Penelope Reynolds

Penelope Reynolds

Well-Known Member



Full Name: Penelope Janeva Reynolds

Date of Birth: April 4th

Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance: Penelope has red hair and a pale complexion. She, more often than not, wears her hair down. This isn’t because she thinks it looks better, it's because she simply doesn't want to be bothered with styling it. Her face is petite, with a slightly prominent jaw and shorter set eyes. Penelope's eyes are a lighter shade of brown that can sometimes appear darker depending on the light.

Personality: In general, she's a very sweet and outgoing girl. The problem is, sometimes she can be too outgoing. Sometimes this even comes to a point where people get a bit uncomfortable around her. Another thing about Penelope is that she's a horrid crybaby. Even the slightest thing, such as a bad grade or disparaging comment can send her into tears. As a consequence, she always tries her best in school to prevent that.


Father - John Reynolds, Age 47
Penelope is extremely close with her father and is a bit of a daddy's little princess. This annoys her brother a little bit, but doesn't cause much conflict.

Mother - Patricia Reynolds, Age 39
Her mother and Penelope haven't had that much of a relationship, due to Patricia's insistance on Penelope becoming more womanly.

Brother - Aran Reynolds, Age 25
Aran is very protective of Penelope, but does find her a nuisance sometimes. Whenever he has a girlfriend Penelope tends to get very upset and clingy.

Brother - Levi Reynolds, Age 11
Levi is really the closest person to Penelope, they have no secrets. They fight occationally, but all siblings do.

Pets: Penelope owns a grey burmese cat named Padington. She spoils him to death, and he's like a baby to her.

Area of Residence: They live in Australia, right near Melborne.

Blood Status: Halfblood

Heritage: Penelope is half Australian (from her father's side) and half Irish (from her mother.) However, she takes after her mother more when it comes to looks.

Special Abilities: None really.

Interests or Hobbies: Believe it or not, Penelope loves sports. You would think she didn't because of her laziness, but she enjoys it! Whether it be muggle sports or magical, she'll do anything to at least try it out. Something that goes hand and hand with this is that she loves the outdoors. This girl enjoys reading the occational book, as long as it's a subject she enjoys. If it was something on Quidditch or on famous wizards, she'll crave to read it instantly.

Additional Skills: A main thing in her life is surfing. She's been doing it since she was little, it was a given due to where she lives. Penelope isn't amazing, but she knows how to surf well.

Strengths: She's a very open minded individual, and isn't one to start drama. Penelope can be very decicive when it counts and is very goal-oriented.

Weaknesses: Penelope is thin skinned, so she can't take critisism well. She'll start crying or sulking easily, and might even give up if the comment was severe enough (to her.)

Describe your character in three words:
- Sporty

Favourite place to be: Her favorite place to be would be at the beach, hearing the seagulls call and the waves crash against the white sand.

Friends: Her best friend is, and always will be her brother Levi. Though, she definitley wants to meet new people at school.

Hogwarts House: Unsorted

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: She hopes to become a great student, and eventually a prefect and head girl.

[color=c9547a]CREDITS!?[/color] This template is credited to OH IT'S SAPPHY! of CAUTION V.2

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