Old Memories

Kay Howard

Active Member
Everything seemed perfect, it seemed that Kay Norton had everything under control, just the way she wanted it to be. She knew that most things that she did was because she had a selfish desire but she didn't care. She didn't care if people had to break down and cry and plead her to stop messing with their heart. Kay was good when it came to manipulating people's feeling and she knew how to play the game really well. The young girl smirked as she continued walking down the street. She took off her sunglasses and placed it on her head as she read the name of the street. Kay took a few steps to the side and continued walking, nudging whoever touches her roughly, not caring if they cursed back at her or not.

Kay Norton was tall and beautiful, her dark brown hair falls perfectly behind as the winter breeze brushed against her. It had been a while since she visit Sofia, she used to visit the pub with an ex boyfriend of hers. She pushed the wooden door and ordered a butterbeer to the familiar bartender as she made her way to the seat next to the window. "It's been a while" She muttered. Kay secretly misses Durmstrang but she could do nothing about it she was no longer there. A lot of people in there seemed familiar, she smiled at some of them as she nodded her head showing a respect to them, of course those who worth her respect not just some random people.
For someone like Devlin Howard, his daily life had seemed to always be a cycle. He wakes up, eat, go out, and we he goes out, more often than not, people would annoy him. He always have this anger that would build up inside him which would then explode at anyone who would annoy him. And when he's annoyed, whoever that unlucky peson would be, would either be dead, or almost dead. That's all, there's no in between. No one who had annoyed him had ever escaped his anger. And now, here he was, walking as he glared at everyone unlucky enough to look at him, or cross his path. He's tired, and that tiredness is slowly turning into annoyance now. Just recently, he had been granted the access to the death eaters headquarters. His brother is one, and though he would never admit it, somehow, he envied him for beingthe ifrst one to become a death eater in their family. This had always been what he wanted. He was never meant to be good after all. As long as he could remember, he had always wanted to be a death eater. He had always wanted it. And now, he is slowly achieving that goal. Yes, he was still in training, but who cares right? He just wished that time would pass quickly so he'll reach the right age and gain his mark.

The noisy chatters and laughter of the occupants is the one that greeted him when he had entered the pub that he would often visit whenever he had the time to do so. And as soon as he heard that noise, he had wanted to turn on his heel and leave. But yet, here he was, slowly seeking out that familiar spot where he would sit. He blocked out the noise and coldly glared at anyone who would look at him. He could have shouted, yes, but he chose not to do so. He's not afraid of what might happen, or whatever, but right now, all he wanted was a cold drink. The summer heat was getting into him. And it was making hm feel a little less enthusiastic, not that he was one. But really, the summer heat is making him want to just lay on his bed at home and rest instead of wasting his time on these annoying pathetic excuse and waste of space in the world, called humans. He ordered a butterbeer from the familiar bartender who is the only one brave enough to approach the young Howard. The noise was slowly getting louder, and it made him even more irked, to the point that even the laziness cause by the summer heat was not enough to stop him from yelling at all the occupants of the pubs. "Won't you just shut up?" He yelled, before he turned his attention to the butterbeer which had miraculously appeared in front of him. He can feel all eyes boring on his back, but he didn't care. He doubt that they'll dare to go and approach him anyways. He doubt that they'll ever dare to approach him and talk to him. And besides, if someone did dare to approach him, then that someone would never see the light of the day again.
A loud voice was heard by Kay, the owner of the voice had completely ruined her day dreaming session. Feeling annoyed the young girl shouted "Butterbeer" She said loudly annoying whoever said it as she looked at the glass window, seeing people passing the little pub. Soon the butterbeer appeared in front of her, she took it and drank half of it. She slammed the glass to the wooden table, making a loud noise, drawing attention. She loved all the attention that she was getting and she loved annoying whoever hated loud noises. She was good in making noises and she was just starting. Soon some memories started to flood her head, she remember a boy taking her out to this pub. That was why she found this place precious. There were a lot of memories there and she was in the mood of being sentimental. After experiencing her first heart break her heart became numb she couldn't really feel anything. Since then, she loved manipulating other people's heart, taking each of it and break it right after. Seeing boys begging to her, telling her that they still loved her and that they would do anything to get her back made her feel like she won the war.

The brown eyes of Kay stopped on a black haired boy, sitting all alone. She definitely knew who he was, he was the one who complained about people being so loud in the pub, he was a good friend of his, he was the man that she used to love. She secretly placed him deep inside her heart, only him, no one else. The only reason why she caused trouble between Hayley and Danton was because she wanted to have fun and she wanted them to know that she was the boss but not in this case, she had always cared for Devlin. "What are you doing here?" The brown haired girl took a seat right next to him as she scoot closer to him. She loved everything about him. In her eyes, he was perfect. "You're still the same old you" Devlin had never liked people being too noisy and she knew it. She was actually hoping that Devlin was available, if he was then she would make him hers right instant.
The pub was beginning get even more noisy and crowded despite the young Howard's outburst earlier. Sure, they had gotten quiet for a little while, but that didn't last at all. Thanks to them all thinking that he was just a mere kid that they could easily kick out of the pub whenever they would want to. Which would never ever happen. Yes, he is young, but he's much more stronger than these people whose brains were filled with all those merrymaking and useless things they called happiness and enjoying. They're a bunch of weakling really, wasting their time talking about other people or boasting about their wealth. If only he can, he would have killed all of them already. He would gladly do that, but he wouldn't want to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban, when his life had only just started. Pinching the bridge of his noise, Devlin tried to ignore the world around him. He was barely able to hear himself think amidst the clattering, laughing din. It was precisely the atmosphere he'd hate, but the deliberate sounds of vibrant life quickly surrounded and smothered him, increasing the ever-present tastes of death and destruction that lingered in his mind. He cursed under his breath. Can't these people take the hint and just shut up? Just who do they think they are? In a public place, the last thing that they seemed to care about is the silence that some people wanted. And it is annoying him even more.

"D@mn. Just d@mn." Strings of curses continue to came from him as he felt someone approach him and sit next to him. He didn't bother to look at whoever it was, but he really didn't appreciate the company. He was perfectly fine being alone, thank you. And he didn't need anyone trying to be overly friendly with him, cause whoever that anyone would be, would really end up in a not so good condition. Be it him who'll be the cause, or another person, which he can only name as Chyou. However, when he heard that familiar voice, he just had to turn and look before he could even stop himself. He knew her. He just knew her. She's someone that he had tried to just bury on his past. Memories about her pushed at the back of his mind with thoughts of just forgetting everything about her. He had always thought that he'll never see her again. Cause really, there are billions of people out there, what is the probability of them seeing each other again? Yet, here she was, sitting next to him. She was even talking. She's not a product of his imagination. This is just the real thing. "How would you know. Stop acting like you know me." He said, his voice detached as he turned to look away from her. How would she know that he hadn't changed at all? After all those years, here she was, looking as if they had never been apart. He was annoyed. Angry that she had just decided to return to his life. He doesn't need her now. He doesn't want to get involved with her again. Cause for him, she's just someone from his past. Someone whom he isn't supposed to care about.
Seemed that Devlin hadn't changed much, he was still the same old him and this was the reason why Kay loved him. He was never one of those who would act weak physically or mentally and he definitely wasn't one of those who spoiled other people around. This way, Kay felt stronger she felt like there was a challenge that she needed to accomplish. Little by little, Kay started to get the old feeling back. All those memories from the past started to invade once more. "I'm sure you remember" She touched his cheek and planted a kiss, she knew that he was definitely uncomfortable with what she was doing. Kay is aggressive, she sees things and gets them. "You're still the same old you" She scoot aside and ordered another butterbeer. Kay loved messing around especially with Devlin, she knew how to make him uncomfortable and she knew his weakness. After all they have known each other for quite a while and she took part in his past. She moved herself a little closer to Devlin once more as she looked at him in the eye, throwing a dangerous smile. Kay wasn't one of those who would go to the field and kill other people, she was one of those who pay assassins to kill people. And she was about to do the same to Devlin, she want him to be part of her life, she wants him to be hers. "Silly boy... I know you" She placed her elbow on his shoulder as her fingers played with his hair.

Kay didn't care much if Devlin had someone in his life or not, if he did he would have to break her heart because she wanted him to be with her even though it was for a short term. Kay had eyed someone else to be her last victim and he wasn't Devlin. "Listen Devlin, you know how this work. I see what I want and I get what I want and you know that my family is very supportive. I want you and I will get you." It was true that Kay knew how to steal other people's heart but Devlin was different, he was loyal and he wasn't like other victims of Kay's. But again if he doesn't want to be with her then Kay will have to force him. For instance, Danton and Kay... Danton loved his own cousin and Kay ended up spying on them and she had proofs of them being together and Kay could easily threat them to spread the news to everyone. They would end up being separated and ruin their reputations. This time Kay would do the same to Devlin. "Do you understand?" She lean forward as she whispered "My love" The young girl smirked as she said it. She couldn't wait to show off to everyone about her new boyfriend and her.
There are thousands of things that could make Devlin Howard's blood boil - a pretentious arrogant person, children, people talking back to him, people looking at him, his sister, his brother, his entire family.... and among those, he hated people trying to get into his personal space. He values his privacy so much, and those unnecessary physical contacts are something that he greatly despises. He didn't like people touching him, be it that they unintentionally did or not. He still hates it. It was obvious really, specially whenever he would curse or hurt someone that would cross his line. He knew that Kay knows it, he knew that she knows the things that can make him uncomfortable. she knew and that's why she was doing it. She maybe right when she had said that he didn't changed a lot, cause despite the years that had already passed, it's like she can still read him like a book. But really, in his defense, it was her who didn't change. She's still that manipulative flea. Why did she have to return anyways? And why did he have to meet her again? The young Howard scowled as he felt the girl touch his cheek, and what's worse, kiss him. Annoyance began building up in his system, his eyebrows furrowing in irritation as he pretended that she wasn't there, which was highly difficult considering the way that she is acting. He continued to ignore her, proceeding to drink the already not so cold butterbeer in front of him.

He was perfectly aware that Kay always gets what she wants - that she'll do everything that is in her power to get it - that's she's willing to use her family resources just so she can be satisfied with those selfish desires or hers. And so, those threats of hers didn't really fazed him, because in some ways, they were the same. Just like her, he'll do everything that he can to get what he wants. And what he seriously want right now is to just get rid of her. He won't let her get what she wants. He wasn't some kid that she could just play with. He wasn't her toy. With a glare, the young Howard threw the half empty glass aside and the sound of glasses shattering echoed inside the pub. "Stop messing with me Kay!" He yelled, grabbing the her elbow. He was much taller than her, the same way that he is much taller than Chyou. He is definitely much stronger too. He can easily crushed her neck with his hands if he wanted to. "Just leave me alone.. do you understand?" His eyes held so much anger as he gripped the girl's hands tighter. "Leave me alone." He repeated once again before he dropped her and turned on his heel. Determined to leave, determined to just walk out of her life. He didn't want to ever get involved with her again, cause once he did so, it would be hard for him to get out again.

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