Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
With the the game chest and assorted brooms from the shed hovering in front of him, Reeve made his way from the shed to the center of the pitch where he would continue his preparations for the game. The weather was being cooperative, a cool breeze, the temperature neither very cold nor very hot. It was ideal for Reeve though he knew that would not be the case for everyone. Reeve was excited for the game. He enjoyed getting the chance to watch the games from this angle, and he couldn't wait to see how it all unfolded today.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only. Captains: Please double check the QCP before posting your lineups here.
Pearl was ready for this game, as she was sure her team were too and they were going to do so well, she knew it. Pearl glanced at them and then to the co-captain, she didn't have any words to tell them beyond. "Let's win this,"

@Nabi MunSeeker
Pearl ParraKeeper (Co-Captain)
@Melrose MillerChaser
@Zoey HawkinsChaser (Co-Captain)
@Hadrian MurphyChaser
@Ocean KeeleyBeater
@Larissa BarosBeater
Ocean was ready for today, curious for what sort of game they would be walking into. She stood with the rest of the team and waited for the game to start.
Melrose tried not to grip his broom too tightly, already feeling his hands starting to sweat under his gloves. It felt more intimidating to play Beauxbatons on their home turf than it had any right to be and he tried not to look over at the other team or the stands too much, focusing instead listening to Pearl as she addressed the team, though he didn't exactly find her 'speech' particularly inspiring or relaxing.
Hadrian had been pretty busy trying to improve his grades, so Quidditch had been slipping for a bit. It was a hard balance to achieve, but now his siblings were starting to attend school he had to try and be a responsible big brother type. He nervously clutched his broom, at least feeling like if he did mess up, it wasn't in front of his own school so it wouldn't be nearly as bad.
Zoey wasn't feeling nervous exactly for the game. But there was an undeniable tension in her shoulders as she stood on the pitch waiting for the game to start. She gladly let Pearl take the lead with the line up even if her inspiring speech was short and not exactly sweet. Not that it really mattered. Words wouldn't help them now. She just had to trust her team would do what they needed to do.
Celestine really didn't have much of an idea of what she was doing, but she liked hitting bludgers so she was sure she'd have a good time. She had made sure to wear one of her prettiest ribbons and that her Quidditch robes were sitting on her very well so she could look extra cute while she played. She gave a big smile and wave to the Ilvermorny players, before turning back to her own team with nervous excitement.
Bellamy was more nervous than usual for this game. At least it was a home game and he was in a familiar place. He knew what he had to do and knew that he was perfectly capable of it. But it didn't stop him from imagining all the ways he could mess up and ruin their chances of playing in New Zealand again. He took a deep breath and gripped his broom tighter as he waited for the game to start.
Nina knew that she'd be starting on the bench, as usual, which was always a shame as she liked being in the action. But she thought Vincent was cool and pretty and didn't like seeing him get injured, which was the main way she'd get to play. She was still dressed and ready so she could immediately get out there if she was needed.
Vincent Poe hoped that this would earn them the privilege to go back to HNZ to battle them once more. This was his final year after all! "All right guys, remember our practices, and try not to get hit by too many bludgers!" Well, that might have been more for him honestly.
Vincent PoeSeeker, Co-Captain
@Claire Blanchet Chaser, Co-Captain
Light ZhefarovichChaser
@Alicia Richelieu Chaser
@Tullia Whitlock Beater
@Celestine Gauthier Beater
@Bellamy Parish Keeper
Niniane ArchambeauAlt Keeper
Reeve greeted the captains with a nod and then reviewed the cards they'd handed over. He took a quick look at the cards. After he determined that all was in order, he placed them into his pocket and cast the Sonorous charm on himself. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Beauxbatons, you'll guard the North hoops and Ilvermorny, you will guard the South. Let's get ready to fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers and snitch. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher, the quaffle tucked under his arm. With a large puff of air, the man tossed the quaffle as high as he could. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes - please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.
6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
7. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Ocean hopped onto her broom and started looking for a bludger.
Melrose was full of jitters as he took to the air, surprising no one more than himself when he managed to get a hand on the quaffle first. Doing his best not to over think it, he tucked it under his arm as close as he could as he turned for the hoops.
Pearl went to guard the hoops.
Tullia began looking for bludgers to hit.
Despite feeling a bit sick, Melrose was sure he could see a clear path to the French team's hoops. Scrunching up his face, he tossed the quaffle, opening one eye and then the other to his surprise when the quaffle shot past the keeper and through the hoop.
Nabi shot to the air once the game started and started searching for the snitch.
Alicia let out an annoyed huff when the American chaser scored immediately, she caught the quaffle as it was thrown back in.
Still shaking and thrumming from scoring the first goal, Melrose nearly missed when the Beauxbatons keeper threw the quaffle back into play, hurriedly turning to follow the French chaser.
Vincent headed up and out to look for the snitch.
Light followed after to help.
Larissa looked for some bludgers to hit.
Nabi kept an eye out on the French seeker, staying close in case he saw the snitch first.
Alicia flew to the hoops with the quaffle and threw it, she grinned as it went through.
Melrose grimaced when Beauxbatons managed to score right back, trying to avoid eye contact with Pearl. Or the French chaser. Or any of the frankly obnoxiously pretty girls on either team as he took the quaffle again.

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