Midnight Roaming

Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It was in the middle of the night when a sadistic dream stirred him awake in cold sweat. Feeling as if he just ran a marathon, his heart pounded rapidly and all the sleepy feeling went away before he could decide if he should go back to sleep or not. Whatever he had been dreaming about wouldn't let him rest back to his slumbers. Without a choice, he
got up and dress to go for a walk. If anything help to slip him back to sleep, a walk would do him good.
With a jacket and his trainers on. Victor headed out the dorm, common room, till he eventually ended up in the front courtyard. The moon and stars were out tonight, the night skies clear looked more violet than midnight blue. The atmosphere around him felt more alone than the familiar skies he was so used to back Hogwarts. He missed it, he wish to go back, though it won't be easy to return. He sighed thinking, if it were so easy he would've went back. However, sure as anything in the world, Hogwarts probably wasn't missing him at all.

Brad had been sneaking out of his bedroom, he had been repairing his sister's damage snowboard. Earlier, he had owl her to meet him int he corridor next to the courtyard in the middle of the night. But again Vivian was probably busy doing her stupid girl stuff which Brad could never understand just like his older sister Sally. The boy ran toward the dark corridor as he heard the voice of his shoes tapping. The night was beautiful and it was pretty chilly. He carefully grab the snowboard and brought it to the courtyard. Brad was extremely surprised that someone was there, could he be the prefect? But why would they be out so late? "Sweet baby Merlin!" He shouted "SHH!" He shushed himself and placed Vivian's pink snowboard on the ground. "Don't tell me you're a prefect" He looked at him nervously. But the boy was unfamiliar, perhaps he was new?
Victor heard someone shout, he almost laughed when a boy shouted Merlin. "Good thing you know your history? Right Sailor?" he turn away from the boy noticing the snowboard on the ground beneath him. Well, another muggel sports lover at least, he smile when he looked up and the guy ask him if he were a perfect. "Nah, they say I wasn't here long enough to get perfects. What about you? Where you headed for?" he asked now that the dream seem so distant. Lost away in the back of mind, already he forgotten what he dreamt about. "Is that your snowboard man? Not bad, for a girl taste"
After knowing that the boy wasn't a prefect, Brad exhale and bent down the snowboard as he started fixing it. "Me? Well I was about to bang on Vivian, I mean my sister's door but I guess... Not tonight. She's doing this girl stuff which I could never understand" He said and laughed without looking at the boy. He twisted himself so he was looking at the boy and spread to the air "Hello! Promise is more important! Right? I'll kill you if you say no" He laughed before looking at the snowboard again. "Literally" The snowboard wasn't completely broken, he just had to fix the base of it but if he couldn't then he was going to owl his father to get Vivian the new one. "Psh! This snowboard is totally not mine! It's" He stood up as he look at the boy "ViVian's" Gesturing V with his hand and emphasizing the V part. "Anyway, I'm Brad, Brad Kuang. You're new here? I know why you're here, it's because of the girls right?" He laughed "Well at least that motivate me" He shrugged and stood on the snowboard, jumping on it for several time. "I'm telling father to get her a new one and I'm telling her that I fixed it" He cross his hand and smirked. "Heyy that's not a bad idea" He smiled as he look at the snowboard.
OOCOut of Character:
Ha! You made me laugh =)) bang on my sister's door. Filthy thoughts go away lulz!

Victor laughed, literally. From what the boy were saying, it was hard not too. "Well if you really don't understand girls, maybe I should give you a tip or two. She either most likely talking to her friends about the new cute in guy in school" he pointed to himself "Me! Or just fascinating what she would tell me when she sees me" he laughed putting his hands up in defense. "Joking dude, I'm in the same boat sometimes" he retreat his eyes back at the board. It looked fixable but what girl didn't like a new board. "May I offer my assistance?" he crouch down looking at the board, it needed something to bind them together. He thought of all the possible thing you can do to fix this kinda of damage while he kept up with this conversation. "Girls are always a plus, but man none of that. Just came cause the old man wanted me too. I'm Victor, Victor Crimson, ex Gryffindor from Hogwarts New Zealand" he introduced himself fairly with a smudge grin. "How's the social life over here? Hope its better than where I came from dude.." again he laughed still figuring the board out as he talked.

OOCOut of Character:
dang... that's not what I mean!!!!

Brad liked the boy immediately, at least he wasn't as serious as those awkward guys in the school. "Ha! No way! She's probably making plans to go shopping." He stopped as he started thinking about his a black skinny jean "Hmmm... That's not a bad idea, a skinny jean and new winter coat are good... Well... For me" He laughed and nodded when his new friend offered some help. "Are you one of those dude who hates shopping or like me? Who worship it" He laughed as he started to remember the worst scene last year when people start calling him gay. "And before you call me gay, no I'm not gay." Again the boy laughed, he could be odd sometimes, that was why people would rather leave him alone when he got "sugar high". "Here? Yeah it's much better than Durmstrang. Well I've never been there but my older brother and sister's there and two of my cousins are there as well. And they tell me stories about that school, it's crazy!" He could never imagine himself being around psychopaths in Durmstrang. "Hogwarts? Cool! I was in Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts and then here" He said still looking at the snowboard, he wasn't going to fix it any longer, he was going to owl his father to buy Vivian a new one so he didn't have to deal with the stupid snowboard.

"You know what! I think...a magic spell would fix this board" he took out his holly wand, his first wand he purchase years back. The wand had taught him many types of magic, this wand alone made him the type of wizard he is today. He doesn't abuse magic like some dark wizard would do, he appreciated magic. Besides his near future, he learn to accept his abilities with magic. His distant future still remain questionable for the young teen, however in the moment he had no worries thinking about that at all. "Repairo!" he expressed with a whish and a flick motion to the snowboard. On que it moved a little in place, before he could blink he heard a snap. He wonder now if he fixed it or not. Or come to worst, if he had said the wrong spell. "Mind looking at it now?" he skipped the subject of shopping a little till the boy asked him if he liked it. "What boy doesn't like style? Least I do when I'm rocking billabong label!" he grin standing up. Still undecided if the board had been fixed, Victor tower over the boy, with his hands now resting at his elbow, were his holly wand poke to the side. "If I destroyed it from being fixed...my bad dude. I get carried away sometimes with magic!" he admitted with a sheepishly grin, his face flushed a little rosary after performing such spell. He hope he fixed the board, if the result is bad he would seriously reconsider tutoring for a while.

Repairing the snowboard by magic was unexpected, Brad stare at Victor who was casting Repairo to the snowboard not sure if it would fix or not. "Wow man... I forgot about that" He laughed as he check Vivian's snowboard which was fixed a little. "I guess it is fixed" He flipped the snowboard to look at the bottom of it. "A little" He continued and laughed as he punched the guy on the arm playfully. "Anyway thanks" He said as he cover the snowboard with cloth. "Billabong? The Australian brand?" His mother had once told him about muggle brands, there were too many of them but since Brad and his sister had been coming to fashion shows so he knew them one by one. "As for me... I stick to Nike" He pointed to his jacket. Right after he covered his snowboard, he carry it. "Hey I'm bringing this to Viv's room, wanna come? Or do you have to go out with this hot centaur in the forest?" He said, feeling unlucky because he had to carry the heavy board.
"Aussie and California version" Victor admitted popping his collar. "Nike good too, though when it comes to vintage wear...well you get me" he laughed a little nudging Brad back as well. "Its no big deal! I work at a repair shop back in Cali! Its what I do without magic" he looked at the board, it did seem repair enough to use. He looked underneath to make sure it did. He checked a part with his hand, than pocket his wand away. "Yeah sure I like to meet your sister and get a bit of payment" he laughed some more. "Hot centuars? If your into beast, well I can't judge all of them!" Victor made a grimace face and shudder a little bit. "Besides snow boarding and shopping what else you do around here? Anything local? Been wanting to discover the city off campus" he question Brad as they took of to see his sister, with the assistance of Victor helping him carried the board the old muggel fashion way. That's just prove you that not all magic folks depended on magic all the time when it comes to good old muggel handing. Something that seems good in Victor's book all the time.
The board was pretty heavy, if only Brad had his wand he would use it sadly he left it in his room. "Here? I don't know really because usually I go back to China when it comes to holiday so I don't know much." He shrugged as he tried to think what was there, usually Brad would be around Vivian. The common room was in front of him, he walk inside as he brought the Board up to Vivian's room and knocked her room. But the no one answered. He twisted the door knob and kicked the door open. "Hey Viv I got your snowboard here" He said without looking to the room and placed it next to the door. "And hey! Centaurs are hot! Literally" He laughed as he cleaned his hand.
The reason why Vivian didn't come to meet Brad was that she got an information about her eldest brother, Zac. And as much as she wanted to tell the whole family, she couldn't because she would just hurt him even more if they started being worried about him. Right after she read her letter, Brad came with a boy. `Great` She thought. She stood beside him and right after he placed the snowboard of hers, she hit his head with her hands. "How many time should I tell you about knocking?" She crossed her arms as glared at him and quickly glance at the other boy and smiled. "Sorry about that, my little brother is..." She glared at him and laughed "Wierd" She continued and giggled. The girl bent down and stare at her snowboard "Oi Brat! You did nothing to it." The girl said and stood up. "You're buying me a new one... With your pocket money!" She giggled as she tied her hair into pony tail.
This dude was pure classic. What the hell was he saying? That Centuars are hot? And how can somebody not know what's good about the city life of Campus? Doesn't anyone read history here? Or at least bother to look out for themselves? Victor laughed while he help Brad carried the board. He's also very muggel like, Victor would've used magic if this board had been that heavy. But he didn't bother to do offer up his wand again. He was sort of embarrassed when they enter Brad's sister room and claim Brad didn't do anything good to the board. Victor raised his hand, "That's my bad. I sort of used magic to fix it I guess it didn't work" Victor smile at Viv, she certainly knew a lot about snowboard than. "I surf so I know boards. Though we fix surfboards and not snowboards. I'm from California and my names Victor" he introduce himself with a smudge grin shining around his face.

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