Closed No One To Dance With

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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Enoch wasn't sure why he bothered with these dances. It just seemed like an excuse to listen to music, eat rubbish and then dance. Making themselves look silly in the process. Enoch had arrived, dressed in a simple and plain suit. He had taken maybe two laps of the room before deciding enough was enough. There was no need for him to bother sticking around and the dorm would hopefully, blessedly be empty enough for him to just have a chill night without his dormmates, though maybe Dante wasn't as bad as he'd thought. He was making his way out of the room, distracted for a moment and bumped into the last person he wanted to. Or maybe second last. Or third, depending on the day.
Faye loved the dance. The decorations, music, the food. It was all amazing. She dressed in a short slightly poofy black down, and looked briefly at the colored star appliqués on it as she stood off to the side near the entrance. Just in case she needed some air. She was just about to head up to get some more punch when someone shouldered their way into her. “Owie!” She said loudly, though it didn’t hurt that much. She then looked at who was the culprit. “Leaving already? Guess you couldn’t find a dance partner with that sour face.” She teased.
Enoch rolled his eyes a little at her reaction, though if it had been anyone else he wouldn't have done. He bristled a little at her insult, and shook his head. "It's boring," he replied with indignation in his tone. "Looks like you couldn't find one either," Enoch replied, though it wasn't clear that she didn't or not, and he was essentially confirming he did not have one.
Faye lived for the eye rolls she got. Something about knowing that a person was so effected by her personality was honestly thrilling. It made her beam with a bit of a giggle. He confirmed he didn't have a dance partner and accused her of not having one. She shrugged. "Since I'm a great dancer I figured I might as well share that with anyone who wants to dance, not just one person." She explained away. "That's the difference, people want to dance with me." She remarked sassily.
Enoch scoffed lightly, though he did get the impression that she was right, that people would want to dance with her. "I doubt it," he replied with a shrug. "I haven't seen you dance with anyone, and you're talking to me, if you wanted to dance you would push past me," Enoch said with a shrug, not actually pushing past her to leave, just remaining talking to her.
He tried to deny it and she gave a playful roll of her eyes. Though he was teasing her, stating he'd not seen her dancing with anyone, she couldn't help but be playful in the moment. She wasn't one for taking things too seriously, after all, what good would that do her? So she shrugged back. "So you've been watching to see if i dance with anyone? I get it now. Enoch, would you like to dance?" She asked, an almost coy smile on her face.
Enoch bristled at what she said. "No, of course not," he replied quickly. "I have better things to do than dance with you," added, though he didn't actually have anything to do, this was a dance, of course he didn't have anything better to do than dance. "Plus, maybe you aren't any good, I'm maybe waiting for a good enough dancer, and I can bet it won't be you,"
Faye could almost see his hackles go up at her words and the way he denied her so quickly. She laughed. “Oh really? Prove it then. Unless you have two left feet.” She said with a grin, holding out her hand for him, wiggling her fingers as if to tempt him to say yes. After all, if he said no he’d just be proving to her that she could dance better than him.
Enoch frowned and shook his head, regretting his words visibly. "No, you first," he said quickly. He wasn't going to dance, he wasn't good at dancing and he didn't have the time for such things. He was just extending this conversation, playing into what she wanted without really meaning to. "God, I'm done," he then added, and though he seemed to indicate he was leaving, he then did not actually leave.
Faye looked at him, announcing he was done. She laughed slightly, clearly not taking him seriously. "Listen, we can argue back and fourth all night or you can come be a terrible dancer with me and we can try and pretend like we get along. What's the harm in that? C'mon if you don't have fun I'll bomb my next exam so you do better than me."
This girl was infuriating, the idea that she could just tank an exam like that, when she did generally so easily beat him. He shook his head. "Why would you tank an exam?" he asked. "That's pretty reckless, especially when I don't have fun," he asked. He knew that she probably felt sure that he would have fun, but Enoch didn't do anything fun, why would a dance be any different.
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