Open New Adventures

Dominic Owens-Lee

adopted | american | life's cool
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
[Open after Maria]

Since his adoption, Dominic had travelled quite a lot. Wales was interesting and things looked quite different there to where he lived in America. They drove on the other side of the road and their signs on the road were quite different too. They said different things, but meant the same thing, and it was sort of like that in New Zealand too. Teila, or should he say his mother, wanted them to move to New Zealand for good. She had lived there before and even still had her small one bedroom apartment. He wasn’t sure what else that meant though, especially since she was still working in America, but so far New Zealand had been good, and so he wouldn’t be too hurt if that was what she decided.

Dominic never usually ventured out on his own, but with his mother running errands, he had been given permission to do so as long as he stayed near the shops where there were lots of people about. It was fairly quiet, but Dominic supposed that would be different when the older school kids weren’t at school. He passed the wand shop, the robe shop, the shop where they bought their pets. Soon enough, Dominic came across the ice cream shop. It was bright and colourful, and the colours of the flavours were very vibrant behind the glass windows. He didn’t want to enter it however as he didn’t have any money to buy anything, so there was no point. He simply stood at the front of it. It was getting into winter, but the boy would definitely be able to do with some ice cream if he was given the opportunity.
The house had been quiet ever since his older siblings have made their way to Hogwarts, and it wouldn't be long until he was going to make it to the school. His parents would drag him and his litter sister to either Obsiden Harbour or Brightstone Village sometimes when the family was bored or they needed something. This time it was no different, but he had asked his mum if he could venture out and collect some shells while she was doing her own thing with his sister.

It had been about half an hour after he collected his shells. The boy had enjoyed the look and feel of the different shapes and colours of the shells he had. Conan had decided to make his way to the shops, to find his mum, while also carrying a box of his collection of shells, a few additional shells. The boy went past every store while doing a quick skim of the store from looking through the windows, hoping to find a familiar set of hair. He had reached the ice cream store and was about to do another look for his mum and sister when he had noticed a boy about his age standing outside. Conan looked between the boy and the store. "Are you thinking about going in?"
Dominic couldn't help but become startled when he heard a voice next to him. He turned around to see a boy around his age who looked very friendly. He was asking whether or not he was going to enter the ice cream shop, and Dominic shrugged, wishing he could say yes. "I don't have any money." he replied, before quickly taking a step aside. "Sorry if I'm in your way. Go ahead." Dominic gestured towards the shop, wondering if that was the reason why the boy approached him. He shouldn't be standing out the front of shops anyway, at least not when the street was full of busy people walking by. However, he wasn't sure what much more there was to do and just hoped he'd be able to find something fun soon.
Conan shook his head when the boy had mentioned that he was in the way. "Nah, your all good. I wasn't planning to go in. Was just looking for my mum. I'll find her eventually" Conan says with a small shrug. He guessed that he could've gone back to the beach, since his mum knew that, that was where he would be. Now that they were in front of the ice cream shop, Conan had felt like ice cream. But he too didn't have any money. "Well... I don't have money either, I guess we can just look and stare into the ice cream shop. What's your favourite ice cream flavour?" Conan asked the boy, as he slightly adjusted his arm, from carrying the small shoebox of shells.
Dominic frowned a little as the boy said he was looking for his mother. "Are you lost? I haven't been here very long but I could help you." he offered, happy to go on a small adventure with him to find his mum. He smiled as the boy offered to go in with him to just stare at the ice creams. "Are we allowed to do that? I wouldn't want to get in their way..." At the boy's question, Dominic thought for a moment. "I'm not sure really. I like chocolate, but I also like mint and strawberry." he explained. He hadn't had ice cream for a while, apart from the home made ice cream Teila made him, and so it was hard to decide. "What's your favourite?"
Conan shrugged a little. "Maybe? My mum and sister will find me eventually. But I guess the help and company would be nice" Conan says with a small smile, blushing a little. Conan was a bit embarrassed to admit that he was a bit lost. But He didn't mind standing around here and looking at all the yummy flavours of ice cream or maybe an adventure would be interesting and fun! Conan thought for a moment at the boy's question. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind," Conan says with a shrug and smile. He thought for a moment about his favourite ice cream flavour was "Oh, that's hard! They have so many good flavours. I think my flavour would be chocolate chip!" Conan says with a small nod and smile, as he had finally come to the decision of his favourite ice cream flavour. "I'm Conan by the way. What's your name?"

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