Quidditch Game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member

It was a cold, windy day, so Reeve made sure to dress in layers for today's event. He knew it would be an exciting game in spite of the weather. The students seemed to think so too because the stands were quickly filling, little puffs of air could be seen throughout the stands.

Reeve had already spoken with both teams and was now on the pitch setting up. It didn't take him too long, and before long he was just waiting for the captains to present their lineups.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please. At this time, every player should familiarize themselves with the rules if they have not done so already.
Captains, please be sure to complete your lineups in the cp before you post them here.
Xenia was...not exactly thrilled with how practices had gone. It hadn't been bad, but it could have been a lot better. Perhaps they'd just been unlucky with the snitch. Still, she was quite pleased with the younger students. They'd put in a huge effort, and she'd considered promoting them to the starting lineup for this game (well, maybe not the substitute keeper, she needed to be on the field herself), but figured they'd probably have a better experience watching a game first, and being there in case someone got injured. She'd made a point of telling them on the way down, in broken French at first then giving up and switching to English and hoping they got the gist.

The weather was not great, but at least it was their home field. Hopefully that would give them some sort of advantage. She'd braided her hair so it was well and truly out of her face to prevent distraction, and she had thermal compression gear under her Quidditch robes. One of the advantages of coming from a sport-mad muggle family, having access to plenty of muggle sports wear. Her sneakers were decidedly muggle, but they were comfortable and good for running around in for warmups. It also helped her summon up courage for leading the team. At least now, she wasn't so worried about appearance. She was more focused on wanting to beat the opposition and enjoy the adrenaline rush of playing a real game.

She went over to the referee to hand over their team list, shaking hands with the Ilvermony captains (how come they got two, she thought), before returning back to the Beauxbatons squad to make sure everyone was ready to go.

"Okay," Xenia started, looking over at the team, standing a little taller than she had at the start of the semester. "Just because it is our home does not mean we want to make them feel welcome. We want to win. It's not a, er...flight for fun." She nodded, bouncing on the spot a little to stay warm. She felt pretty confident in her ability to block goals, but she didn't have much knowledge of the Ilvermony team, since their previous game had ended so quickly. "So, have focus, have aggression. You two, defend Amelie," she pointed at the two beaters. "No distracting," she added to Amelie, with a small smirk. "Chasers...you know what to do. Make them suffer. με το καλό*, we can win this. καλή επιτυχία!** Allons-y!" She pronounced the French far better than usual, which was nice. Impatiently, she turned to the referee, waiting for the game to start.

*"all being well"
**"good luck"
Bellamy was nervous even though he didn't have to be. He was an alternate and he doubted Xenia would get knocked out. At least that's what he told himself as he sat on the bench bouncing his leg. He couldn't sit still and glanced from his team mates to the American team. He gave their captain an odd look when she switched languages but he nodded along even though he wasn't likely to take to the air if he could help it.
Vincent Poe got ready for the game against Ilvermorny. He sat on the bench, bundled up and warm so that he could cheer for his team on the sidelines, and hope that they beat those Americans.
Micha tightened his grip on his broom as he looked over the team. He didn't feel great about being in France no matter how much he liked the change of scenery in theory. The wind made him shiver and he was glad he remembered to grab his goggles. Practice had gone fairly well and he hoped he'd be able to take home the win for his team. Abigail was next to him and he didn't want to let her down either. "Ok team!" he called out. "You know what to do." he said before realizing how many new people were on the team this year. "But just remember, beaters go for their seeker and protect me when you can. Chasers go for the quaffle and rack up those points." he said briefly as he tried to clumsily back track a bit. He gestured to Abigail in case she had anything she wanted to add. And knowing her she probably did.

Micha KovacSeeker/Captain
@Yoo Hyun Ki Keeper
@Felicity Sweetwater Beater
@Gwydion Amos Beater
@Noah Webb Chaser
@Abigail Martin Chaser/Captain
@Dallas Braunfels Chaser
Nabi MunAlt. Seeker
Taylor HawkinsAlt. Beater
Felicity was always bummed out that getting to go play in Europe sounded far more glamorous than it actually was. In reality, it was cold and she hadn't layered up nearly as much as she should of in the interests of mobility (and maybe a little vanity), and now she was paying for it. She huddled in close with the rest of the team, trying not to let her teeth chatter too obviously as she listened to Micha. "Excellent advice! Let's do this," she chimed in brightly, the cheeriness lessened somewhat by the shake in her voice, but Flick just hoped she'd warm up quick after a few good bludger hits into the French team.
Eren rolled his shoulders, not bothering to hide the sour mood he was in as he ambled out onto the pitch, leaning on his broom as Xenia tried her hand at the whole captain speech thing. At least that was a better distraction than thinking about his piss poor showing at practice, or the distinct lack of galleons he hadn't managed to win from Xenia in the end at all. Maybe he could still get her to pay up if he scored on the Americans. Their keeper didn't look tough.

"Be honest, how much did you practice that?" He said lowly as Xenia finished addressing the team, giving her a wry smirk before swinging broom up to wait for the game to begin.
Claire was nervous, to say the least, even though she wasn't playing unless she had to. She was sure that the main chasers got this in the bag. Claire sat on the bench as she bit her nails nervously. She didn't really do great during practice. But she had a feeling that the team was going to do well. Claire listened to the captain's speech and nodded her head a long, even though she didn't really understand the language she was switching to from time to time. She had hopes the team was going to do well.
Despite the cold, Ava was excited she would finally get to play a game. She made her way onto the pitch with the rest of the team and listened as their captain spoke, nodding when she addressed Élise and herself. She moved her arms a bit in an effort to warm up and waited for the game to start.
Noah hadn’t been too pleased with how practice had gone, didn’t think he had done enough. Nevertheless, he felt quite ready for today’s game. He just hoped he would warm up sooner rather than later. He listened to Micha speak for a second and glanced at the other team as he waited for the game to start.
It felt weird to be back in Europe, but in all honesty it wasn't as though Dion had actually been to France before. And it wasn't as though this actually counted as going to France, considering they were really just going to Beauxbatons to play Quidditch and then back over to America. The weather felt familiar, though. Cold and miserable...ah, it almost made him miss Hogwarts. But he'd give it his all today, flying around hitting bludgers would keep him warm.
Amelie always loved playing. She went to the pitch with the others, looking around excitedly. She hoped they won- she'd love to see Ares and Jordie at their school. For now though, that meant focus. She pulled her hair back, smiling at their captain. "You have my word," She teased playfully, waiting for the game to begin.
Ophelia arrived at the pitch, absolutely determined to do well in this game. She wanted them to win then she might end up being able to meet Hamish which would be cool.
Yoo knew he had to focus, the other team would be good and he needed to try to be better. He was so ready for this, for what this game would bring, though it was a little disappointing that Jia wasn't here with him.
Reeve greeted the captains with a nod as he accepted their lineup cards. The man reviewed them, finding no issues. He placed them into his pocket before casting the Sonorus charm. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Today. Beauxbatons, you'll guard the North hoops and Ilvermorny, you will guard the South. Let's fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers and snitch. The bludgers needed some prompting to take to the sky, but Reeve had m issue using his bat to get them moving along. Reeve finally grabbed the quaffle and mounted his broom. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher. With a large puff of air, the man tossed the quaffle as high as he could. "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character:
Game Notes - please read
1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.
2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.
3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.
4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.
5. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
6. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name.
Amelie smiled at the referee, looking around at the others one more time before taking to the air, immediately beginning her search. She kept her promise to the captain and didn't hum, trying to be just a bit more focused now.
"Way too long," Xenia admitted, quietly to Eren. She hadn't meant to slip in to Greek, but she'd done it without thinking. Still, the game was on, and Xenia gave a quick fistpump, mounting up and heading over to guard the hoops, watching the game like a hawk.
Ava hopped onto her broom and looked for a bludger to hit.
Noah pushed off into the air and quickly grabbed the quaffle.
Dion mounted up as the game was started, spotting a bludger right away and hitting it straight for the Beauxbatons seeker. Unfortunately, it didn't hit the target, but it did hit one of the Beauxbatons beaters, so at least that was better than nothing.
@Élise Moreau

1x Elise Moreau
Xenia frowned as the Ilvermony chaser got the quaffle, but prepared herself to block the goals.
Amelie continued her search, ignoring the rest of the game.
Dion kept an eye on Micha, looking out for bludgers.
Ava hit a bludger but it didn't sail in the direction she had wanted it to.
With no one close enough to pass to Noah headed for the hoops and groaned when his shot got blocked.

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