Ringing in the New Year

Alfonso Antolini

New Member
Alfonso stood completely still as his wife finished with his tie. The man knew how to tie it himself, but he enjoyed the intimacy of allowing his wife to do it. As she finished, he shared a kiss with her before finally breaking away to head for the door. "I'll go check to see how things are looking" he replied in Italian. Everyone in the family had been busy readying themselves for the evening's events for the majority of the afternoon while the house elves had worked on decorating the home. Alfonso was sure that they'd done a splendid job. Operaio had been with their family since he and his wife had married. The elf had been his father's wedding present.

Striding down the stairs, Alfonso stopped at the base of the steps to inspect the work that had been done. The family Christmas tree sat in a corner, only the presents for his nieces and nephews still resting underneath. It had been ages since Alfonso had seen his brother, something he planned on calling him out on the very first chance he got. Surely, there was nothing so important that it should be keeping him from family. He hoped to impress this fact on his brother as they entered the new year together. Accepting a glass of champagne from one of the house elves that he'd rented for the evening, Alfonso went to his favorite chair by the fireplace to wait for his children to come downstairs and the rest of the family to arrive. He'd opened a floo network stop at his home for the evening for their convenience.
It had bugged Vicenzo that he'd had to come back home, or well, to his uncle's home for the New Year. The teen had had plans to spend the New Year with a few of his friends from Beauxbatons, but this night saw him going to his uncle's family home for the event, which had left Enzo feeling a little bitter. He had spent most of his holiday in Italy, roaming around, moving between the different homes of his friends and occasionally being at home with his family. He was growing out his beard, which had begun growing better in recent months, the seventh year Beauxbatons student preferred it when he wasn't clean shaven, it made him look older he thought. Vicenzo knew he'd be early for this event too, or well, just before the rest of his family was ready, as he had put little effort into the event, opting to forgo the suit and formal attire and just go for what he would've worn anyway to spend the night with his friends instead of here with family. He didn't think that he would have fun at this, he really doubted about it, but he was hoping that he could spend spend some time with some of his cousins or his siblings and that might make it slightly more fun that it was, least the siblings and cousins closest to him in age. Though Vicenzo doubted that this night would be good at all, he was just hoping that he wasn't forced to stand and listen to Orsino talk all evening about his incredibly boring life.

With his packet of cigarettes in his back pocket secure, the teen did one last check that he had everything he might need before telling his family that he was leaving for his uncle's house. He grabbed some of the floo powder, and then quickly uttered the name of the place he wanted to go, throwing down the powder like he was supposed to, and in no time at all arriving at the other Antolini house. He wiped down his clothes, getting rid of any residue ash on his clothes, double checking he still had everything before only then looking around the room, Vicenzo greeted his uncle upon seeing him with a smile, before then accepting a glass of champagne from one of the elves. He took a small sip of the liquid, noticing at this point that aside from the house elves and his uncle, Alfonso, the room was devoid of much family. Vicenzo took to just standing somewhat awkwardly in the room, moving away from the fireplace and standing away leaning against the wall behind him, waiting for someone slightly closer to him in age to come into the room so that he would have someone to talk to. He got on perfectly fine with Alfonso but that didn't mean he wanted to waste the last minutes of this year talking to him.
Maria Antolini had been laying low for some time. She had not been in contact with her family during her low time. And, she was surprised she received an invitation to the family party. Maria Jordan wore a simple mini dress. It was a glittery pink, and she wore white stilettos. The woman never had many opportunities to dress "girly". She was in a rock bands, which required her to wear typical suffocating skinny jeans. She held two bottles of firewhiskey in one hand and she held a bottle of vodka in her other hand. The entirety of the family knew that she loved to drink. Maria apparatus close to the Antolini home, and she strutted to the front door. She hated using Floo powder. She assumed she wouldn't be able to apparate right inside the house because all witches and wizards made that impossible. It was common sense. The blonde made it to the front door. Maria hit the bottle of vodka on the door with a bit of force. "Mom! Dad! Open up!"" she yelled. Maria had not been an easy child to raise. She was rowdy, loud, and unorthodox. She had grown up spoiled, but she had grown out of that stage. Everyone one did not get what they wanted. She surely hadn't once she graduated. Maria felt her parents were ready to get her out of the house.

As Maria raised the bottle to bang on the door again, a house elf opened the door. Maria smiled down at the elf and dropped the bottle of vodka and a bottle of firewhiskey in it's arms. She strutted in and yelled, "Wooo! Isn't is great to be home for the holidays!" Maria spotted Vicnezo. The woman proceeded to walk over to him and wrap an arm around him. "You look bored little cousin! Have a little something stronger." she told him. She opened the firewhiskey and proceeded to pour some of the liquid in his cup. After filling the cup to the brim, she skipped over to her father and plopped down in his lap, her legs hanging over the arm of the chair. "Hello Daddy. Firewhiskey?" she asked with a bright smile on her face.
New Year was never Clara's favorite time of year. She felt like she had never achieved anything and bringing in the new year with nothing to show for her previous ones proved it. Being diagnosed with clinical depression certainly didn't make her feel any better. She supposed some people might feel better actually knowing what was wrong, but Clara just wished that there would be something to just make her better. She had tried different things, and her favorite go to was Cheering Charms, but Clara always felt worse off afterwards.
The blonde knew she had to put on a facade for her family. Although she usually would have preferred to spend the evening in bed, she knew there was no way her family would let her. She was excited to see some of them though. She didn't see them as much as she would like, and it was usually a good time catching up with them. Groaning as she pushed herself out of bed, Clara knew that she would probably feel better once she went to her Uncle and Aunt's house, and definitely after spending a day with her family.
Usually, Clara would have waited for someone to go with. She didn't like attending large gatherings by herself. But, seeing as it was family, Clara didn't think twice about grabbing a fistful of Floo powder and stepping into her fireplace and out of her Uncles. She brushed herself as she stepped into the living room, her eyes seeing her cousin and uncle, and also her brother Vicenzo. Clara greeted her Uncle and Maria, before going to stand next to Vicenzo, noting the overflowing cup of Firewhiskey. She smiled, knowing Maria probably had something to do with it. Clara leaned against the wall, not saying anything, not feeling like she had to.
Gemma Antolini was not a very outgoing sort of person. She was much closer in personality to her cousins Clara and Orsino than she was to her own siblings. Maria was very loud and liked to go at things in her own way, whereas Gemma was quite happy for people to tell her what to do. There were not many things that Gemma liked to do when there were crowds, but sometimes she would just hang out in her bedroom, or perhaps the kitchen. Writing tended to take her mind off of the things that upset her, but she never actually showed any of her work to anyone. Mostly because she was convinced that it was all crap and no-one would want to read it. She also knew that if she didn't tell anyone about it, they weren't going to know anything, but it didn't make a difference. She was extremely defensive of her journals, each filled with the scribblings of stories that had yet to come to fruition. Maybe one day she would get there, but that day was not today. So she shut her journal and shoved it into her closest draw before making sure she looked presentable enough to be surrounded by family.

Gemma made her way down the stairs, already hearing Maria's screeching voice. It wasn't that she didn't like her sister, she was just so loud all the time. Gemma so rarely had her quiet as it was. Never-the-less she smiled when she made it to the base of the stairs and went around the room. Clara and Vicenzo were closest to her and so she greeted them first. A hug for the both of them, ever mindful of Vicenzo's overflowing cup. An arm around Maria's neck with an additional headbutt and then a kiss on the cheek for her father. Things were not exactly what she would call lively, but it would likely pick up when others turned up. She was fairly sure that Enrico was still in his room, but she didn't know who else of her cousins would be appearing. Probably Rosa would, as she never missed a chance to see family, but Orsino's partner had only recently had a baby, they might have wanted to spend christmas alone. Gemma smiled down at Maria then and extended her hand for the bottle of fire whisky. "Dunno about Dad, but I'll take one."
The quiet in the room lasted for only a few moments more before his nephew arrived in the room. Alfonso greeted his nephew with a nod of his head but remained in his seat, thinking over what other things needed to be attended to before everyone arrived. Soon enough, the room would be full and the house elves would be left to tend to the party on their own. The silence was shattered as his daughter strode into the home. Alfonso let out a sigh of relief. He heard so little from Maria, and she was so rambunctious, that he figured the next time he would see her would be at a disciplinary hearing. Alfonso knew that his wife would be happy to see their daughter as well. She was always so worried about Maria. As Maria settled herself onto the arm of his chair, Alfonso smiled up at his daughter. Before he could respond to her question, his daughter, Gemma, arrived at his side. The two girls were different as night and day. Eyebrows raised as Gemma asked for some firewhiskey, Alfonso bit back his response. Gemma was of age, and he needed to let her live. It was what his wife constantly had to remind him of. Alfonso had several adult children, but he worried about all of them. "I think I'll stick to the champagne for now, but ask me again when your grandfather arrives" Alfonso finally told Maria with a smirk. He'd recently had a heated discussion with the man and was not entirely sure how today would go.

The man gestured stood up and gave each of his daughters a kiss on the forehead, one of the things he'd done since they were children that he refused to give up. He gestured to the house elves and told one to put some music on and another to offer Clara some champagne before turning his attention back to his daughters. "It's so good to have you both here together. You both look lovely. It has been too long since we last saw you, Maria. Your mother will be thrilled that you're here" he smiled again, holding up his half empty glass of champagne. "Cheers to a wonderful evening" he told his daughters as he leaned his glass forward to clink with theirs. "And, Maria? Please don't give the children any firewhiskey" he added. Several of her siblings and cousins were underage, and he felt that firewhiskey was a bit...much for them.
Rosa Antolini adored her family and she loved being with them. It was a point that she and Orsino often fought about. Though Orsino loved his family, he was much happier away from them, where he could be on his own, doing what he wanted. Rosa was delightfully happen to be surrounded by those she loved, all day, every day. Her job, however, often took her away from her home and her siblings and as most of them were school age, it was rare she got to spend any time with them. She didn't mind though, as she often received letters from Clara, but worried dearly about her little sister. Rosa always felt the need to look out for the teen, as she felt the closest bond with her. Likely it was the power of the female gene and an acknowledged sistership that made them so close, but she intended to pull her aside today to see that she was still okay. She worried about all of her siblings, the burden of being the eldest she supposed. She wondered what she would be like were she ever to become a mother. Shaking the thoughts from her head, Rosa, wearing a lovely christmas sweater with matching skirt and killer heels, walked up to the house and knocked on the door. She was ushered inside and smiled at her family.

"Oh I do hope I'm not late. I had to pick up this gorgeous little red dress on the way over, it was absolutely divine!" She placed the wine and bags she had brought on the closest surface and moved straight to Clara. She smiled at her little sister and enveloped her in a hug. "How are you, Dolcezza? Is school picking up for you?" She asked as she pulled away and played with her sisters hair. "You really must let me do your hair, Clara! I picked up this new trick from one of the girls and it sort of does this thing where you twist and- oh, I'll just show you later!" She looked at Vicenzo and gave him a 'you're next' smile before quickly moving to wrap her arms around him too. "Every time I see you you've grown, Stellino!" Vicenzo had managed to overtake her in height quite a while ago, but seeing as she was only five feet five, this was no hard task at all. She grinned up at him and pulled Maria and Gemma into hugs simultaneously. "Ugh, I missed you two, I brought gifts for everyone by the way." She looked up at Alfonso and hugged him too. Rosa was a hugger, she hugged everyone. She turned to face everyone in the room. "Wait til Grumpy gets here and you see the baby, awe, she's so cute!"
"We're already late!" Carlo called behind his shoulder as he knotted his tie around the collar of his shirt and pulled his blazer on while approaching the fireplace. He had heard both Vincenzo and Clara leave for Alfonso's party minutes ago, and while the Italian man had been patient enough to wait for his wife as she searched through her jewelry to find her other earring, he knew that every minute they were late meant more of an earful from Alfonso who was already not happy with Carlo's lack of contact this year. Granted, Carlo had been busy helping Clara with her issues among with the regular stress he copped at work enough to avoid spending time with his brother and extended family, so he could not be fully blamed for his allusiveness, though he knew any reason he spurted out would not fair enough of an excuse and all the forty eight year old man could to was arrive at this long awaited New Year's party and use this event as an opportunity to make up for lost time in spite of his lateness. Carlo was sure that his nieces and nephews had grown up so much within the last year and he was equally exited to see them as he was to shake his brother's hand in greeting again.

Carlo waited near the fire place until Adelina approached, smiling at her as he allowed her to leave first. After she disappeared in green flames he followed in her footsteps, stepping into the fireplace, and taking a handful of floo powder before uttering his brother's address and throwing the powder to his feet as he poofed from his own fireplace and into that of his brothers in no time at all. He stepped out and dusted some ash from his shoulders and smiled widely at his older brother who he had not seen in person since the previous year's party. "Alfonso, it's been too long!" Carlo exclaimed while walking over to his older brother and promptly shaking his hand. "How have you been?" He asked before glancing around the room and nodding at Vincenzo and Clara, noting their presence while also noting the presence of his nieces and of course his eldest daughter, Rosa. Orsino's absence did not pass as a surprise however Carlo had hoped to see his son and grandchild tonight in spite of how foolish an expectation that was.
Adelina heard Carlo called after her, as she frantically looked through her jewelry boxes for her missing earring. "Oh my god, I had it here just last weekend. Where could it go?" It was an amazing loop, silver with a small heart attached to it. Adelina hunted and hunted, while her red dress flowed around her ankles. It was perfect for the holidays. But, what was not perfect was her earring that went missing. Not only that, she had this deep, dark secret that had been hammering at her for years. It was lucky that there was no evidence right now that would deem suspicious, but there was still the guilt that she carried. However, she would appear to be happy, pleasant as she always was around her in laws. They were quite the different bunch. Adelina finally gave up on finding that earring, so she took out the solo one, and set it on the dresser. She took her wand out of her pocket, and with a simple spell, duplicated the earring. With a smile, she put the two in, and hoped that the spell would last indefinitely. Or until the other one magically showed up. Hopefully, the latter would not happen because using magic to ensure that she looked good was just, well, cheating. And she despised that word.

Finally, the mother approached Carlo as he waited for her by the fireplace. She gave him a smile with her ruby red lips before stepping into the fireplace. She said her in law's address before throwing a handful of floo powder onto the fireplace and disappearing into emerald flames. She stepped out into the familiar house of Alfonso. She was definitely glad she was wearing a small, black jacket to prevent the ash from ruining her dress. She smiled softly as Carlo seemed to be rather glad to see his brother again. She approached him before nodding her head, "And a happy new year's to you." Adelina placed her hands in front of her, folding them together as she smiled toward each of her relatives, before walking toward Clara. She placed a hand upon her hair. It was the same shade as hers, before she smoothed out where she touched. Rosa was as beautiful as always, but her son, Orsino, was absent. Perhaps he was with his child. Adelina had the same hopes as her husband, as she could basically read it from his expression.
Orsino Antolini rolled his eyes at Mea as she threw another temper tantrum. Orsino glared down at her as she stamped her foot and told him in no uncertain terms that she refused to wear the clothes he'd picked out. "Come on, Jelly Bean, you have to get dressed." He tried once more, in vain, to get her into the christmas dress, but she threw herself to the ground and wouldn't move. Orsino was concerned that he would hurt her and so turned to Galaxy who was too busy worrying about everything else to help him. Sighing, Orsino turned his eyes back to Mea and shook his head. "You're too much like your Aunt Rosa. I don't understand how, but you are." He conceded the toddler and finally allowed her to wear her fairy princess dress. Complete with crown and sceptre. Then he made his way over to Galaxy and rubbed her shoulders as she fretted over the meeting. Orsino smiled at her and turned her to face him. "Come on, Lex. It's not that bad. You've met Rosa, everything is fine, I promise. They never would've expected this from me. If anything, they'll thank you." He told her, shaking his head as she continued to try and get out of it. She clearly wasn't trying hard enough though, because if she honestly didn't want to go, he wouldn't force her. As it was he was nervous enough himself. He hadn't seen his parents, since he'd asked them for advice over a year ago. He saw Rosa often enough, but that was it. He held Mea's hand as he walked over to he fireplace. "Come on, Lex. We're already late. I don't want them to think I'm not coming. Everyone wants to meet you. They'll love you, I promise."

Orsino stepped out of the fireplace and dusted himself and Mea off, smiling at his girlfriend as she joined him. Mea was five now and Sofia was just shy of four months, so Galaxy had her hands full at the moment. Orsino definitely helped out where he could, but there was only so much he could do. Mea became a little shy when she noticed all the people and Galaxy was still nervous as well. Orsino decided he should break the ice and sent Mea over to Rosa for a hug as he took Galaxy to see his parents. "Mum, Dad, this is Sofia." He smiled down at his daughter as she yawned and grinned. "Hey Mum, I have a question. Did Rosa ever throw tantrums about the clothes she wore? Coz even though Mea's not biologically mine, I swear she's the embodiment of Rosa." He smiled at the rest of his family and wondered what they would think of Sofia and Mea. He hoped that Galaxy would begin to feel better, because he didn't want her to think she wasn't wanted. "Mea! I want you to come and meet my parents!" He called to her as Rosa finally set her down from the swinging hug she'd held her captive in. The fairy princess ran over to them and hid herself behind Orsino's legs, looking curiously up at his family. She wasn't their blood, but she was still his family.

I'm sorry this is awful. I lost inspiration half way through -_-
Enrico loved having the family together. He was not very close to his sisters, as he felt that Maria was just too loud for him, while Gemma was just too quiet. He rarely ever saw Gemma unless he wanted to talk to her - and even then she would usually brush him off. Meanwhile, Maria was just not good company, in his eyes. She kind of scared him, if he were to be perfectly honest, and he was much happier just doing his own thing - like making food. However, now that the entire family was coming together, he could go and say hello to all of them. He had planned on making cupcakes, but had not found the time to do so. He doubted anyone would notice though, he very rarely baked anything at home.

He was rushing around his room, trying to find his shoes. He had tripped over them the night before and in a fit of rage, picked them up and thrown them... somewhere. He frequently tripped over things, and he should have been more careful knowing what tomorrow would bring, but it had slipped the boy's mind and now he was freaking out. Sure, he could go down with just socks on - but he doubted anyone else would be missing shoes. He didn't want to be the only one wearing socks. "Ahh!" He fell chest-first into the floor and lay there for a moment. Maybe he could stay up here, and just roll under his bed and be forgotten by everyone. He rolled under his bed and curled up, ready to remain there for the rest of his life.

He sniffled slightly when he heard an unidentifiable young voice. He slowly began creeping out from under his bed, and wandered out to the top of the stairs, before crouching as he saw family members. He smiled, however, when he saw his cousin Orsino, with his girlfriend and two kids. A baby in arms, and a little girl in a dress behind his legs. He also spotted his uncle and aunt, as well as his other cousins, and soon also found his sisters and father. Well, it was now or never. He was probably already seen, so he excitedly ran down the stairs in his socks. He nearly slipped twice, before actually managing it. "Oooft!" About as red as a tomato, he jumped right back up to look at everyone, wiping where he had bumped his head.

"Hi, I'm Galaxy. No, that sounds too informal..." Galaxy Sith walked around her apartment like a mad woman, attempting to straighten her dress, hold her child, and pack a diaper bag all at the same time. To say this dinner was stressing Galaxy out was the understatement of the year - not that it meant much since it was a new years party. She sat Sofia down in her carrier, making sure to tuck her in tightly first. The baby's big blue eyes looked up at her, a small smile on her face. There was no mistaking that this was Orsino's daughter; if she started taking interest in dragon's they might change her name to Orsina. Galaxy always made the joke, though she knew that Sofia was the perfect name for her new daughter. As she was preparing further, her bag now packed and her hair mostly curled, she could hear her oldest - Mea - giving Orsino a hard time with her outfit. For the past few months, since Halloween, the girl had been looking for an excuse to wear the dress everywhere. If Galaxy was honest, this party was the most reasonable place yet. Sh was just leaned over the sink when he approached her, and she sighed. "We've had a child out of wed lock and I don't even know if your parents know my last name. It's a bit stressful." Her brown orbs glanced up to his and she nodded at his comment about being late. "I don't even want them to love me, I just want them to like me." She laughed, before entering the fire place, Sofia in arm.

The floo system was the quickest way to travel, but with Sofia crying as they came out, it was definitely not her favorite. Quickly Galaxy lost sight of Orsino, instead finding a place to set down the baby's basket and comfort her.She held her child against her snuggly, dusting off some of the floo powder. It was when she looked up from a now content Mea that she realized she was surrounded by people she didn't know, and had no clue where the man she'd come in with was. Meandering around, trying to avoid eye contact, she finally found her daughter and stood next to them. With her body slightly behind her lover, she looked up at his parents, unsure what to do or say. She was lucky that a small boy of mayb 13 seemed to break that, sliding in to say hello to them both.
Naomi ran around in a rush, cursing herself for letting herself be late.
This was not normal for her, and she wondered why she had let this happen. Nao wondered if most of the family was there yet, and hoped that she wasn't the last one to get there. The blonde double checked herself in the mirror, smoothing down her hair and making the finishing touches of her make-up before moving swiftly towards the fireplace. Naomi breathed in deeply before taking a handful of floo powder. She wondered why she couldn't just apparate, she hated traveling by floo. Naomi stepped into the fireplace before closing her eyes and uttering the place she wanted to be.
As Naomi arrived through the fireplace, she realized she had been holding her breath. Letting out a sigh, Nao stepped out and looked around, quickly noticing her brother was not there. She wondered if he would be attending, but pushed the thought from her mind as she went over to give her dad and sister a kiss. She could already smell the alcohol already, and immediately knew it had something to do with Maria. No surprises there. She felt like she and Maria were completely different, and wondered how on earth they came from the same gene pool. But it was nice to be home.
-several hours later-​
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As family gatherings went, this wasn't a bad one. Orsino had to admit he was more accepting of being with his family today than he had been in previous gatherings. He supposed that addition of Mea, Galaxy and little Sofia did a lot to help with that, but he was also aware that he was more open to contact with his family now than he had been before. Normally, he sort of just sat in the corner and did nothing, but it was fine then. He never really had much to say or talk about. He'd noticed that since meeting Galaxy he'd had more things to say and had been more willing to express himself in ways he'd not even thought about before. He'd been thinking about ways to get his family together, about how he could get his family to interact more and had decided on something. He'd never given this a single thought before, but he knew that with his family with him, he could have the courage to do anything. He had nothing prepared, no ring, no real tangible expression of his love, except maybe the presence of Sofia and Galaxy in this very room. He could have run. But he didn't, because he loved Galaxy and he wanted to prove that to her if it took him the rest of their lives.

Orsino stood up and looked at his family. "Excuse me, Uncle, I have a few words to say if I may?" He waited for some confirmation before continuing. "Galaxy, we've been through some heavy poop since meeting, haven't we?" he asked, turning to look at her. He leaned down to her and moved her to stand with him. Sofia was snuggled lazily into her shoulder and Mea sat on the chair between them. She now stood, her hands raised to him. He smiled at her and bent to pick her up. "I know I haven't always been the best boyfriend, best tenant, best anything really and I know I'm struggling to learn to be a dad, but... I'm glad you decided to let me in that day I came to see the room." He grinned as Mea started to play with his hair. "I love you and I love Mea and you know I love Sofia." he cleared his throat and looked at his family for courage before looking back at Galaxy. "You're a big part of my family already, Galaxy. I want to make it more official, if I may?" Shifting Mea onto his other side, Orsino reached for Galaxy's hand. "I have no tangible show of my affection for you. But would you marry me anyway?"

Permission from Donna to move the thread along :)
Galaxy couldn't believe how much she had been enjoying herself. She had spent most her night talking to Rosa, whom was giving her so many helpful tips for Galdrag's, and of course her little Mea insisted on color changing fairy outfits. Galaxy had actually been working on a new line of baby clothing for the shop, for those parents of cheeky witches and wizards who hadn't yet experienced their potential. To reveal this to Rosa and have such positive feedback had put her mood in a good place, she doubted anything could lower it, or even raise it. She had just taken a seat once more, a very small glass of wine in her hand. Mea was sitting between she and her boyfriend, scribbling on a piece of paper with a crayon which Galaxy had produced from her purse - raising some questions as to what she kept in there. However, her laughter and joking stopped when Orsino stood and tried to capture the attention of the family.

An unsettling hush fell around them, and Galaxy watched him with a furrowed brow and awkward smile. She brushed her locks over her shoulder, her brown orbs never leaving the site of her boyfriend. Her face flushed pink as he continued and she stood now realizing just what he was doing. He was telling his family how special she was - and as he furthered his speech she felt the suspicion that he was going to make things more official. Her eyes began welling up, and she adjusted her youngest a bit better on her shoulder. "O-Orsino?" She questioned, willingly taking his hand with her free one. A few tears spilled over her lids, and she bit her lips. "I would love nothing more than to marry you, and make our little family official!" She answered before moving forward to kiss him, her ruby lipstick most likely spreading to his lips as well.
Vicenzo wasn't particular looking forward to this from the outset and even less so, when his oh so quiet cousin entered the house. He glanced at the drink in his hand as she then proceeded to fill it with firewhisky, which was silly since he had champagne in it and not firewhisky, now the drink was pointless, he couldn't drink it. He sighed and then just handed the glass to the nearest house elf that he could find grumbling about how frustrated he was to be related to her. He greeted Clara warmly, one of the few in this family he could tolerate, and then grabbed another drink, greeting the other family members who greeted him, slowly drinking his new not filled with fire whiskey drink and trying to remind himself that this evening would be fine. He wouldn't have to deal with too much he assumed, he really didn't think so, or really was seriously hoping so. Enzo was just polishing drink after drink, feeling the warm buzz of the alcohol. He didn't really talk to anyone and therefore mostly sat in silence drinking and wishing he was with his friends rather than here. He was watching his older brother, who had presented his new girlfriend and their children, or at least one of them. Vicenzo didn't like children, and he much less thought that a New Years party was a place for either of them.

But the night continued on, and when Vicenzo was really just getting himself settled and not thinking of his friends having more fun somewhere he would rather be, Osrino stood up and addressed the room, but more specifically his girlfriend. The moment he started speaking, Enzo could figure out what he was doing, "F##k me," he muttered with a heavy sigh, why was he doing this here? What was this? Why? This was the first time any of them had met this girl, the first time she met them, it felt impersonal when he would assume a proposal was personal. Vicenzo wasn't a relationship kind of guy, he preferred flirting and dating, but he would never do this like this. Vicenzo obviously knew nothing about their relationship but no he was witnessing a pivotal moment. He stood up the minute they started kissing, swaying ever so slightly. He placed down his glass on the nearest table he could, before then taking out a cigarette and holding it in his hand, "F##k this sh1t, I'm out,", Vicenzo said loudly, addressing the room, "Thanks for letting us share this moment brother," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, he placed the cigarette in his mouth and began to light it, as he left the room and then the house, sometimes he really hated family gatherings.
The party had been going well, at least in Alfonso's opinion. He'd spent a good part of the night catching up with his brother, and he had more recently been in the center of the large living room dancing with his wife. The man was glad to have his children and his brother's children around him to ring in the new year. It wasn't something that the family did often anymore. As his brother's oldest son asked for the room's attention, Alfonso placed his arm gently around his wife and nodded his head, his drink in his hand as he listened to his nephew speak. As he continued, Alfonso exchanged a look with his wife. He had a feeling where this was going. And, he turned out to be right.

As the newly engaged couple shared a kiss, Alfonso moved to clap his hands, though it was going to be slightly awkward with the drink he was holding. He didn't get that far though as Orsino's younger brother was the first to address the group. The man's eyes widened at his nephew's back as he left the room. They were his nephews so he wasn't privy to all the details of their relationship, but that outburst seemed like Vicenzo had been waiting to say that for a while. Clearing his throat after remaining silent for a few long moments, Alfonso finally opened his mouth. He cleared his throat once more. "We need some more drinks" he ordered the house elves, " a bigger celebration than the new year is in order, it seems!"
The addition of his first grandchild, Orsino, and Galaxy to the party meant Carlo could ring in the New Year with contentment. He had long awaited meeting the newest member of his family and although he had lingering feelings of frustration over the amount of time he spent waiting to meet his grandchild face to face, he was relieved he did not have to wait a second more and chose to focus on that thought rather than cause a scene by prodding Orsino furiously as to why meeting Sofia had taken so long. The next few hours flew by as Carlo switched between chatting with his family over champagne and holding his granddaughter, as he smiled widely and fawned over her tiny features. Over the span of the evening Carlo had said a few words to Galaxy and Mea in between holding his granddaughter and welcomed them with open arms as he noticed they were nothing short of charming. Everything was going swimmingly and Carlo wholeheartedly believed this party was a success and would cherish the memory of ringing in this New Year for as long as he could remember it. He was entirely happy with the way the party had unfolded as he sat quietly next to Adelina with a glass of champagne in hand until Orsino interrupted the party and called for the family's attention which forced Carlo's jaw to drop in a mix of shock and disappointment as he connected the dots and realized the nature of his son's words.

The Italian man held his many opinions behind his teeth and clapped slowly to avoid the drama he knew opening his mouth would cause. Now was not the time nor the place, he reminded himself though as he continued to clap out of politeness it seemed Vicenzo had the opposite idea and chose to voice his thoughts aloud rather than hold them back. Not a moment after Vince had stormed out of the room, Carlo took the opportunity leave the party behind in favor of some fresh air and a break from what he believed was one of the most stupidly timed proposals in history, so he could attempt to calm down while gathering his thoughts on today's events in the process. He leaned towards his wife and whispered a few words before he stood from his chair, hereby excusing himself from the party. "I'm going to see if Vicenzo is alright." He announced to the room before he strolled quietly away from his family and to the nearest exit.

Carlo stepped outside to find Vicenzo partway finished with a cigarette. He momentarily hesitated at the sight but soon gave in and reached his hand towards his son to ask for a cigarette of his own. When one was placed in his hand, Carlo put one end in his mouth and lit the other end with his wand which he had conveniently kept in his pocket, before he took a drag and sighed at the familiar and somewhat nostalgic feeling of relaxation he always felt when smoking. "You know, it's been years since I've had a cigarette." He broke the silence, and chose to talk about the party instead of avoiding the subject like the plague in case there was more to Vicenzo's outburst than Carlo assumed. "Holy moly, it's been a stressful day." Stressful was the simplest word he could use to describe what the party had turned into in the space of a few short minutes. "It was the kiss that got me, though. I couldn't think of anything more inappropriate to do at a family gathering. We all just met the girl, for merlin's sake. She's lovely, but I would rather spend more time with her before I see her engaged and lip-locking with my son." He sighed a second time and relaxed his shoulders now that he had gotten a few thoughts of his chest.

the worst post ever. sorry ya'll.
Naomi was enjoying her night. She had managed to stay away from her sister for most of the night, which was a welcome achievement. Nao didn't hate her sister; she loved her very much. Just, from a distance. Maria was just too much for her. Naomi had fallen in love with Sofia and Mea, and had enjoyed spending some time with them, as much as she had enjoyed catching up with her parents and cousins. When her cousin called for attention, Naomi's mouth dropped as she covered it in excitement. She watched as the newly engaged couple kissed, and she clapped enthusiastically, happy she got to share the moment with them.
However, the moment was abruptly ruined when Vicenzo stood up and made his rude exit. Her mouth dropped again, except this time it was more in horror than excitement. The room was quiet for a while before her father called for more drinks. Nao grabbed one gladly, for once understanding why Maria drank. She ignored her Uncle's exit, thinking it also rude, before standing up herself and making her way over to the should-be-happy couple. "Congratulations!" She said, almost too fervently, but holding her glass up as a toast to them, before giving each of them a hug. "I do hope to see a ring soon, Orsino!" Naomi said eagerly, hoping that the rest of her family followed suit in breaking the awkward silence.
Adelina was enjoying the family, and more so, oogling over her granddaughter that had her middle name. The baby was all too adorable, and Adelina was a happy grandmother. Her eyes landed on her son, Orsino, and to her utter shock, he proposed, and then the young girl accepted and started to kiss Orsino. That brought flashes of how she hungrily kissing, no she couldn't remember that now. She sighed, before she turned her head. She dared not to look at Carlo while he was next to her, with a bottle of champagne. She swirled her glass, and then listened as the man she married walked after one of the boys that raised a ruckus. She had no idea if he was going to join them or not, but her eyes looked into the swirling liquid that was definitely not strong enough for a time like this. She downed the whole glass and helped herself to a little more. She sipped it before she uttered, "Could he have waited until after we really knew the girl before asking her to join the family?" Right now was not the time though. Instead, she rested the half empty glass onto the table and clapped awkwardly.

Gracefully, she got up and approached her son, before she cast a forced smile, "You really brought this on suddenly. Congratulations, Orsino and Galaxy." Adelina had to really remember what the girl's name was, before Adelina shook her head. 'What is this was too sudden? I really shouldn't bring negativity. This family is here for a reason. To celebrate the new year, and I don't want to ruin anyone's moment with my own doubts.' She wished the best for her son, but she was really wondering if that little red headed girl was good enough for her boy. Adelina kept her thoughts to herself, before excusing herself from the crowd to stare out the window to contemplate on what she just witnessed. She was going to gain a daughter-in-law, so she had to take it all in, and with a couple of alcoholic drinks within her, she needed to stay away from the bottomless bottle for a little while.

OOC: She did not want to work with me, and now she is being moody. I don't even know.

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