Closed New Kid On The Block

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
It had been a couple of days since the new year of Hogwarts had started. Samantha had been a little busy the last few days with all the Prefect duties, as well as her studies and being the new social chair on Heta Omega. Even though it had been a little hectic on Samantha's timetable at the moment, she didn't mind it. However, she had felt bad that she hadn't seen her cousin since they had arrived at Hogwarts. She felt a little guilty that she hadn't really shown Michael around the castle. She had decided that she was going to change that. Samantha had sent her cousin a note earlier in the day that she wanted to meet up in the courtyard, during the afternoon just before dinner was about to start. She sat in one of the benches that the courtyard provided, waiting for her cousin.
Michael was glad to have family at school with him again. Since his sister left, things felt a little lonely. Although these happy feelings excluded his possible little sister attending HNZ. He was thankful that Issac was in Gryffindor even if they didn't see each other that much since they were different years. However, Samantha had reached out to him, and he was glad to see his cousin outside of class. They hadn't really hung out since the summer when he had temporarily moved in with them. While he had enjoyed the experience, Michael definitely couldn't wait to have his own room again in their new flat. The boy made his way to the courtyard and saw his cousin. Running towards her with his arms thrown out like an airplane, he crossed yard. "SAAAAAAAMAAAAAAANNNNNNTTHHHHAAAAAAAAA!" he shouted until he got to about two feet away. "Hey cuz. How's it going?"
By the loud calling of her name, she had no trouble distinguishing who that was. She laughed and turned to see her cousin, who was apparently trying to be an... aeroplane? She hadn't seen her cousin in a while, only hanging out and seeing each other during the break and just before they had headed onto the express to get to Hogwarts. Samantha laughed a little harder at his antic behaviour. "Miiiiichaeeeeelll" Samantha says a bit more quietly and does a sloppy and rubbish job of copying his actions. She wasn't really going to admit it, but she did miss her cousin's mischief behaviour since she had returned to Hogwarts. "I'm doing okay, been a bit busy. How bout you? You fitting in here nicely? Or done anything mischievous?" Samantha asks her cousin with a small smile and laugh.
Michael grinned when Samantha tried to mimic him. While he enjoyed his counsin's company, she wasn't quite as chaotic as the Gryffindor had grown over the years. "Well, I wouldn't tell you if I had, Ms. Prefect," he teased jokingly. "It's going okay, though. Not much is too different, other than the accents." He took a seat at a nearby bench and leaned against the wall. "How about you? Staying busy with all your new fancy duties?" He couldn't help picking on his cousin when given the chance, even though she was technically older. But it was nice to have family that was his age and now at the same school.
Samantha rolls her eyes jokingly as he teased a little, not surprised by his antics. "Oh shush you, But that's good to hear," Samantha says with a smile, as he teased her about her Prefect position, and laughed a little when he had mentioned about the accent part. Though she wasn't surprised since her cousin was from another part of the world. She sort of understood what he meant in a sense since whenever she went to see either one of her extended family that was outside of New Zealand, the accents were different to what she was used to. "I think I'm doing okay. But yeah, keeping busy" Samantha says with a slight nod and smile, as she takes a seat next to Michael. "It's keeping me on my toes"
Michael was glad to see his teasing didn't bother Samantha. They had had a good time together over the summer, and the boy felt like he was closer to his cousins than he used to be. It helped when you were fighting over a bathroom. He couldn't imagine being a prefect - it just wasn't something he would be good at with having to enforce rules and the likes. He'd rather have the freedom to get in trouble when it warranted. Plus, those made the best memories. "I'm sure it is! Is your boyfriend keeping you busy as well?" he joked with an emphasis on the word boyfriend. He hadn't met Ren, but Samantha had talked about him.
Samantha's eyes widen a little as her cousin mentions the name of her boyfriend. "Michhhaeeellll," Samantha says as she exaggerates Michael's name, laughing a little and gently pushing her cousin in a joking matter. She hadn't been surprised with more of Michael's antics, as she had spent more time with her cousin throughout the summer. She had felt that him arriving in New Zealand, had bought them closer. "You making friends and what not?" Samantha asked her cousin curiously. She was sure that he had made a few already though.
Michael giggled when Samantha called his name and rocked as she pushed him. It was too easy to get to people if you found their weakness. "Well... is he then?" He hadn't met his cousin's boyfriend yet, but it didn't mean he would stop picking on her if he did. When the girl asked if he was making friends, he shrugged and gave a small nod. "Yeah. I mean, it's gonna take a while to reach the popularity status I was in Scotland," he started with a grin, "but I'm slowly coming around with the peasants." He was thankful there were at least a few students here that understood his sense of humor.

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