subject matter than previous years. Like in previous years, she'd just assumed that shouldn't apply to her. She'd always done well without trying and she hadn't thought to see any reason why this year should be different. Except it was. And Brooke felt like she was cracking under the pressure. Where she'd once effortlessly gotten O's, E's and even A's were starting to crop up on her assignments and Brooke couldn't understand what she was doing differently. Just that it wasn't enough. How had Sydney done it? She flouted grades so casually and yet she'd still managed to do well while being a prefect and leading a club too, complaining the whole while.

Brooke had been staring at the Duelling Tournament trophies for awhile, dimly aware that she was wasting valuable study time but unable to stop herself from counting Sydney's victories, when she realized someone else was pursuing the cases as well. Feeling caught out even though she didn't think the girl had seen her, Brooke quickly wiped her palms on her robes, shifting to point at one of the top points trophies the girl had been looking at. "Oh look, there's my name," she said as casually as she could, giving the girl a sheepish smile.
Aurora was a little surprised by the voice, she hadn’t thought any one else was in here, and she didn’t know who this girl was, just that she was on one of the top points trophies. ”Well done,” Aurora congratulated, though she didn’t know anything really about this girl or if this really was her achievement, but she just let it slide. Aurora thought it was cool to have a name on one of the top points, and she was rather curious as to how hard it would be. Would it in part depend on who else nwas in the house, were some houses easier. But it wouldn’t matter for her purposes she was in Gryffindor and it would depend on how hard it was for gryffindor. ”Was it hard?” she decided to ask the girl, she’d opened the conversation about it with her, so why not try and find out any more information about it. Or more information about this girl.
Brooke didn't know what she'd expected, blurting out a two year old trophy to some random lower year student, but any enjoyment she should have gotten from her congratulations rang a big hollow with the awareness of just how badly Brooke was doing with her classes right now. And how unlikely she was to ever see her name back on another plaque any time soon. "It was easier before I started OWLs, I think. But not too hard if you have the time," she said as casually as possible. She wasn't about to go pouring all her stress about school to every student she ran into, as much as a part of her wanted to complain. It wasn't a good look.

"Are you looking for someone specific?" Brooke asked instead, glancing at the other trophies in the cabinet the girl had been looking at. "My sister has a frankly obnoxious number of duelling trophies," she added, nodding her head in the vague direction of them. It wasn't often Brooke got to actually brag about Sydney, all things considered, and even if Brooke had also failed miserably to keep up Sydney's prestiege in her own attempts at duelling, she was still quietly proud of her sister's achievements.
Aurora looked at the girl, she was a pretty girl, pretty in a way that Aurora hoped she would be too. She had to agree that it was probably easier when you weren't focsing on studying. At the question she shook her head. She glanced towards the plaque about duelling and at the names, she could have an idea that this girl was threrefore related to either Leia something or Sydney Townsend, she didn't know how old this girl or her sister. "Not really looking for anyone specifically, but just generally family," she said, there were a few names on trophies that Aurora could spot for some reason or another. Prefects and head people, top points. She just hoped one day she'd be up there in some capacity too, at least once, it would be so nice to be with them up there. "I'd like to have my name up there, somwhere too at some point,"
Brooke hummed when the girl said she was just looking for family, pulling her own eyes away from the duelling plaques. After 4 years straight of failing at duelling, she was starting to wonder if she should admit defeat on that matter. "Oh really?" she said idly, adjusting her hair and subtly as possible when she spotted her reflection in the trophy case. "What are you good at? You want to get top points? Or maybe you could win the wheel barrel race," she said with a tight smile. At this rate, that seemed the only way Brooke was getting back on a trophy any time soon.
Aurora gave a little nod and then couldn't help but give a little laugh. "Honestly, given some of those point totals, I'd probably have the best chance with winning a halloween trophy," Aurora knew that she wasn't getting top points, she liked studying and that but she was not that interested in being the best. She didn't think prefect was on her agenda, certainly not head girl, so that ruled those out, "Though with my sister, we could win a wheelbarrow race," she commented with a little shrug, since that was the one other thing she could perhaps do, though when was the last one. "I like duelling, but I've also never done it properly so I don't know if I'd be good enough, so halloween,"

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