Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
((Yellow rose for Nicole Fisk, open after Kris))

Usually he did not take part in such an affair, but this time he decided it was worth trying something new. The first rose wasn't that difficult because the boy knew the twin sister had a girlfriend, Nicole Fisk. So he knew well that he had to go to Slytherin's desk. Nicole's rose sent Iris yellow bright as the sun itself. ''Hey, you're Nicole, aren't you?'' he asked.
Rose day was shaping up to be super exciting, and Nicole had to admit she was purposely loitering in the great hall longer than she normally would. Just in case someone else had another rose for her. Nicole kind of hated that you couldn't tell how many roses to expect until everything was said and done and it'd be terrible if there was some delivery person out there somewhere trying to find her. She was thrilled when she saw Thomas approaching with his own rose deliveries, hoping he was speaking to her because he was dropping another one off. "Yeah, I'm Nicole! You're Jenna's brother, right?" She said, trying not to stare too obviously at Thomas' roses. She'd seen Thomas around in class, but they'd never spoken much, but Nicole felt like she knew a bit about him just from hanging with Jenna so much.
The Rose Day was really exciting, especially if it could give people a little fun in the gray-haired routine. Thomas had of course seen Nicole in class and the sister had told a lot about the girl. Only they had never spoken, but now they had a little opportunity to talk. '' Yes, I'm Jenna's brother, Thomas. Nice to meet you, Nicole. '' He said then smiled at the girl. '' I asked you to present this beautiful rose-colored sun. ''
Nicole nodded politely as Thomas introduced himself, wondering if she should try to hang out with him more. Jenna and Thomas seemed pretty close so it'd probably fun to be friends with him too, kinda like it was with Iris and Emma. "Wait, you and Jenna are in the same year, are you twins too?" She asked, suddenly realizing it. Jenna hadn't mentioned the being twins, but she didn't actually know everyone's birthdays yet so Nicole wasn't sure.

"Oh yay, thank you," She said happily, taking the yellow rose from him. The pink and red roses she'd seen around were definitely way prettier than a bunch of yellow roses, but Nicole was just happy to get some roses. She'd hate to be another one of the first years who hadn't managed to make good enough friends yet to get at least one.
Thomas smiled at Nicole when they were dating. In the past, they had no way of getting to know each other and speaking more than one word. Then the girl asked a question, which surprised me a bit, because if Jenna wouldn't have told her that she was twins. '' Yes, we are twins. '' he refused. Thomas was a minute younger than his sister, but it wasn't crazy.

'' Oh, I forgot the note.'' Thomas took the note out of his pocket and handed it to Nicole.


Thanks for being a good friend. I hope your future is full of fortune.

Nicole tried not to look put out when Thomas confirmed he and Jenna were twins too. "Man, I swear half our year gets a twin except me," She said, pulling a strained smile right at the end to appear like she was joking. It was a dumb thing too jealous of and Nicole quickly mentally scolded herself for it, turning a more sincere smile to Thomas as he handed her the note from the rose. "Oh, thank you," She said, her smile relaxing more at the note from Iris. It was nice that she'd managed to make a solid friend group here at school, she'd been awfully worried about it earlier in the year. "Did you get any roses? From Jenna maybe?" She asked.
Thomas may have been grateful that he had a twin, but sometimes it was difficult. Nicole may not have known what the connection was between the twins. Because Thomas felt every Jenna's pain and it was severe. Their bond was close. '' Would you like to have a twin too? '' he asked. Until he heard the question or he received the rose himself. '' Yes, I got it from Jenna. '' he replied, though Thomas hoped to get a rose from Tina too, but unfortunately didn't.

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