Pen Pals

Zach Jordan

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Letters between Zach Jordan and Sun-Ming Jheon.
Sunny was stiff with her English, nor did she quite understand learning it the way her parents wanted her to. A Pen pal? She suppose colloqualisms were best learned from a native speaker, and she knew English was one of the most spoken languages in the world - her father often did business with english CEO's from all over the world after all. Still, she had already forced herself to greet one stranger, another seemed so pointless. Though, Sunny at least could take solace in knowing she had no obligations if she disliked this person. She could just hide from the letters, or stop Mohohan from going back to the place to deliver them. Regardless, she needed to write. And so with a shaky quill she did just that.


In my language that means hello. My name is Sun-Ming Jheon, and I attend Mahoutokoro in Japan. I am writing to you so I learn better English. I do not know what else to put in this letter, so attatched is a picture of the mountain we sit atop. I hope you like it. : D

Sun-Ming Jheon

Minami Iwo Jima
Zach was surprised when someone reached out to him to be his pen pal, he had put himself out there to receive such a letter but he had never really expected something to come from it. The Ravenclaw had sat and stared at the letter for a few days before he made his way up to the owlery with his reply. Like the original, Zach's reply was short as he hadn't known what to say to a complete stranger who like him seemed to struggle putting any sort of introduction into words.
Letter said:
Hello Sun-Ming,

I have to admit I was surprised to hear from you, but I sincerley hope that our letters going forward will help improve your English. My name is Zach Jordan, I attend Hogwarts in New Zealand and I am in Ravenclaw, which I realise won't mean much to you. The mountain looks beautiful, unfortunately as I am currently away at school I am not able to attach any pictures of my favourite spots, but I hope that is something I am able to do in the future. In the meantime I look forward to hearing from you.

Zach Jordan

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