Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
31st December 2052 started much like any other Tuesday morning. the sun was shining like it sometimes did in the summer in New Zealand. Selene had woken, from the all too familiar burning house nightmare to sunlight streaming though her curtains of course how a day starts off is not necessarily how it pans out. today was new years eve after all. by this evening everyone would be celebrating the end of the year and the start of the new one. Selene was spending the day celebrating a change in year but a different year. you see, today was her birthday, not just any birthday, her seventeenth birthday. she got up and reached for her wand. she wasn't particularly good with magic but she was going to make the most of using it today, the added bonus to being the older twin, and to their specific times of birth meant that today would be the one day she was allowed to use magic and Helia wasn't.

a few hours later she entered the park a picnic basket hovering precariously beside her. and her mum beside her also carrying a basket. it was a shame Helia had decided not to join the party as she was too busy getting ready for her birthday tomorrow but she hoped that her friends and family would come and celebrate with her. they found a spot in the shade of a pōhutukawa tree and set out the blanket under the red blossom. she then started to unpack the basket glancing up every few seconds in the hopes that some friend would be walking towards them.
Cyzarine had been rather happy to stay in New Zealand over the break, it had allowed her to stay close to Mihail and it meant she could go along to Selene’s birthday. She was very excited for it, and though she knew that there were likely better gifts, Cyzarine had bought Selene some flowers, naturally it was an uneven amount of them and she had gone for red roses, though she wasn’t declaring any love, Cyzarine just thought they looked beautiful and that Selene might enjoy them. Cyzarine arrived at the picnic and spotted the little spot where Selene and the birthday was she walked over to the area, waving excitedly as she did, ”Selene! Happy birthday!” she greeted with an excited smile, and just a skip in her step. Once close enough she held out the flowers to her with a little smile.
Selene was busy setting up the picnic that he didn't notice Cyzarine walking towards them until she heard her name being called out. she looked up and saw her walking towards the setup waving with a bunch of roses in her hands. "Cyzerine. I am so glad that you could make it" she said, excited to see her friend. "Aww. thank you they are beautiful" she said taking the flowers offered and finding space for them on the table. "Did you have a nice Christmas? how have the rest of your holidays been so far?" she asked hoping that she had been enjoying her break.
Cyzarine gave a little smile, ”Of course Selene, you’ve turned 17, I couldn’t miss that,” She assured her. Cyzarine knew that 17 was the big birthday for wizards like them, and of course she wouldn’t want to miss one of her friend’s birthday celebrations. Her own seventeenth birthday would be till April and they’d all be in school, so there would be little time to celebrate that, so all the more reason to celebrate it now. ”I did. We usually go back to Russia, but decided to stay this year. It’s been nice, I don’t miss the mounds of snow,” she said with a light smile, ”What about you? How was your christmas?” she returned the question, since that was both the polite and right thing to do.
Selene smiled as cyzarine said that she was of course coming to her seventeenth birthday. "Thanks Cyzarine. you really are a great friend." she said. it may have taken four years at school together before she even started to get to know the gryffindo but she was glad that she did and that they were friends. it would have been easy for the pretty popular girl to ignore her and not spend time with her outside of allocated patrols but she hadnt.
she listened as the girl described her holidays. "mounds of snow does sound like fun. but i am glad that you stayed." she said. remembering when it used to snow back when shew as younger and elvera would take her and helia to a feild with the sledge and they would slide down the hill until their clothes were wet though and they were shivering from the cold. "We dont actually celebrate christmas. we went to england for yule and then came back a few days ago" she said. her family wasnt exaxtly christian. they followed a more pagan religion her mum and morgan running a coven. as she was almost an adult she was actually allowed to take part in the full festivities instrad of just wathcing so it had been fun.
Cyzarine gave a little shake of her head at the compliment, she didn’t think she was a great friend, she always hoped to be but she always knew that she could be better. Hearing someone else say it was nice but she didn’t necessarily believe it. She nodded at her, ”Me too, I wouldn’t wanted to have missed this,” she told her, ”Seventeen is such an important age, I can’t wait to finally taste vodka,” she said with a little conspiratorial tone. She had heard so much about it but of course she hadn’t yet tasted it of course. She nodded as Selene explained about her family. ”Aw that’s so cool,” she said. She hadn’t realised Selene’s family was particularly one way or another about this season. ”What did you get for your birthday then?” she asked.
Selene chuckled as Cyzarine said that she was looking forward to being seventeen so that she could taste vodka. she had forgotten that her friend was Russian. "I will keep that in mind" she said thinking that it may be somethign she could get her friend for her birhtday. the thought of alcohol hadn't really been something she thought about being seventeen. her thought had been magic outside of the school. both morgan and mum said alcohol messed up their inner eye and as she was training to be a seer she had the feeling it would do the same for her too. she probably would test it at some point but she wasn't in a rush to try it out. at the next question, she smiled. "I got some beautiful flowers" she said gesturing to the roses cyzarine had given her now sitting in a vase on the low lying tables. "I will get my presents from my family tonight, I am hoping to get a new journal she said. they did their birthday celebration in the evening around midnight. it was a way that she and Helia could celebrate their birthday together. a neutral time. so when most people were counting down to the new year and singing auld lang syne and setting off fireworks the le fey household was singing happy birthday and blowing out candles.

OOCOut of Character:
I feel like the Le Feys have a lot of weird traditions. though this one is mainly because I don't know what she would get for her birthday
Thackery Binns has been M.I.A. from Selene's life for a while now, but it wasn't done completely intentional. Ever since he was given part ownership of Maya's family shop he's been quite busy managing it. Getting used to the responsibility when it comes to co-owing a shop. Thackery has never been trusted with something so important as running a shop. He won't admit it out loud that it was an overwhelming shift in his position at the shop. He went from assistant to co-owner, and it was quite a lot to get used to. Today, however, he will be away and taking the day off from the shop. He found himself invited by Maya to Selene's seventeen birthday celebration. Thackery traveled by the floo network at Maya's home, they were arriving together at the picnic party. Thackery arrived carrying a messily wrapped book in his hand with Maya and her little ones all carrying a gift of their own. It's been a while since he last had any contact with Selene. He hope she wouldn't mind his presence here today.
Cyzarine smiled lightly, ”We should try to go out next break, I heard the medley is good,” She joked lightly, but she was actually interested in going out when she was able to. When they were old enough to of course. She gave a little giggle at the comment of her flowers and she was glad that Selene had liked it. But she was keen to know what other things selene might have gotten for her birthday but as she explained that she was waiting for midnight and she thought that maybe because of her twin sister, she always forgot that Selene was actually a twin. "Is that so you can open your presents with your twin?"
As Cyzarine sugested going to the medley next break she couldn't help ut be excited. it would be fun going out with a friend. and she had heard that the medley was a good place to visit. she had passed it many times while at the mall and been in once or twice on under nights. but it would be different going as an adult, she guessed it would be different more intense in some ways. "That would be great fun I'm looking forward to it." she said.
as she spoke with Cyzarine selene had noticed a group of people walking though the part heading their way. they looked familiar though were too far off to know for sure. She was distracted from her trying to work out if it was her aunt and enterage by her friends next question. "yes. so we can both have our own birthdays but still celebrate it together. I think it started when we were small and would both often get the same things, so it wouldn't spoil the surprise" she said. thinking back to when they were smaller and how 'same but different' was the usual way of doing presents. before they were relly old enough to have developed individual feelings.
It was then that selene got a clear fiew of the group after they passed out from behind a hedge a lot closer than they were before. it was who she thought. "Aynty Maya I am so glad that you could make it." she said taking a step towards her aunt and briefly put an arm around her trying not to be too awkward with the little one she was holding. "Havent you two grown up" she said looking at the babies. they were far larger than they had been back in august when she had spent a couple of weeks with her aunt in salem. "Thackery what a great surprise" she said giving him a hug too. she wasn't usually a huggy person but she did like hugs from people she trusted and both Maya and Thackery were in that category. Can I introduce you to Cyzarine one of my good friends? Cyzarine this is my aunt Maya, her two little ones and Thackery"[/b] she paused what was she meant to introduce thackery as. they hadn't spoken in months. she had hardly even seen him when she had been in Salem but she wished she had, memories of the kiss they ad shared in Salem a good while back still lingered against her lips when she thought about him. To add to matters her mum and aunt were there and she didn't want them to work out what she thought about Thackery. "Thackery is a good friend who works with my aunt in salem" she said. by way of introduction as the proper adults stated talking mentions od baby food, and other baby issues. drifted in their direction
Maya held the littlest of her daughters, the one named after Domhnall's mother. He's not too sure how accurate that was, it's not like Thackery was in constant contact with them. Thackery sees them every other month, or if there was some urgent matter that needed to be dealt with then it earns him a visit from Maya at the shop. Thackery enjoys seeing the girls, their visits had the oldest DeNiro witch grinning from ear to ear. It's nice, he only wishes that he could remember who was which between the girls. "Selene, hi, how are you?" Thackery southern accent came through, you sounded like ya. "I reckon it's been a while, so, the surprise is returned if that makes any lick of sense," the odd man says with a sincere smile. Thackery briefly hugs the lovely that is Selene, his senses are filled of nothing but her. A sweet smell of tea, herbs? Whatever it was, Thackery could revel in it all day. "Howdy ma'am, it's a pleasure," Thackery nods over at Cyzarine. "That's sometimes, I'm now running the shop. But, enough about me. Happy Birthday, Selene," he hands over the wrapped gift, it was The Crucible. The history of Salem Witch Trials, he hopes she likes it. Thackery thought long and hard to get Selene the perfect gift.

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