Closed Nosy Neighbours

Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe

Alleged Adult | Exists on Stress | HoM 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 15" Ash Wand, Essence of Mermaid Scale
Gabrielle was not a morning person. But she wasn't much of a night person, either. Fine during the day and very pleasant to her students in class or if she got on a roll with talking about history, or anything even tangentially related. Appropriately, she tended to keep to herself if she could help it. Unfortunately, she'd run out of her coffee stock and she'd gotten so invested in searching up information on architecture for one of her students that she had missed dinner last night. Breakfast seemed like a good idea. It did take a fair amount of skincare to try and soothe the dark circles under her eyes to the point they didn't stand out quite as aggressively. Just mildly so. And she didn't have any pencils stuck in her hair this morning, which was a bonus. She groaned a bit as she sat at the table, slathering a little too much butter on her toast and aggressively dunking beans on it, feeling rather like she was back at university again. She practically downed her coffee like it was a teqiila shot, complete with shudder at the end, before looking up and noticing that another professor was actually sitting nearby, so focused on breakfast she'd been. "Good morning," she said, calmly, as though she wasn't looking like a mess. "You know how it is with Mondays," she said, lightly. "'s Tuesday, isn't it?"
Yvonne didn't usually make it down to the great hall for breakfast. She preferred to stay in the tower and simply steal what ever tea and baked goods she could from Elvera's room. But on the rare occasions she did make an appearance she didn't put much effort into her appearance. She was wearing normal clothes but her hair was still wrapped in a scarf that thankfully looked more like a fashion choice than a one made out of convenience. She took full advantage of having a full spread of food and filled her plate. She was enjoying the simple pleasure of having a warm meal in the morning for once when she was greeted by another professor. "Morning." she said with a pleasant smile before laughing a little when the other woman couldn't remember what day it was. "I think it's Wednesday." she said in a serious voice before breaking immediately. "Kidding. You were right it is Tuesday." Yvonne took in her weary appearance and couldn't say she didn't relate. "Long night?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, curious if there was an interesting story involved.
Gabrielle didn't know how to answer that. If she lied and said it had been a long night out, not only would she be a liar but she'd look like a terrible teacher, and she liked the idea of keeping her job. The pay wasn't bad and having a routine was a nice bonus. But if she was honest and said she'd been studying into the early hours she might look a bit pathetic, but at least honest. And if the other professor was a teacher of something like Divination chances were she could see through her anyway. "Yes," she said, bluntly, before raising an eyebrow. "I took a portkey to South America to plan a class trip where I was whisked away on a boat by a handsome stranger until the early hours where the portkey brought me back just like Cinderella. I'm sure he's still scouring the peninsula for me, even now." She snorted at the end of her sentence, unable to fully commit to the lie. "I read up on architecture until three in the morning."

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