Not quite a Christmas Miracle

Luna Paramore

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" with a Essence of Phoenix Ash
It was Christmas in New Zealand and the balmy summer heat poured down on the city as the first traces of summer began to roll into the Southern Hemisphere. In medium sized flat on the seventh floor of one of the many apartment complexes scattered about the city, Luna Paramore could be seen popping out of thin air as she apparated into the spacious living room, that looked significantly smaller due to the space being taken up by the Christmas tree she had set up in the now cheery room. Sure she was the only person living there and the space underneath the splendor was now pretty bare, devoid of presents aside from one medium sized one left sitting in the back, wrapped in shockingly brilliant shades of red and green with a large silver bow. It wasn't the best quality wrapping, as one could tell it had been done by hand, much like all of the decorating her and her elder sisters had done upon Lunas arrival home. She had just gotten back from a fun filled day with the entire family, ending in wrapping paper everywhere and Trista getting marshmallow fluff all over her Brother-In-Law after a spell gone wrong, Luna getting a good deal of it on herself as well.

But as with all good things the day was drawing to a close. The sun had just started to set and Luna was expecting a visitor at Eleven that night. She listened as the clock struck ten and looked at her couch, a bit regretful she didn't have any time to rest but even though Charles was nothing more than a good friend to her she still felt an obligation to look her best for the Durmstrang Scholar. Which meant getting all of the fluff off of her and changing out of the clothes she had on into something a bit more suitable. She had the smallest hint of a crush on him but it was nothing she would try to pursue; he always looked his best and Luna was never one to look like a slob. With this thought she padded across her apartment at lightning speed, casting a few charms to tidy up the place before slipping into a prettier outfit. After about thirty minutes Luna finally had everything to her liking. The young woman wandered over to her bookcase, which was by far the biggest thing in the room and plucked out the copy of "The Life of Pi" Anita had given her for her birthday. Nibbling on a gingerbread cookie, one leg crossed over the other; she looked up as she heard the tell tale crack of apparation. Charles was here.
Charles’ day was nothing out of the ordinary this time of year. Of course his family had had an extravagant Christmas day with a party that went on much too long to Charles’ liking. He was a typical 18 year old boy and spending Christmas with his family was something that he could about stretch too but when he had to share it with a couple hundred of his parents closest friends, he started to get annoyed. Although he had been brought up around it, so he had learnt how to let it the day pass with as little amount of pain as possible. He even had some bragging rights this year as his parents proudly told all of their friends about Charles getting accepted on to the shortlist for the Thunderella Thunderers new first string beater. Charles had been working so hard with this for the past few months and he felt great that he was almost there, he was so close to achieving his dream. He knew that he would be finding out sometime after the holidays and he religiously counted down all the days on his calendar. He was glad that his parents had become more acceptable of the idea as they originally weren’t too keen on their son becoming a Quidditch Player which to them was something that was almost common and not a worthy job for him. Although when they say how dedicated to the job he was and how he put so much into it they started to lighten up a bit and even got his name going around the number of Quidditch circles that they knew due to their connections – Charles was never one to let his parents connections aid him in anything but if his name got back to the boss of the Thunderella Thunderers then maybe, just maybe, it would help boost his chances. Although after all the training he had gone through so far he felt that he didn’t need much more help as he seemed to have made a good impression with the team and the coach. Also having the ‘Paramore’ twins help him was also a good help.

As he retold the story for about the millionth time that night he heard the great grandfather clock strike and for a moment thought he was late to meet up with his good friend, Luna. A girl whom he had been thankful for during the few months where he had been in New Zealand a lot. He knew no one here and having a friend was a great help to him. Then now, even though his trial period was almost over he found that he enjoyed Luna’s company too much to just drop their friendship. It was quite the opposite actually as he found himself wanting to be with her more and more as time went on – which was why they had decided to spend some time together tonight. Going up to his room he took of his shirt and tie and hoodie over his t-shirt leaving his blazer and smart pants on. He would have changed but he thought he was running late. So grabbing his present for Luna and a bottle of bubbly that he had swiped from the kitchen early he apparated off to Luna’s apartment. As he arrived he saw the time and realised that he was early and hoped that she wouldn’t mind. “Luna!” he called out as he made his way into the living area, the first place he would expect to find her. “Merry Christmas. Sorry I’m a bit early but I couldn’t wait to get out of there.” he said with a small chuckle as he walked over to her.
The crack that accompanied Charles' arrival into the apartment was nearly deafening. Shaking her head a bit as if to ward off the sound Luna heard him call her name. "In here!" she piped up, voice floating down the hall to the guest room where he had landed, on the other end of the apartment. She scanned over the coffee table, looking for the bookmark she had gotten out from her collection to mark the page before hopping up, bare feet padding across the lush white carpet that decorated the floors of her apartment. She was sliding the book back into the spot from which she had taken it when she heard him enter the room through the tell tale thud of his heavy footfalls. Taking a second to line the book up with the others along the edge of the shelf she turned around and greeted her Durmstrang friend with a bright grin, "Merry Christmas Charles." she chirped before plucking another gingerbread man out of one of the several tins of them sitting about the flat. "That bad eh?" she asked, having heard him rant about the way those parties usually wound up. Luna personally thought it would be fun to go to something like that once, but she couldn't imagine living with such riches; as she was perfectly fine with her lifestyle as is.

Her smile grew wider as she looked to the single present under the tree. "I know we said we weren't going to bother with gifts but I just had to get you this." she said, bending over to pluck the present from under the tree before tossing it to him "Catch!" she said playfully as the bundle of Christmas wrapped joy bounded towards him. "I think that should cheer you up." she told him, her eyes flickering back and forth between the man and the box in his hands. Within it's red, green, and silver exterior laid a brand new beaters bat, top of the line with Charles Fera, Thundelarra Thunderers engraved in gold along the side. A small card tied to the narrow end. Congratulations and Merry Christmas Charles! ~Luna and the Rule Bending Chasers , "I know you weren't supposed to find out the results till new years but..." she paused, waiting for it to sink in.
Charles followed Luna’s voice to where she where she was, although it wasn’t much of a surprise that she was in the front room as it was where she was every other time he had come to hers. It was surprising how well Charles had gotten to know this in the short time he had known Luna but they had become fairly close over that period of time so it was only fair that he had spent some time at hers – hence getting to know it well. Charles retuned Luna’s grin when he saw her by her bookshelf. He rolled his eyes to himself when he saw her fixing her books. Charles didn’t know much about the Hogwarts schooling system in terms of the different houses as Durmstrang didn’t have anything like that. Although he did know that Luna was Ravenclaw, simply because he told her, and that it was the house for the ‘smart’ people and based on the amount of times Charles had seen Luna with a book in her hand he could tell that she was definitely in the right place. When Luna questioned him about his parents party he shook his head. “I honestly think they get worse as I get older. You’d think I’d be used to it by now but now that I am old enough to know what’s going on, it’s a lot worse.” he said, taking one of her gingerbread men and biting the head off it as he wasn’t too keen at the food served at the party.

Charles moved on into the room where Luna was standing and heard her mention something about presents. It was true that they had both agreed not to do it as they didn’t know each other that well and it would probably have been a bit awkward but as he watched her bend down to pick up something he breathed a sigh of relief. For he had actually gotten her a present, not something very big but when he had seen it, it had reminded him of Luna and he wanted to get it for her. Charles was thankful for his quick reactions as Luna threw a rather heavy gift his way. When she said that it should cheer him up he gave her a curious look before he ripped open the wrapping paper. Looking down at the beaters bat in his hands he read the gold writing on it and was gobsmacked – he really didn’t know what to say. He kept re-reading the words and it remained the same each time, Charles Fera, Thundelarra Thunderers it was quite surreal to think that he was the newest beater for the Thundelarra Thunderers. When Luna mentioned about how he wasn’t supposed to find out after the holidays he knew that this wasn’t just a joke. “Luna thank you so much. This is awesome.” he beamed as he threw his spare arm over his friend for a one-armed hug. “Makes me wish I had gotten you something better now.” he said with an embarrassed chuckle as he took a slim box out of his pocket and handed it over to Luna, inside was a diamond and emerald pendant necklace that he had gotten her, the emerald pendant reminding him of the colour of her eyes.
Luna noticed the look on Charles' face as he noticed she was over at the bookshelf as she had been almost every time he had arrived to the apartment and chuckled inwardly to herself. The sorting hat had most definitely made the right decision putting her into the noble house of Rowena Ravenclaw. She almost always had a book or article of some sort nearby and this was a fact that the man across the room had most certainly picked up on over the small amount of time they had been friends, most of it spent lounging around this very apartment over the winter and summer breaks; first out of obligation, then by choice. He had even met Pat a few times considering the two shared the apartment, though she was off visiting with family for the break and would not be back for a few days. Slowly nibbling on the rest of her cookie she looked to Charles as he almost violently snapped the neck of the cookie he had taken from another nearby tin. "Woah, what did that poor thing do to you?" she joked with a chuckle and a small smile in the cookie killers direction. She listened as he disdainfully described the horrid evolution of the galas and lavish parties he forcibly attended as he got older. "I can only imagine." she told him, which was pretty much true. Her family wasn't poor by any stretch of the imagination, but they were far from "Rich". But from the way Charles spoke of it Luna was happy for this.

"But you're here now, and you won't have to go to another one of those things for who knows how long." she told him, her voice bright as she tried to show him the positives. But the subject was soon dropped as the surprise present exchange took place. Neither of the pair stuck to the 'no presents' agreement it would seem as Charles ripped into the large box she had handed to him, marveling at the present before pulling out a gift of his own to her. She giggled as she was pulled into a surprise hug and smiled at him. "You're more than welcome, when Trista slipped and told me you'd made it I just couldn't keep the good news to myself." she told him, excitement for him leaking from every pore of her body. "I'd say a drink to celebrate is in order." she suggested before looking to the small box that he handed to her. Delicately tearing open the wrapping paper before opening the small white box to see what was inside of it. When her eyes fell on the pendant she let out a small gasp. "Better? Charles this is beautiful!" she exclaimed, laying it on the table to she could wrap him in a proper hug, squeezing him tightly before picking it back up to examine it. "This is extremely pretty... Thank you so much." she said.
Charles noticed Luna’s small laugh and he figured she had caught his stare. It was strange how two people were able to connect so after only knowing each other a short time. It was even more surprising how their circumstances weren’t what most would consider that of a budding friendship. If it hadn’t been for Luna’s sisters introducing the two and having them keep each other company when Charles didn’t know anyone in New Zealand and Luna was just after breaking up with her long term boyfriend. At the start, it may just have been Charles, but he felt that there was an awkward tension between the two when they clearly didn’t want to have to endure each others company. Although after sometime they had gotten used to each other and were able to hit it off just fine. Even when Charles had to return back to Durmstrang they managed to stay in touch via owl post. Granted it wasn’t the same as talking to each other face to face but at least it allowed them to stay in each others lives and keep up to date with everything so there weren’t any startling realizations when they met up again. Nibbling at the gingerbread man Charles snorted lightly at Luna’s question. He really should be used to having these things with his family but as he got older he seemed to have less and less time for them when he could easily have been spending time with his friends – like Luna. It was nice of Luna to try and sympathize with him but he knew that unless you actually went through one of those parties you would actually know what they’re like. They were far from what people would see in old muggle movies or read in book of fancy ball gowns and elegant dancing when really people didn’t know everything else that went into it all the goings on behind the scenes, even during the event. On top of that it was highly boring.

Charles flashed Luna a sincere grin when she reminded him that he was here with her now and didn’t have to worry about another one of his parent’s parties until New Years Eve, it was pretty close but right now he wasn’t going to worry about it. He could always rely on Luna to help cheer him up by showing him the positives, it wasn’t as easy for him to see the good in things having spent his schooling years in Durmstrang, it was not a place where one would find a lot of cheery people and happy memories. Then again, school was what you made it and sure Charles had had a good time but his happy memories would probably be a lot different from Luna memories of school from a place like Hogwarts New Zealand. Charles continued to stare at the surprise present from his friend in his hands. Sure they had told each other that they weren’t going to do presents he was glad he had gotten something although he did feel bad as technically, Luna’s present counted as two rather than one. Charles couldn’t help but let out a small laugh when Luna told him of how Trista had let it slip, it sounded like something she would do. When Luna expressed the need for a drink to celebrate Charles couldn’t agree more, now he was glad that he had swiped the bottle of champagne with him – the perfect celebratory drink. Charles watched Luna open her present and he let out a small sigh when she said she liked it. Embrassing her in the hug she initiated he shook his head, “No worries. Although I have to admit that your present definitely trumps mine.” he added with a small chuckle. “Now, those drinks you mentioned.” he said as he set down his own present, casting a couple of champagne flutes he opened the champagne and proceed to pour some into the glasses. “What should we toast too?” he asked as he handed Luna her glass.
Luna was happy that she had managed to make such a good friend in Charles. Originally Luna had damn near detested him, she knew damn good and well he had only been talking to her to get in good with her sisters and it had made her feel pathetic. She had been perfectly fine on her own thank you very much! But as the time ticked by on that winter break the pair got over the initial feeling of 'I don't want to be here.' and started to enjoy one anothers company. Then at some point along the line they became quite good friends for what time they had known each other, agreeing to keep in touch VIA owl which just wasn't the same. She had been happy to see him again once summer rolled around, especially considering Pat had made plans to do things with her family and such during the break. She was fine with being alone but admittedly the company of Charles was quite a nice fill in.

Luna didn't see her gift as being two presents in one, and if she knew Charles felt even a slight bit bad for only getting her a necklace she would have probably wanted to whack him over the head. She saw it more as a gift and some extremely good news, seeing as he'd be on the team regardless of her gift. She admired the emerald pendant once more before sliding it back into the box and laying it on her bookshelf, which was quite an honor by Lunas standards. She would put it up properly later, "Thanks again Charles, it really is beautiful." she told him with a bright smile. When he brought up drinks she noticed him slip the bottle of champagne out of his jacket. "Stealing from your parents eh? How rebellious." she joked with a smirk as she took the glass full of alcohol offered to her. "Oh I love being of age." she said lightly before addressing his question of a toast. "Well Charles, I say we toast to success, considering this is why were here." she said with a smile as they raised their glasses. "To success!"

[Sorry for the minor godmod Pat.]
“Don’t mention it.” The Durmstrang told the Ravenclaw as she thanked him for her gift once again after leaving it in the ‘place of pride’ as Luna liked to put it. Charles let a sly smirk cross his lips when Luna questioned him stealing from his parents. It wasn’t exactly stealing when there was plenty of it there and he was technically doing everyone else a favour because it meant when the alcohol ran out everyone could go home sooner and who knows, he might even get to sleep in his own bed that night. “I agree. The last 17 years were nothing compared to this.” he said with a small chuckle. He really couldn’t imagine going back to not being able to do magic wherever and whenever he wanted. Being refined to doing magic inside the four walls of Durmstrang was growing rather boring after a while. Although as soon as he had hit 17 and cast his first spell at home just after he had turned 17 was, albeit rather simple with just an ‘accio’, rather exciting. It wasn’t until his parents part that year when he had his first taste of alcohol which made him a lover of champagne, it was an expensive thing to like but Charles always had expensive taste, and when the family he grew up with was taken into consideration that wasn’t much of a surprise. “To success.” he repeated after her, a grin on his face – it was rather fitting.

With the clinking of glasses, the first sip quickly turned into the second and so on, so forth. It wasn’t long until Charles was opening yet another bottle of champagne that he easily obtained – magic really was grand. Normally it would take a lot for Charles to become somewhat tipsy but he hadn’t taken into consideration just how much he already had at the party, not wanting to seem weak or like a fader in front of Luna who seemed to be holding out pretty well. So with all the drink taken into consideration it was very easy to see that Charles was getting slightly tipsy, something he hadn’t experienced outside of his home and family before so he didn’t know how this was going to affect him now but really that was the last thing on his mind. How could he think of that when he had Luna in front of him. Charles wasn’t one who would fawn over many girls but he did know when a girl was gorgeous and Luna was definitely one of them; of course he had never said anything due to the basis the two had become friends but now that Charles had got the spot on the team what would the harm be? “You know, you’re very pretty.” he said, his words only slightly slurred but they still came out the way he had intended. While he and Luna had been talking this was completely out of the blue and nowhere near the topic of their previous conversation of some Quidditch techniques that Charles could learn before going into a pro game, with Luna having two pro Quidditch players for sisters, she had picked up on a few here and there.
Luna let out a small giggle when he agreed that the last seventeen years had been nothing compared to the year or so they had lived as adults. Sure there were more responsibilities that came along with adulthood but in Luna's opinion, the benefits FAR outweighed the letdowns of the adult life. Being able to clean the flat with magic was a godsend and her magic had made her lazier than she should be but it wasn't out of control. The alcohol on the other hand the had taken to far too quickly. Not as in she got piss drunk every night, but she really loved making and trying drinks, sometimes getting her drunk in the process. She personally thought she might have a very promising career as a bartender if nothing else, though she didn't know if that payed good. Champagne had never been her favorite but it was okay. She had always had a personal preference for the mixed drinks, especially when she made them herself and added funky garnishes to. "Huzzah!" she added with a laugh before taking another swig of her champagne. Now hopefully they just knew where to cut off at.

But as fate would have it neither did. Glass after glass of champagne was being poured over the next hour or so and as the clock struck midnight they were well through a second bottle that Charles had managed to get from somewhere. "Oh oh oh!" she exclaimed. snapping her fingers quickly as she rummaged through her liquor cabinet, most of the bottles relatively full and pulled out a large bottle of Vodka, snatched the cranberry juice out of the fridge and got a few candy canes. "I just have to try this Charles!" she exclaimed as she poured a bit of the vodka and twice the amount of juice in a single martini glass rimmed with crushed candy cane, then dipping the other miniature one in the glass where the hook caught the edge, leaving all the ingredients out on the table. Walking back over to him she took a swig, "Oh my this is good... A bit too much vodka though." she told him, her voice a bit slurred. She plucked the candy cane out of the mixture and licked the booze off of it before chomping down. Two of these and a bit more champagne later Luna was very nearly drunk. Would've been completely out of it if not for the heavy Christmas dinner she had eaten still resting in her stomach. They had been talking quidditch when out of nowhere Charles tells her she's pretty. "Why thank you Charles... Have I ever told you how handsome you are?" she replied, her words a bit slurred but legible. Trying to take a step closer she stumbled and fell into him, though thankfully he caught her and she wasn't holding a drink. "Well you are." Handsome? Try sexy! her loosened mind purred at her as she looked at him, not quite ready to leave this impromptu embrace just yet.
Charles couldn’t help but laugh a bit as Luna let out a random outburst and made her way over to a cabinet. It was one that Charles had seen before but never really knew what was in it. When he saw the selection of alcohol his eyes widened with surprise, Luna had a few hidden secrets. He figured by the way she was holding herself that she wasn’t new to drink but to have a stash like that at home, well that was a different story. He was beginning to see a side of Luna tonight that wasn’t the bookworm, good girl kind – he sort of liked it. As he watched her down the cocktails and enjoy the alcohol on the candy canes – something he had to stop thinking about – he was surprised when he saw her go for more champagne. He definitely needed to bring Luna to a few of his families’ parties for she would make a very good addition to them and certainly liven up the part a bit more. Plus it would be much better company for him and that was always something that he needed at those parties because his cousins who were the closest to his age were still younger and far too annoying for him to stand all night long.

Charles was able to tell that he was getting far too close to his limit as he had never really drank this much before in such a small space of him but he couldn’t stop himself. There was something about being able to blame anything he said or did on the drink he found very appealing, something he discovered after telling Luna that he found her pretty. It was always a risky move complimenting ones friends in that manner so he had held back what he really thought of her. It was hard to not think of Luna like that at times, he was a typical teenage boy after all and Luna was pretty hot. When Luna replied the compliment he let a slight smirk cross his lips as in to say, ‘I know I am’ as he had been told it many times before and he did pride himself in his looks – not in a completely vain way but he knew he was good looking so he worked with what he had. Even in his drunken state Charles still had good reflexes from his Quidditch training which was good as he was able to catch Luna as she stumbled. Holding her this close he could smell her perfume which was mixed with the smell of champagne, it was an interesting mix but he like the sweet aroma. Remaining silent he looked into her emerald eyes for a moment. He had gotten away with his first drunken action of the night he now wondered would he be able to push his luck. Tilting his head up his lips met with Luna’s and he didn’t waste much time before he loosened his grip on Luna just enough for her to rest easily on his lap. It was an interesting sensation, kissing your friend but Charles couldn’t seem to stop as he found his hands starting to roam to areas which were definitely out of bounds for a friend.
Luna was mixing her second bright red cocktail of the night when she finally noticed the look painted on Charles' face as he gaped at the cabinet from which she had pulled the ingredients with which to make it. Her cheeks turning a shade matching the liquid in her glass she scratched the back of her head. "Don't get the wrong idea, I like alcohol but I'm no drunk." she assured him, her credibility being a bit marred by the current slur she held in her voice. Sure she had eaten quite heavily before he had gotten here but that food could only absorb so much of the affect. That amount seemed to have been passed up as she gave him a sloppy grin, half stumbling over towards the man. It was starting to occur to her that maybe they should slow down, seeing as he seemed even worse than she. But the thought was gone as soon as it had arrived as she caught hold of his icy blue eyes.

Everything seemed to be spinning as the world fell off of it's axis. For the first time in months she felt the pressure of another pair of lips against her own. For the last ones had belonged to Angus Greenwood, though he was the very last thing on Lunas mind as she seemed to feel a whole different type of drunk. She was not oblivious to his hands as they roamed about in places they had never dared venture before. In fact, a purr bubbled in her throat followed by a soft moan before she was once again muted by the man underneath her, she too having her hands explore places that would have been far out of bounds just an hour or so before. It was like her body had been waiting for this moment, sure she had entertained the idea of him as more than a friend but never seriously. The temperature in the room seemed to climb as the drunken actions progressed, Charles' jacket tossed carelessly into the floor. Pulling back for a moment she laid her forehead against his, needing the regain some oxygen into her bloodstream. She looked into his eyes, emeralds meeting a flash of blue. "Where did you learn to kiss like that?" she asked, her voice a bit jagged. Not giving him a chance to answer before diving back in.
It didn’t matter to Charles if Luna liked to drink or how much she liked to drink. In fact it appealed to him in a way that she wasn’t this sort of stuck up girl who didn’t know how to have a good time. Charles knew far too many of them, at his families parties it was only girls who were rich and snobby and Charles couldn’t stand anyone like that. He nodded to show his understand on what she was saying – he could just about understand what she was saying as the drink was definitely starting to effect his judgement among other things. He was glad though that his reflexes hadn’t been affected or he didn’t know what would have possibly happened Luna as she fell over. He was also thankful that his reflexes weren’t affected or he may not have found himself in the situation he was currently in.

When he planned to come to Luna’s tonight he had a few things in mind as to what they could do but this definitely wasn’t one of them – well maybe in his wildest dreams but he never thought it would actually happen. As per the expression things certainly did start to heat up and it wasn’t long before Charles had to get rid of his jacket as he was starting to find it too constricting and he wanted to get as much enjoyment out of this right now before it potentially crashed around him. Breaking the connection that the two currently shared Charles inhaled deeply as he felt oxygen rushing back through his lungs; something which even for the short space of time had decreased substantially. As the contrasting blue and green orbs met the two Charles’ thoughts came rushing to him and what they had just done, this most definitely wasn’t within the friends boundaries and he didn’t know what should be done about it. A light smirk crossed his features at Luna’s comment – it was always nice to hear a compliment. Although before he had time to respond Luna leaned forward again and his lips were a bit too busy to think about talking again. For now Charles just shut off his mind because the voice inside his head which had started to creep in just moments ago was becoming irritating now and wasn’t letting him focus on the one thing he wanted to do. Now with no control over his actions he let his body do all the work and he wouldn’t know what had happened until morning came round.
OOCOut of Character:
Feel free to god-mod and time skip :)
In the moments the pair were separated, the slightest voices of doubt began to creep into Lunas head. Asking her just what on Earth she thought she was doing, how inappropriate and stupid it was and where it would lead. But these thoughts were soon shut up again as their lips and bodies reconnected, Besides... It isn't like I haven't done this before either way. were her last audible thoughts before she figuratively put her brain away in a jar as she succumbed to the mighty power of lust and booze running through her blood. She pulled away again for a moment, panting before reaching to remove his shirt, not watching as it landed in a heap on the floor, wrapping her legs around him. "I think we should take this somewhere else..." she suggested. She knew his opinion of that immediately as he lifted them from the couch, supporting her with his hands under her backside to which she responded with a surprised giggle as he stumbled into her room and slammed the door behind them, not to reemerge until morning.

December 26th 2026 was a bright morning, but that could not be seen in Lunas windowless bedroom, so it was rather late when Luna finally roused from her slumber, thoroughly worn out from the strenuous activities that had taken place the night before. She did not stay awake long enough to fully register when had happened, she just felt a heat source next to her and burrowed her body closer into it, quite enjoying that and the feeling of the sheets against her bare skin. She didn't notice the arm around her that wasn't her own or the sturdy, fleshy surface of this new found pillow as she once again settled into a dream world, blissfully unaware of the child in her womb from their drunken hookup, soon to be formed.

The night before had faded into nothing more than a drunken blur for the Durmstrang Prefect after he had let his body take over control of his actions instead of letting his usually rash mind. It was because of this Luna and he had crossed a line that was very thin when it came to friends of the opposite sex even more so when there was alcohol added into the equation. Unfortunately for the two Prefects there had been more than enough alcohol added into the mix the night before to make both of them submerge into the act that was sure to ruin any friendship. While it was a night that should never have happened Charles had enjoyed himself – as one usually would. It had allowed him to release any pent up stress or anger that had worked its way into his system with his family and other things. It wasn’t until the next morning while his body began to stir. He was relaxed and warm, the sweet scent of the person lying next to him filling his nostrils waking him up slowly.

As he started to wake up he groaned lightly as he started to feel the headache of all headaches pounding and causing him to rub his temples to try and ease it. Opening his eyes slowly he was glad that there was no sunlight pouring into the room and blinding him. Looking around the room he soon realised that this wasn’t his room, in fact he didn’t know it at all. Highly confused he realised that he wasn’t alone. Looking down at the girl lying on top of him he began to remember the events of last night. This wasn’t good. Charles wasn’t good at confrontation at the best of times and he certainly didn’t want to have to face it now, not with Luna. Slowly lifting his arm from around her he began to shift lightly so as to no waken the sleeping beauty in his arms. As he sat up he swung his legs over the side of the bed, so far so good, he just hoped Luna was a heavy sleeper.

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