Open Mistletoe'd

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Lucy Montague

Inquisitive | Friendly | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy could hardly stand still. The Yule Ball had finally arrived, she was decked out in a dress her parents had gotten her especially - a simple enough black sequined dress that she adored. But that wasn't why she was restless - she wasn't excited about showing it off or anything like that - no, tonight would be her first prank, if all things went well. Lucy was waiting for her comrade-in-arms, the one and only Teddy Pirrip. They were on the lookout for a couple; a perfect pair to prank. Lucy had the mistletoe and her wand in her pocket in case anyone suitable came along. The plan was simple - levitate the mistletoe above the unsuspecting couple and wham! Instant awkwardness. That was the plan anyway, and Lucy was doing her best, waiting for Teddy and trying not to appear conspicuous.
Teddy circled the hall looking for Lucy and admiring the decorations at the same time. He was very happy that the ice skating was back again this year, he'd had a lot of fun attempting to skate on it last year with Benicio. Resisting the urge to skate right now, Teddy circled back to the entrance where he spotted her waiting, possibly for him. He felt guilty that he hadn't thought to do the same. "Lucy! There you are," Teddy exclaimed. He grinned, "I love the dress, you look great! Ready?" He asked, looking forward to how this would unfold.
Lucy perked up upon hearing her name, seeing Teddy at last. "Hi!" she greeted enthusiastically, though inside she was nervous, her heart pitter-pattering in her chest. "Oh, thank you! Yes, I'm ready, I think," Lucy returned. "Now to just find someone. Well, two someones," she said slowly, scanning over the room. There were a decent amount, she just needed to find the right pair to get in between. It was tricky as they were all older students, and Lucy still felt intimidated by anyone even just a year older than her. But she had Teddy by her side - a master prankster, in her mind - and so she felt less nervous than she would have done otherwise at the prospect.
Teddy grinned at Lucy's enthusiastic greeting, relieved to see her face light up. He could tell she was nervous, but he knew the reason why and put it down to adrenaline. One thing Teddy hadn't done when he circled the hall the first time was look for potential marks. "Oh yeah, that would help." He agreed, his eyes scanning the room, darting between the couples and friends chatting. No one jumped out to Teddy in that moment but the night was still young. "Let's get a drink, gives us a chance to have a look around." Teddy suggested.
"That's a good idea, I am a bit thirsty," Lucy admitted. Half way to the drinks she stopped midway, having spotted two people. She didn't know what it was about them - they didn't look like a couple, in fact they looked rather distant from each other, but still they were talking. "Hey, wait," Lucy said, "what about them?" she whispered, turning her back to them momentarily. "The two behind me, by the wall?" Lucy continued to whisper, hoping she didn't give the game away.
Teddy abruptly halted his steps and turned his head, casting a furtive glance over Lucy's shoulder towards the awkward couple standing by the wall. A contemplative hum escaped from Teddy's lips as he narrowed his eyes in thoughtful appraisal. “Hmmm,” he mused, his gaze lingering on the duo for a moment before looking back at Lucy. “They’re an interesting pair, aren’t they?” A mischievous glint flickered in Teddy’s eyes as he remembered the girl. “I recognise the girl,” he confided to Lucy with a playful smile. “She’s a prefect.” This revelation only intensified the allure towards this pair being the perfect target. “They’re perfect, let's do it!” Teddy declared, his voice brimming with excitement.
"Okay, okay. I've got this," Lucy said, partly to Teddy, partly to herself, as she tried to psyche herself up. A prefect, she hadn't realised that when she'd spotted them - but somehow that made it even more exciting, instead of more daunting as she otherwise would expect. Her heart thudded in her chest as she surreptitiously got closer, pulling her wand and mistletoe out of her pocket.
Teddy watched in anticipation as Lucy expertly maneuvered the mistletoe over the unsuspecting couple's heads. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he observed the scene unfold. "You know what - I think they're going to do it," he whispered to Lucy.
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Lucy had been watching intently, surprised that yes, she agreed with Teddy - it really looked like they were going to actually kiss. It wasn't quite supposed to go like this, but this was definitely entertaining in of itself; now Lucy just wanted to see it actually happen. "I think you're right," she whispered back to Teddy, "look, they're leaning in and everything." She stifled a giggle - it was exciting.
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