Psychologist slams facebook and more

Tom Fletcher

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Well I was browsing through the news on and it came up with this article. Being a user of facebook, I was inclined to read on. I thought I may aswell post it. What do you think about it?

Get offf facebook and get a life-Do you agree?
He has a point, I suppose, but I don't like it. I spend a fair bit of time on facebook, and the internet, and you know why that is? Because I do not understand how to properly interact socially. And I mean it. I am no good at social interaction. I'm extremely uncomfortable going out with people, and for goodness sake, I live in an extremely boring city. What am I going to do? Go shopping again? Spend my hard earned uni savings? I can't go out with people cause I'm not even 18, geez. <_<
I didn't get a facebook until I was 16, though, I think that's slightly different. 5 year old kids on social networking sites is extreme. I was stunned when my english teacher said her daughter needed a USB for school.
So yeah, young children, I agree with. But eh. I'm 17. Nobody cares what I do anymore. :p And saying 'get a life' is a bit extreme, I mean, I don't know how. >_<
I agree most of my real life friends don't reconise me on line by how differently I act.
I'd say the 'damaging our health' aspects is a bit of an overreaction; your health can be affected, but will it kill you? Hardly. (Unless your that Korean kid who spent days infront of WoW. But he was apparently an idiot and didn't even use the restroom.) But I must say that, even in college, people spend waaay to much time caring about what their profile says and whatnot. Even in the dorms when there are 400 people packed into a building that is more comparable to a sardine can than an apartment building, people get sucked in. I think there's truth and reactionism both in what the guy's saying. Yes, people are spending a lot of time in front of computers, deteriorating their interpersonal skills, and individuals must learn to balance that with the RL. But computers are increasingly necessary in the 21[sup]st[/sup] century, and people need to be just as literate with them as they are with people.

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