Open Quiet Companion

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader sat down in the library with a heavy sigh, the first week of classes had begun and it had reminded him of the learning curve he had to face in this school. There was so much that he had to learn, so much for him to catch up on, he had truly believe that he couldn’t have as much in the second year, but perhaps it was just that he was rusty. However after near perfect grades in the last semester and a new determination to do well in his magical classes the boy was knuckling down already, perhaps trying out for the team had been the wrong thing to do. He couldn’t manage everything, and he already had the task of Accio which would only grow with each year. Like everything would and he had never cared much about school until now. The boy noticed that the table though empty, wasn’t particularly big so he piled up the books and the parchment and made sure that even the camera he tended to carry about was just at the top of his bag. He had the book he was working from in front of him and his notes with it too. He would just sit and study for the afternoon, wonderfully alone if need be.
Kishen found it annoying that people complained about how he ate. So what he was a little messy? He had been in a rush that day, so she should have kindly asked him to be cleaner. Kishen would have happily obliged if she had done that and not given him the unnecessary attitude. The second year carried his books in his arms as he walked into the library. The library wasn't that full because it was the beginning of the semester, and there was not much to study as of yet. However, this did not stop Kishen from trying to get ahead of his classes. He found a table that a boy was sitting at. There was also a table next to him that was empty, but Kishen had already sat down by the time he saw it. "Sorry, I didn't see the other table." he told the boy as he proceeded to stand up with the intentions of sitting at the next table.
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Vader had found a method of studying that he liked, mostly it finding a comfortable way to sit on whatever seat he was and making sure that for every page he read he took the time to relax. It wasn’t too complex and he tended to be quite slow but he was getting it done. He was finding himself easily engaged in the work that he was doing even if so much of it was so intensely boring. The gryffindor was distracted in a little moment when another boy sat down. He flashed the boy, whom he was sure he knew from his classes sat down. THe thing he said surprised him more, ”That’s okay! There’s plenty space for both of us!” Vader smiled at the boy he wouldn’t mind sharing the desk, he knew that taking up too much space wasn’t the acceptable thing to do, so sharing the space was a far more fun thing. The gryffindor hoped that it wasn’t because of him that he might move, ”You don’t need to move,” he decided to add pressing that if he didn’t want to get up and move then he wouldn’t.
Kishen simply nodded at the other boy's words and sat across from him. The boy did feel bad, but since his peer had insisted he felt a little better about bothering him. Kishen opened his History of Magic textbook and took out a yellow highlighter. He was still not used to using quill and parchment, so he often used his muggle things to help him study. He found that it was much easier for him to memorize information using muggle techniques. Kishen did not say anything else to the boy, as he needed to study for this class. He was never good at history, and he did not feel it was appropriate to make unnecessary noise in the library, a place that was supposed to be quiet. However, Kishen did hope that he was not being rude by not saying anything else to the boy. Kishen peeked up from his book for a second to look at the boy across from him.
Vader was glad that the boy had decided to stay seated at the same table as him, of course they could share such an inanimate object. It wasn’t too small that they didn’t have the space for both of them. So he was hopeful of being able to stay seated too, and the other boy just seemed as happy as Vader to share the table. Vader’s mind shifted away from the other boy and focused more upon the book in front of him, focusing his studying a little bit more upon what he had in front of him. He knew that in any other situation he might try and have more of a conversation with this boy but Vader was very focused upon his studying and the work that he had to do on it. It did also seem that the other boy wasn’t particularly interested in speaking either. He would happily just do his work as necessary.
Kishen always found himself doing the exact opposite of studying when he came to the library. He always ended up thinking about Jatin or Hilton or his mother. He never thought about his father. Kishen's home situation was rough because his father liked to insist that all his siblings were cursed. Jatin showed signs of magic at around five when Kishen looked back on it. Kishen himself? He had showed signs a bit late at the age of nine, so Hilton didn't tell him about magic because she simply didn't think he did. Kishen sighed and began to read his textbook. He wanted to skip ahead and do other things, but he needed to read this part of his history.
Vader continued to work calmly and slowly as the time wound away and by the time he realised what time it was, and his stomach was growling loudly. He looked up and let his cheeks blush lightly as he was sure everyone in the nearby area likely heard it. He began packing up his things and looked towards the other boy, ”I’ll see you later,” the boy said with a little smile, even though they hadn’t shared many or even spoken all that much, but he didn’t mind the vague idea of quiet company whenever he was revising. He finished packing up his stuff and then with a little wave at Kishen left the library. He hoped he would be able to catch up with the boy another time, maybe outside of the library and studying where they could talk more, but he wouldn’t mind just studying with him again. That had been as enjoyable.

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