Nothing to do

Izumi Toyohana

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Izumi was sitting on a bench, in the middle of a small town called Brightstone. Maybe it wasn't exactly a town, but it seemed like it to her. She looked at her feet, and admired her shoes. They were her favorite, she got them for her 13 birthday. She smiled and smoothed out her dress. She then looked around, swinging her legs. People bustled around, but not as fast as what they did in tokyo. They were taking long enough to say hello, or smell the flowers. She thought that it was a welcoming sight. But she wasn't going to join in, she would wait for someone to join her.
Brendon was wandering aimlessly down the streets in Brightstone Village. He was in New Zealand visiting is mother who was in St. Mungos for some unknown illness. Brendon was really worried about her, they had just lost dad a few months ago, and he didn't think he could bare to loss his mother too. The wind was blowing his black hair in his face and he decided to go sit down on a near by bench not even noticing someone was sitting next to him.
Izumi could hear approaching feet, pounding against the pavement. She looked up as a boy with black hair sat next to her. She looked at him, waiting for him to say something. Obliviously he didn't even notice her, caught up in his own thoughts. "Hello?" She asked him, to see if he would notice that she was sitting there.
Brendon jumped when he heard a voice, he turned his head to see a girl next to him. Had she always been there? "Oh, um... hi" he said in a quiet voice. Shouldn't she be in school right now? Unless she didn't go to Hogwarts... He didn't think she went to Drumstrang, he had never seen her before.
She smiled at him when he jumped. "don't worry, i don't bite." She said, her heavy Japanese accent shining in her words. "I'm Izumi, i didn't mean to scare you." She said, with a bit of a blush.
Brendon gave her a weak smile before it disappeared again, "Nice to meet you Izumi, I'm Brendon, and don't worry, you didn't scare me... much" he said in the same quiet voice. It was obvious he was nervous, Brendon never had much to do with people.
Izumi smiled, he seemed a bit shy. She tried to seem as kind as possible. "Well this face can be scary." She joked. "So are you from around here?"
"N-no, I go to Drumstrang, are you from here?" Brendon asked looking around nervously.
He stuttered on his words, and she began smiling again. He was adorable. "I'm transferring to Hogwarts NZ Next year." She said with a smile. "What's Drumstrang like?"
"O-oh thats cool" he replied when she said she was transferring to Hogwarts, "Drumstrang, is... well its not very nice, for me anyways" Brendon said in a quiet voice looking down so he was looking at his shoes.
She tilted her head, trying to see his face. "Are you okay. I mean am i making you nervous?" She asked, worried that the boy might have a heart attack.
"Y-yes I'm fine, most people make me nervous, I'm sorry I'm being rude" Brendon replied in a slightly ashamed voice. Looking up at the girl again he gave her a weak smile.
She put her hand on his shoulder, assuring him that it was okay. "No, it's fine. It's kind of cute that you're nervous."
Brendon blushed and laughed a little when Izumi said she thought he was cute, "Thanks, your really nice" he replied in a soft voice. I wish people back at school were like this, then maybe I wouldn't be so nervous all of the time he thought sadly.
She smiled at him when he blushed. "So Kawaii!" She said poking his nose. This guy was just adorable. Though she thought it might be rude to ask she still did, "how old are you?"

Note: Kawaii - Japanese form of cute
Brendon was a little confused when she asked how old he was but shrugged it off, it was a reasonable question, "I'm thirteen, how old are you?" he asked locking eyes with hers, she looked to be the same age as him, but then again you never could tell.
"I'm thirteen too!" She said, happy to find someone her own age. He locked eyes with her, and she looked to the ground. Where she was from, it was rude to lock eyes with another person.
Brendon smiled when she said she was thirteen also, "thats cool," he said, "what school did you go to before?" he asked still timid but curious.
She smiled. What was the name of her old school? She already had forgotten. It was a horrible place anyways. "Um it was a wizarding school in japan. What school did you go to"
"I go to Drumstrang" he replied wondering if he had already answered that before. He looked around and suddenly became even more nervous, there were more people around, where had they come from? His heart beat picked up slightly and his eyes widened.
She knew he had answered that question before, but she tended to repeat herself when she ahd nothing to say. seh looked at him, had his eyes widened? Maybe, but she couldn't tell exactly. "So, are you hungry? There are some nice places round here, and i have some money."
Brendon was beginning to have a panic attack, there were to many people. "N-no, I need to get out of here. I'm sorry" he said franticly before getting up and running away. The only thing on his mind was he needed to get away from the people. He had begun crying with out even realizing it, there were to many people! Finally he snapped and cried out before falling to the ground and fainting.
Izumi saw him stand up, saying something about too many people. She couldn't help but feel bad, he must of had a phobia of some sort. He ran off, and she had to follow him. it may not have been her brightest idea, but she didn't want him to get hurt, or pass out. Too late. up ahead he cried out and fainted. It looked painful too. She ran up to him, a worried expression on her face.

She didn't have anyhting to prop his head up on, so she lifted his head up and set it on her lap, so that his head wouldn't be on a hard surface. She hopped he would be okay. She decided to sit there, until he awoke. The many people whom had freaked him out, were now behind them.
Brendon began waking up slowly the only thing he remembered was running away and then blacking out. He opened one eye to see his head was resting on the girls lap. Blushing he sat up and looked around, they were alone again, "I'm sorry" he muttered in an ashamed voice, "that was pathetic" he added hanging his head in shame.
Angela was whistling when the boy awoke. He sat up quickly, apologizing, then say it was pathetic. Seh shook her head at his comments. "No it would have been pathetic if a flying monkey had kidnapped you, this was just a panic attack. They are normal." She put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay though? Does your head hurt? Can i do anyhting for you?" Seh asked, worried about Brendon's health.

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