Closed Running Into Eachother

Charlotte Harper

International Confederation | Workaholic | Direct
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 Inch Swishy Yew Wand With a Veela Hair Core
Charlotte was at home over the break and had celebrate Christmas with her family. But not everyone was there. Her big brother Matthew was not. A empty chair at the large table. Charlotte had forgive her father for the big mistake he made, he had helped making a devil itself. And by that she ment Odette. Since Odette was a part of their story Charlotte felt like her life fell apart. Matthew and she had the best relationship ever when they were younger. Charlotte looked up to her brother sometimes and all that he did and said. He spoke more against their father when he didn't agreed with something. Charlotte mostly choose sides with her dad. He ment everything to her. Matthew was more a mothers child. But since Matthew knew of Odette, it seemed like Charlotte wasn't important anymore. Charlotte couldn't stand it when she was not on number one. And she wasn't gonna share this spot with Odette. She would do anything to throw her half sister from that spot down. And her Christmas party with family wasn't the same without Matthew. She had asked her parents where he was, but her mother just said he didn't want to be in a room with her parents. But she was there too! Didn't Matthew notice that? Than Charlotte just figured he was with Leah his girlfriend. Charlotte was so mad, she didn't responded at Matthew's letters anymore. He was air for her right now. But she felt really hurt deep inside. He just left her with their parents. How selfish. Charlotte would now only think of herself now, she would be selfish just like Matthew did right now. She came first and than everyone else.

The blonde wrote a last sentence in her letter to her parents of how she arrived at Hogwarts safely. Now Matthew was gone, they had only eyes for her. It was nice to get all the attention. But whenever she didn't got it she made sure she got it as well, so it was no big difference. Only now her parents seemed more worried for her. They wanted to know if she was on school and all details. It was stupid. The blonde gave her letter to her owl and put her bag. She was sitting in a window frame in the North Tower and was glad she was alone here. If she would run into someone where the face would not stand her already, she wasn't sure how things turned out. Charlotte felt so angry. She took a photo of her and Matthew out of her bag and looked at it for a second. She shredded it in million pieces and threw them in the air. A small tear rolled from her face, but she clenched her fists out of anger reallt tight. Charlotte stood up and was on her way to the stairs before wiping her tear away quickly and put on her standard look on her face.
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Odette didn't write many letters anymore, as she didn't know that many people outside the castle. Contact with Asaiah and Charlotte Owens had dried up a bit, and she obviously no longer had to write her mother. Maria was usually at the castle, so there was no reason to write her. But today, Odette had composed a letter for her brother, Matthew. She had been happy to see him over Christmas, and kind of wanted to see him again soon. He had talked about enrolling in a muggle university for his photography, and that seemed like a good step to Odette. With the letter addressed to him in her hand, she made her way up the tower to head to the owlery. Her mind felt very full lately, but not always in a bad way. She found herself thinking about Margo pretty much constantly, and often found herself reflecting on how lucky she was to have been accepted by the Madisons.

Her other sibling was someone who barely ever crossed her mind, so it was startling to actually see her sitting on a windowsill. Odette stopped, staring for a moment as she seemed to be ripping up a photo. Was she... crying? Odette thought about what to do. Charlotte had been nothing but horrible to her, but she was her half-sister. Shouldn't Odette comfort her, or something? It's what she would do for Emily or Charlie, and they had only sort of been her sisters for a very short time. She thought of what Matthew would want her to do, and hesitantly took a step closer. At that moment, Charlotte seemed to gather herself and got up, and Odette knew she had to act now if she was going to. "Are... you okay?" She called to the younger girl as she approached. She really did look similar to Odette, and it was startling to notice every time.
Charlotte saw people leaving the tower but didn't paid attention to them. If they asked her if she was crying she could always said she had something in her eye. She could always figure out something, because that was what she did. She could turn anything in a good lie and people would believe it. She could even fake tears and get attention. That was something she did often when she was younger with her parents. And now she got all that attention and didn't even had to try and get it. Matthew just gave it to her for free, by leaving the family. But it felt different not really good as it used too. Thinking about that name already made her mad. Perhaps she would pretend he wasn't even there anymore. That would make things easier. She was not gonna write him, and she was stubborn. But Charlotte was used to getting all she wanted, and now she didn't. And there was someone to blame for it. Matthew wasn't here so she couldn't yell at him or blame him. But someone else was and she had never told her about it so directly. And when she wanted to get off the stairs that person seemed to be closer than she thought or hoped. But Charlotte really had to get herself together, because she had never been so angry before. And she didn't knew what she would do. Odette was there just right in front of her. And she asked if she was ok? Why did she do that? What did she think? Was she trying make fun out of her? That was not gonna happen. Charlotte thought about different scenario's. She could accidently let Odette slip on the stairs, she could throw her of the tower but all ended with Charlotte getting the blame. And she wanted to become prefect, she had to. If Simon was she should, or she should and he wouldn't at all. The blonde frowned and than looked at Odette. '' Why do you care?! Just send a letter to MY dad. Who will never love you or look at you. Do you know that he never told about you because he is ashamed of you. If Matthew didn't found out you will never be mentioned. You wouldn't even exist .. '' Charlotte began and looked around the tower. It was empty now and it could stay that way. If someone would come up here she would yell them away. It was her moment and she wanted her half-sister to know what she had done.

Perhaps she didn't cared what Charlotte said, but she needed to do this. She needed to let her know what she did by being born at all. '' And I'm not fine! You can know, and I don't care at all. You ruined my family. I will never forgive you. You can be all sweet innocent and victim girl to Matthew. But I see who you really are. You are still the same person and hasn't changed at all. You can try being a better person and all, but you will never be! You were born evil. I HATE YOU!'' Charlotte said and screamed the last part. She fighted against her tears. She hated when people saw her cry but what if someone heard her. They would come and see her being the bad guy. So perhaps the tears were good. Perhaps she could manipulate Odette or something. Charlotte her tears rolled over her cheeks and she took a bit of distance between Odette and her and slammed her fist against the wall a bit too hard. She was mad! And she had no idea how to control it right now. Charlotte saw how it began to bleed a bit. And already she had a plan if a professor would come and ask what was going on. She would be the victim.
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Part of Odette had known she would regret the question the moment it left her mouth, but she had been unable to help herself. Living with Maria and her children had opened Odette up to the idea of what a family could be, and it made her sad that she would never have that with her actual half sister. But Charlotte wasn't like Matthew, and if Odette forgot that for a moment, the expression on her face once she looked at Odette reminded her immediately. Odette raised her hands up defensively as the girl started to talk about her dad, immediately saying he would never love her. "Wow. I didn't even mention him." She said, frowning. "Why are you bringing up your dad? I don't love him either, you know? Did you ever think that maybe that doesn't hurt as much as you think it does? I don't need some guy who abandoned me before I was even born." Her voice was calm, but annoyed. "And newsflash, I would exist even if Matthew hadn't found me. Your dad still would have cheated on your mother, that's not my fault, it's his." She said firmly. She had thought about this more and more, and realized that she wasn't to blame for any of this. Matthew could see that too, but Charlotte was too childish and hateful to see the same, it seemed.

Charlotte got really worked up really quickly, and Odette wished she had just walked on to post the letter to Matthew. It was probably a good thing the younger girl hadn't seen the name on the envelope, and Odette hid it with her hand. She sighed as the girl started yelling at her about ruining her family, and then crossed her arms. She winced as the girl yelled that she hated her, but felt that the words left her oddly untouched. Charlotte didn't know her. That much was clear from her words. Odette felt a little bad about the tears, but knew deep down that they weren't her fault. She winced as the girl slammed her fist into a wall, taking a step back. "Calm down!" She said, shaking her head. "I didn't do anything to Matthew, he came here to meet me. I've never pretended to be a victim. Yes, I'm trying to be a better person, and maybe you should be trying the same. You're manipulative and mean, and I can tell you from my own experience that will do no good for you in your future." She said, knowing that the girl wasn't going to listen but also unwilling not to say anything. "You should... go get that checked out at the hospital wing, too." She said, gesturing to the girl's bleeding hand. She kept her distance physically, and emotionally as well. She couldn't let herself care about Charlotte if the girl was going to hurl insults at her the moment she only walked past. That would be too hard for her to deal with. If Charlotte didn't love her and was determined to hate her, Odette wouldn't be her sister. She needed people in her life who would support her, and she had finally found them. She stepped around the girl on her way to the owlery, the letter still clutched in her hand. "I don't hate you. But you're also not my sister if you don't want to be." She told her, hesitant. "So... I'll just leave you alone, pretend I didn't say anything. Go get that hand checked out."
Charlotte hurt her fist more than she wanted, or ever thought she would. She would not let Odette know that it hurt that much. She wasn't a silly child. The reaction from Odette was one she could expect. But she didn't believed that having no dad would not hurt her a bit. But she was glad that Odette thought this way. '' I don't believe you. Glad to hear so though. You won't steal my father away just like you did with Matthew!'' She than responded still angry. Charlotte couldn't hear it was her fathers fault. She had thought like that ofcourse, he made the mistake of making Odette. But she was past that. Now it was just Odette. Charlotte ignored the girl for what she said about her parents. But than couldn't let it to mention her mother. '' I am sure YOUR mother. Has tricked my father into this. You learned being evil from your mother... I am sure and ruining peoples relationships. She knew for sure that he was married!'' Charlotte said mean to the girl. She had no clue about how Odette her mother was, but figured it would be as mother as daugther. And she did the same with her and Matthew. Now Matthew didn't visit them anymore and Odette had steal him away. But than she explained how Matthew came to her, he did indeed! Charlotte was angry at everyone, also Matthew.

The blonde looked at her first and knew she had to visit the hospital wing for this. But she was soo angry! She laughed when Odette really believed she would become a better person and tried to give her advice. She wasn't family and she had no part in her life and would not certainly take her advice. '' I will. Perhaps I even say it was you who hurt me. Let's see if you are still a good person than?'' The blonde than said with a grin on her face. She didn't even cared for the pain she had in her fist. She was just messing with Odette and hoped she would make a wrong step. '' I do and that will never change. Did you know that Matthew didn't even come at home with HIS family for Christmas. He won't come home anymore. And he doesn't even think of me being there!! So congratulations you won.'' The blonde said and went sitting on the window frame. She was not gonna pretend anymore. She could see how Charlotte was and what she thought. Nothing mattered anymore. She hated her half sister, and she hated Matthew right now. And her parents had also lied to her. Everyone thought she was a small child, but she wanted the truth. And Odette could hear it than.
Odette was frustrated with the girl in front of her. Why did she insist on interacting with Odette if she hated her so much? Odette would leave her alone if she wanted, and she definitely regretted asking if the younger girl was okay. It was strange to think Charlotte was in Charlie's year, and that Odette was getting along better with her foster sister than one she was related to by blood. "You can believe me or not, but I have people who actually care about me now. I don't care about some guy who abandoned me before I was born." She said, adding a shrug to make it seem more casual. "Matthew can be a brother to us both. Haven't you ever learned to share?" She scowled. Odette tensed when the girl started talking about her mother. "You don't know anything about her, shut up." She said, frowning. "Just... shut up, you don't know." She wished she could say more, but didn't want to reveal to the girl that her mother had died last year. It was nice that she didn't know, as Odette didn't trust Charlotte not to say something awful about it. "Don't talk as if he had nothing to do with it. He made the choice to cheat on your mother, that was on him." She said, looking straight at the girl. "Just because you love him, you try to blame everyone else. But maybe Matthew is right about him, and he isn't a good person at all." Odette had made up her mind about her dad, and felt like she didn't really want to meet him at all.

She was ready to move on from the conversation, but then Charlotte made a weak attempt to threaten her. "Okay, go ahead." She said, not that bothered by the prospect. There was no proof that she had hurt the girl, but at the same time she didn't much care if a nurse did think so. It wasn't like she had a very good reputation in the first place, so what did it matter? She rolled her eyes when the girl started talking about Matthew again and how he hadn't visited for Christmas. Her annoyance spiked. "I do know, because he had Christmas lunch at my place and then went to his girlfriend's house." She snapped. "You don't have to tell me things like that, I know already." She would be lying if she said there wasn't a small thrill of pleasure in telling Charlotte that information. "It's not you he's avoiding, it's your dad. And as long as you are too selfish to make a compromise to go see him without putting him in the position of having to be near his father, he won't go see you." She said, trying her best not to sound too angry. She was telling the truth, and honestly giving the girl some advice she could probably do something with. But Charlotte didn't seem capable of thinking of what others wanted or needed. All she cared about was herself.

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