Closed Odd one out

Monday Weeks

sda president • what's sleep?
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
13" Rigid Yew wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
May 16, 2044
Monday Weeks decided that today was a good day to hang out with not only Aine but also Valerius. It was hard for him to catch them both at the same time - mainly due to his own busy schedule. And, from what he had seen, Aine was a new prefect too. Monday almost felt bad because Valerius was not chosen, but what could he do? Monday shrugged his shoulders as he thought about it, and put his bag down on the grass. He picked up a hacky sack and started to kick it up in the air. He was actually quite good at it, but it was honestly a worthless skill that only made him look goofy. It did help his thinking process though. Yet, all he could think about was how useless a lot of his skills were at this point.
The one thing Aine could say was that if she'd stayed at a normal school, she would never have been given any sort of leadership role.

Aine wasn't completely sure whether or not that was a good thing. She would've flown happily under the radar, probably underachieving and ending up somewhere completely in the middle of the pack. Here, instead, she overachieved with a desperate hunger to prove herself worthy, and maybe it made her stand out for the wrong reasons. But she must have done something sort of right, as apparently Professor Carter saw something in her to give her a prefect badge. Aine wasn't sure if she was the best influence, and if anyone should listen to her, but she had responsibilities to live up to and she was going to try to be worthy. Of course it would be after she'd cut her hair and tried to look a bit more cool. But Monday's hair, as she approached him, was blue, so perhaps appearance didn't matter as much as it would have at a muggle school.

"I see you're living up to the house pride," Aine said, smirking a little as she flopped on to the ground. "Instructions were unclear, went Gryffindor colours instead." She ran her fingers through her newly dyed hair, quirking an eyebrow. "Congratulations, by the way."
Valerius was pleased to have been invited to hang out with Monday and Aine. He didn't get to see his friends often enough. He straightened out his things one more time- Monday wasn't in their room, so he must be down on the lawn already. But that was alright. Valerius finished quickly, before changing into a new shirt and jogging down to where they were meeting. He smiled as he approached his friends, slowing down and putting his hands into his pockets. "Did I miss the memo that we're dying our hair this year?" He teased them gently. "Or is it a prefects only thing?" He asked, dropping to sit on the grass with an easy smile.
Monday continued to kick the little sack around until Aine approached and noticed how he was living up to house pride. It disrupted his concentration so the sack fell onto the ground with a small thud. He looked at her hair and noticed that it was different. He chuckled and pointed out, "At least it is a natural color. You look pretty good in red though. And congratulations to you too." Monday knew that if anyone deserved the prefect badge, it was Aine. She worked rather hard on it, and made top points earner for who knew how many years. Monday sat down on the ground once Valerius came cover and teased them for their hair. "I can’t speak for other prefects, but I wanted to do something a little different this year so it doesn’t seem like I don’t have a life." Monday attempted to joke, but it fell flat.
"It looks good, though," Aine said, approvingly. Blue hair wasn't really something that would seem like it worked, but Monday seemed to make it work for him and that was genuinely impressive. Aine supposed it was all in the attitude. She turned to Valerius as he approached with a raise of her eyebrow. "Oh yes, it was written in the letter with the badge. A condition of appointment," she drawled, attempting to do a hair flip but just looking more like a dog shaking off excess water. "I just had to cover up the greys from last year. And thought I'd make it more manageable. I didn't need to be detangling while running to Charms again." She wasn't altogether surprised that Valerius hadn't been given a badge, it seemed like he didn't have much involvement with school things. She would've told him as much, but she was trying this new thing called keeping her mouth shut and hoped it might last more than a day this year.
Valerius chuckled as his friends spoke. "Aw, come on, Aine, I bet you'd rock that silver fox thing," He teased her gently, before smiling at Monday. "Hey, look at it as house pride. It suits you," He offered. "Anyway, I'm glad you two got the badges, I think you'll be great for the job." He complimented. He ran a hand through his hair, wandering if he should dye it for the next semester or if he should leave that to his friends. He shrugged the though aside, enjoying the sunlight on his skin and the company he was with. "So, other than joining the prefects club, how was break?" He questioned.
Monday smiled warmly as Aine said that it looked good on him. Blue hair did seem to go with him pretty well, but it was not permanent. He was pretty sure he would go with red or something next time. Friday did say orange would wash him out. Monday laughed after Aine tried to do a hair flip. "Aine, this is how you do it," Monday demonstrated, flipping some of his hair back with a head motion, and doing a cocky smirk at the same time. It actually almost suited him to have so much sass. Valerius seemed to be quite happy with the two of his friends getting badges, and him being left out. That was honestly a relief though. "I'm not sure. I am positive that one wrong thing, both Aine and I will be challenging authority, one way or another. Or at least judging or questioning it." Monday shrugged his shoulders, but he wasn't sure if it would reach that point. "Well, I worked. My sister Friday was sorted into Gryffindor. Youngest sisters are showing signs of magic. Not much to tell, honestly. Except my sister had a girl over for break, and she seemed pretty vain and shallow for a third year."
Aine rolled her eyes. "Silver fox is a compliment for a man," she said with a shake of her head. It was bad enough that Valerius saw her as a child just because she didn't naturally take to magic. No matter what she did - topping house points, getting prefect, to him it would never seem to matter, and it was infuriating. But she held her tongue, practicing keeping thoughts locked down. Mostly. "Well I'm already on bad terms with the head girl from working on the paper, so that'll be great." Aine had stupidly gotten herself on to Celia's sh*t list. "Congratulations to your sister, I guess you get to say you're the smartest out of your siblings though," she joked. "The younger students have...interesting personalities, huh?" she said as diplomatically as possible, a little curious considering that was something specific to bring up. "My brother started teaching me to drive on the sly so he could get chauffeured to footy coaching," Aine admitted. She was about to be sixteen, so she'd get her learner's permit officially when she went home for Christmas.
Valerius chuckled as Monday flipped his hair, listening as Monday and then Aine spoke about their breaks. "Oh," He commented as she corrected him. "Would that be a silver vixen then?" He asked, considering it. He laughed as Monday said they'd be challenging authority. "If you two weren't, I would wonder what kind of body snatchers had taken you," He teased gently. Aine had too much of a mind of her own to let anyone pull the wool over her eyes.

He considered what they said about the younger years. "I wonder if any of the older years think that about us," He mused idly. He blinked when Aine said she was learning to drive. "Really? How did that go?" He asked, insanely curious now. "You're awesome," He blurted with a bit of a dopey grin. Aine really was something else, wasn't she?
Monday looked at Aine as Valerius asked if she would be a silver vixen. He stared at her for a good few minutes before ultimately saying, "Actually, she would be a gorgeous silver vixen." Monday was not trying to flirt, but it sort of came off that way. The fifth year didn't know a thing about romancing someone or even what a crush felt like. When Aine brought up that she was already on bad terms with the head girl, Monday suddenly laughed and quickly covered his mouth. He finally managed to utter, "My condolences, Aine." He gave Valerius a look when he mentioned that it was pretty obvious that Monday and Aine would try to challenge. Even if it were true. Both of them had little tolerance for stupidity. He shrugged his shoulders about if the older students thought that they had weird personalities. "You are starting to drive? I'm so jealous. I feel like I'd be a nervous wreck behind the wheel." Monday knew that he would probably need more time, but he was making excuses because his mom didn't exactly have time to teach him, and it wasn't like he had other family around. He might need to practice late at night while his mom was asleep so he could practice.
Aine couldn't help but feel somewhat uncomfortable at the comments, blinking a couple of times and wanting nothing more than to pull her robes over her head like a blanket. People only said those sorts of things to make fun of her, and she wanted to ignore them. "Yeah, sure," she said, shaking her head lightly. Surely Monday didn't mean anything by it, unless he was secretly plotting to sabotage her, and that was a whole weird path she wasn't ready to travel down. "They probably do. I know in Heta Omega they try to pair older students and younger students up. Usually just ends up awkward." Aine couldn't even remember who she'd been paired with in the past, which she supposed went to show how well that worked as an endeavour. "It's not so bad, but I'm out in the country, so," she shrugged. City driving would be scarier. "I'm a bit more worried about apparition. I'll probably get my arm splinched off." She said it fairly unemotionally, as though it was more of a casual joke, though it was a genuine worry of hers.
Valerius considered what his friends were saying. "Don't they do something similar in the Brotherhood?" He asked, curious. He looked to Aine. "Have you ever had a good pairing during the sisterhood stuff?" He questioned. The topic moved back to driving and apparition and he ran a hand through his hair. "I should probably learn to drive but Father rarely drives anywhere- he works on the go and often has the limo just take us. But apparation- that's going to be absolutely vital." He mused, before looking at Aine. "I don't think you'll splinch yourself," He told her. "You're an amazingly talented witch, I have the feeling you and Monday will be some of the best in class," He gave her an easy smile.
Monday could not fathom what was going on in Aine's head, since he was actually being sincere in his words, and girls were still a little bit of a mystery to him, despite having several sisters. The two started to mention the clubs, which he had only recently joined Brotherhood, so he did not know. He nodded, "It would seem awkward. I hardly know what to talk about with my sisters when they are more than 2 years younger than me." Monday hoped that he would not have a 'little brother' in Brotherhood if they followed what Heta Omega did. He wouldn't know how to treat a younger brother. He never had one! Monday never thought about apparition but having a splinch now worried him because he did not want to lose any of his body parts. "Can we opt out of doing it, if we don't want to? I mean, I think I'll take my chances with a broom or a car." Monday glanced toward Valerius, now thinking of his comment on how his father and him have the limo. Must be nice to be born with a silver spoon - but Monday shoved these envious feelings down. "Don't sell yourself short, Valerius. You might be apparating circles around the two of us. Or having to pick up our missing limbs."
Aine shrugged. She didn't necessarily think she'd had any bad partner arrangements, mostly just...unmemorable. It wasn't as though she'd really made any friends from it, not that she was an especially friendly sort of person anyway. Not for lack of trying, but it just didn't really click. Aine's eyes flicked to Monday for a moment at Valerius' comment. Aine knew she had a pretty fortunate upbringing, her family was comfortably upper middle class. It didn't mean much for wizarding society, being a muggle family, but it wasn't as though she'd really had to go without. She'd never had any big grand overseas holidays or anything like that, but she couldn't complain. But she wondered if Valerius ever really understood how different his life was to most people's. And she, too, swallowed mild envy at how he never seemed to struggle, when Aine felt like she spent every day fighting. Though she'd been rewarded, hadn't she? "Might as well do it, it'll be really handy if we can manage it, though it's not like we can just use it to go down to the shops or anything when we're on holidays, you know, with the whole non magical community though. But it'll...hopefully be okay. Maybe. Probably."
Valerius considered everything they said, running his hand through his hair. "Alright, I'll do it if you two do," He decided, nodding. Smiling at his friends. "We can make a pact, anyone left whole has to pick up the broken bits. And if we all make it through in one piece, maybe we can meet up over break and go out for like, lunch or something to celebrate?" He offered with an easy smile.
Monday was glad that the entire subject about a limo and stuff was dropped because he did not want to turn green with envy. That was the last thing he even wanted to feel. But Aine had a point with just going along with it. He would likely need to learn to drive too if he wanted to be in the muggle community. It was hard to decide right now, but when the time came, he would like to be prepared for both outcomes. "Anyone left whole gets traumatized by body parts, got it." Monday could not help but laugh at the thought, though what if that were possible? "I will have to check out my work schedule, but yeah, we can do that." Monday's boss wasn't an easy one (and then the next semester in the future his boss would become their Transfiguration professor).

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