Merciless Winds.

Kiefer Harris

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt
It was the time of the day when Kiefer was having a good time with his roommates. The day was proving itself as a good one and thankfully for him, his day was perfectly free for any extra activities. He knew though that tomorrow would be another day for some studies. He did not want to indulge himself in any advance studying yet, and so he found himself talking to his roommates about some of their stories with girls. It was rather embarrassing to share some of his first encounters with the ladies since he was somewhat socially awkward back then in his first months of being a fourteen year old. Nonetheless, he still continued to develop himself to become used to what it was like to stay beside girls especially those whose age was around his. Not all of his roommates were awkward around the opposite sex. In fact, a decent amount of them were just casual around them. The minutes unconsciously passed, and the topics soon changed from embarrassing stories to exploding snaps, to Quidditch and to when the next professional Quidditch game would happen. Kiefer liked the transition of topics and he remained in the dormitory for almost an hour until he finally thought that he should get his bum out of the bed and do some physical activities. He unwillingly excused himself and told them that he would be out to practice his favorite hobby.

Being a teenager, he unusually felt hungry at the most unusual times. But he resisted temptation once he passed the dining area where the students ate. He never had a term to refer to the place, although whenever someone would yell 'food', he already knew the place to go to. However, in his firm grasp was his broom, newly polished and clean. Last year, his broom was a mess because of all the dust and particles of grass stuck tangled in the edge. He nodded curtly when he saw a group of people that he was familiar with - a mixture of both genders - and showed off a subtle smile. The way to the pitch of the dark castle was not as far, and he also needed more air to blow on his face. He missed having his blonde hair sticking out in every place just because it was messy. Subconsciously, he ruffled it slightly and sighed happily when he saw the one opening he began to miss. The pitch was not too far, and he thought that it was perfect to do some rounds with his Sienna Storm.

The pitch was not empty and there were a few people lounging around the stands. There were probably only below ten students occupying the stands and that was not really a number that could be called, a crowd. There was still a huge amount of space on the stands, and no one was flying above. The teenager walked further until he was a few meters away from the entrance and he mounted his broom and kicked off from the ground. He felt the air rushing on his face as he flew, and it made his hair messier than he intended it to be. But then, he did not stop flying around the pitch until he got a hang of what it felt to be in the air again. Kiefer performed a dive, which he did decently enough and flew around the pitch in circles. He was fairly fast and he knew that he was much better at this compared to when he would do anything related to schoolwork. Kiefer clutched his broom tighter and flew upwards this time and he did his laps without stopping to see what was going around him. Kiefer felt relieved that he was again experiencing this kind of freedom even if he knew that it would soon be over once tomorrow arrives. His silver eyes narrowed themselves as he increased his speed, but it was not his fastest, yet. Kiefer continued diving and doing some laps, and he never planned to stop until something or someone would catch his attention. In the meantime, he flew in a moderate speed and he occasionally circled the hoops before he would do another round of his routine.
Bored. Ashe was entirely bored. The teen had been laying on the bed in her dorm for hours today, just staring at the ceiling. Life was not supposed to be this boring. She needed somewhere cool, somewhere that could shelter her from the awful feeling that beat down inside and outside. Finally getting her brain to work, the blonde sat up. She knew just the place. The Quidditch Pitch seems to be a bit crowded today. It was pleasant. The crisp, smooth air that surrounded the place soothes her nerves. Though there were a few students gossiping here and there, although she got irked by their voices, it was still a nice change. Since the corridors are much rowdier and overcrowded. Dressed in her usual her uniform, her skirt always shorter than the rest of the students in Durmstrang. Though she changed her top in a fitting long sleeved shirt, a shade of blue matching her piercing blue eyes. Classy high heeled boots and her quite black long socks to match her attire. She was always dressed to kill. Approaching the pitch deeper, Ashe hated that she wore her heels today. Especially walking on the grass and that she forgot her to bring her broom with her. Quidditch was in her blood, from her father to her great grandfather and now her brother, they all played the game for years. Unlike them she didn't want to be a professional for the game but she adored the said sport. Though like them she was born to play the game, she knew the rules and the game very well. With the lack of a Quidditch team in Durmstrang she didn't have a reason to enhance her skill. Ashe on her way, got to the stands and took a seat, hoping to find someone interesting enough to watch. The blondes eyes landed on a familiar looking guy, Kiefer Harris. The same boy she had met weeks ago, her eyes lit up and was now glued to only him now.

There was something about him that made her inside twirl, she hated the feeling even though it made her somehow feel alive in some way. Leaning a bit closer and getting a great view, Ashe saw a few students giggling and she dreaded laughter of the others. Quickly she glared at them, hoping they would shut their filthy mouths and just go away. In which they left her all alone on the stands, she felt pleased. Minutes passed and she was still watching him practicing Quidditch, it didn't bore her to death. Though she knew that he still needs a lot of practice, growing up with professional quidditch players she knew if the player is brilliant or not. Ashe then wanted to talk to him, but it didn't sound good to be shouting at a person miles away from you or well a few steps. The only thing to do was to wait for Kiefer to notice her, she knew he would, they always do. Being a part-veela had it's perks and this was one of them, a group of boys, first years decided to approach her. Before they could even come near her, she looked at in annoyance. "Scram or else." she hissed. They all still stayed, Ashe pulled her wand out of her pocket in signal that she'll be casting a spell to them and they all instantly ran. As they all left, she continued to gaze at Kiefer who seems to be clueless that she was there, "Ugh. For Merlin's sake just look here." Ashe thought. She was dying for his attention and she didn't even know why, crossing her arms and legs Ashe sat there waiting for something to happen.

The wooden part of the Sienna Storm was getting warm, despite the cold winds surrounding scanned the pitch casually, and observed that no one was flying let along doing some laps. Disappointed, he flew higher with his lips drawn to a tight, determined linethe mid-aged teenager. The friction was getting intense, especially where he was gripping his broom. Unconsciously he rubbed his palms on the grip of the broom and licked his dry lips. Briefly, he savored the moment when it was cold against his lip skin. It then evaporated away, giving him dry lips again. Kiefer's now tousled blonde hair was flapping in all directions and yet he did not care. Frankly, he had no concern about what his current appearance was and that was what he always felt whenever he was on the air, aside from thinking if his flying skills had improved or not. As the broom carried his weight, he angled the tip of the broom to make a steep dive. He felt the gravity pull his heavy body down and he set his lips into a tight line. All his concentration was poured into that dive, and he made sure that when he reached that certain distance, he would change his position. Sure enough, he felt that he was almost twenty feet from the ground when he immediately shifted, and flew normally with his broom parallel to the ground. He felt the cold wind hit his face gentlier this time, and he supressed a smile. His flying was relaxed and he did not want to bother himself with some other stunts that he might fail to perform.

At first the sight was normal from above and everything was still the same. However, Kiefer felt a presence around the area that somewhat made him feel suddenly self conscious. He ruffled his blonde hair more, not caring if he looked like never combed his hair ever since he went out of bed. Kiefer did not increase his speed and just flew lazily around the pitch and glanced at almost everything he could look at. That was when he felt his heartbeat race up, and he took in the appearance of a pretty blonde not far away. She was not just pretty, in fact, she had a stunning appearance for her age. He continued flying and looked at Quincy Ashe Cavell - the person whom he was always in the mood to see. He subtly smirked at her coyly, and his silver eyes tore itself from her gaze before focusing itself on the pitch. He still wanted to practice, but getting pretty looks from a lady who was too beautiful wasn't something he got everyday. He circled the pitch again and he felt Ashe's blue eyes on him and hoped that it wouldn't leave any time soon. Kiefer always felt that she was high maintenance, but still, he wanted to befriend her... fast. A few days ago, he found out that her first name was actually Quincy - and he learned as well that she is the sister of a Quidditch player - Lawrence Cavell; a player for the Falmouth Falcons. The sixteen year old was lucky to meet her, let alone put up a conversation twice. His lips was set into a temporary weak smile at the memory, before an idea came to his mind. It was an idea that he never did to a person and he never thought that he would find himself doing this now. He took a deep breath and flew mellowly.

The hoops came into view, and Kiefer flew around the hoops and then, towards the direction of a certain blonde he wanted to talk to. A part of him wanted to impress Ashe with his flying skills, although Kiefer thought that it would be too cliche if he did that. He flew to the back of the benches, taking his time, and searched the back of the pretty lady. Eventually, he found her and he went to her direction from behind and slightly dove for him to reach where she was seated. Kiefer smirked mischievously at the blonde and when he passed her shoulder whilst flying, he said with a clear tone and voice. "Ashe Cavell." Kiefer caught a whiff of her scent, which sent his mind flying over a thousand miles back. But hell, he knew that he was there and he stopped flying when he was almost directly beside her. Kiefer did not leave his place on the broom and he just eyed the lady directly across him. Well he was facing her and Ashe could say that he was beside her too. The way she held herself was the same as ever, although Kiefer could tell that she grew sharper features over the break. "You always surprise me." Kiefer felt an upward curl take over his lips, making him display a small smirk with playfulness. Immediately, his thoughts went over to the last time he talked to her, which was when he needed to do an essay for some extra credit. Bugger, that memory made his mood sour and embarrassed. He knew that he was in no condition to have a conversation whenever he was doing his schoolwork, especially if his day was filled with work to do. Kiefer focused on what she would say to him, and he watched her facial expression as she worked her mind through his.
It's so unlike Ashe to even entertain her thoughts about Kiefer, it seems that infatuation is hard matter to tame at the moment. She sat there, her eyes fiercely looking at the boy. This couldn't possibly be happening, up to now she wanted slap herself. In her mind she already did, a thousand times. Stroking her left hand with her right hand, she continued to watch Kiefer practice. The blonde knew that he looks dashing as ever but would like to keep that information to herself, quickly she thought of an idea. For a moment her eyes traveled to another group of students, girls and boys talking about school and other stuff she couldn't care less to hear. A boy gave her an instant look, while the girl clinging to him gave a disapproval one. Ashe smiled, coyly hoping to play a little game to get distracted away from Kiefer for a while. Smirking, the stranger immediately became a prisoner of Ashe, his eyes were only focused on her. Ah, the perks of being a part-veela and the like. Slightly bending her head a bit to get a closer view, eye to eye they were inseparable for a few minutes. That was until the girl slapped the boy so hard, leaving her to tears. It was a trick she would do just to get distracted, and all of the boys were crazy for her stare, for her attention. Just like what Kiefer's doing, she then returned her gaze to the said boy. A plain face, focused on him this time. She wasn't really playing hard to get, as she is hard to get. Ashe never wanted less, she wanted more. Never settling for less, as the stands became less crowded. She looked behind her shoulders just to make sure no one was watching them, Ashe being secretive as always.

When Kiefer noticed her this time and spoke her name, a delicate smile covered her face. As if she's sweeter than honey can be, "Kiefer Harris." she returned his way of greeting. If someone dared to call her by her face name which is Quincy, then they'll be vanished. For sixteen years, it's been her complaint to her mother, to her parents. Why would they name her Quincy? Since some people would make jokes about her name being endearing and all. She didn't want to be labeled as another pretty face, she's rather be called as a murderer or something. People who called her that were always tortured by her words and stares, not to mention her pranks. She could still remember her last pranks, pouring blood on a certain first year for underestimating her. That was just a simple prank and the next would always be better than expected. "Do I?" she asked sarcastically. There something about Kiefer that made her insides feel all jumpy and alive, she just couldn't pin point it out just yet. "Are you done practicing?" she asked again, her mind filled with dirty thoughts. Hormones, teenage hormones. No one can escape from it, when reaching such certain age. Crossing her legs in a different position, Ashe remained her smile on her lips. Then glancing at the stranger he just played with before, who seems to be still trapped in her spell. He's still looking at her, wide eyed. Although there are a lot of attractive lads around Durmstrang she couldn't help be a fool and focus on a boy named Kiefer Harris.
He felt like a fool. Kiefer did not dare admit that aloud but he knew in his mind that he felt and acted like a fool in front of the other sixteen year old. She was so beautiful that it distracted him from doing more rounds. As he steadied himself near her he smelt the same scent whenever he was around her. It brought him craving for more but he resisted. Ashe drove him mad that it sometimes puzzled him. He wasn't too addicted to girls but he sure knew how to party with them. They were mostly the same anyways and some were even interested to know more about him which he rarely agreed to. They gave him their numbers and he never gave one in return. He did not have that muggle celly anyways. Now he entirely felt how it was to be crazy about someone. But then he carefully hid it as he got off his broom casually and he shot the lady beside him a playful smirk. Oh her spell got him captivated and he did not want her to leave him just yet. He desired for her attention and he was as excited as a playful puppy finally found its master.

"It seems so. I got... Distracted." Kiefer sat next to her and placed his right ankle on the left thigh. He was not scared to let her know that he was interested in her and he was sure to slowly release the clues and perhaps ask her out or something. He was aware - very aware that it scared him - that he felt light around Ashe Cavell. His greatest distraction was perhaps her. Her eyes glowed dangerously whenever she smirked playfully. The way she talked to him caught his attention always. Although he knew that her reputation was quite dangerous in Durmstrang, he did not care. Not to mention the men who she passed ogled at her beauty. He wanted to put a protective arm around her waist but he kept his hand away. That action seemed too intimate. "What brings you here?" He asked, beginning to activate his flirty mood. Kiefer immediately noticed the other stares that were being kept by the other guys. He felt his mood soar higher when it registered that they wanted to talk to her and he was able to get her attention. The feeling made him giddy and euphoric.
It was too late to withdraw everything, after all there's no regrets for today. Ashe felt unusually happy seeing Kiefer entertaining her, she didn't knew why but she's driven to him. Not the kind of driven, like her brother of course, something that makes her want to stay into his arms. Playing hard to get as always, Ashe looked far away into the pitch somehow distracting herself. She couldn't help but to smile, the sensation felt so new and different to her. Crossing her knees the other way around, Ashe watched Kiefer's movements, analyzing his behavior. It was always interesting to observe people, especially when they're anxious or scared. Keeping her lips sealed, the blonde listened to every words Kiefer was saying. She didn't respond, as she's waiting for the right time to, waiting for him to finish. Usually Ashe would raise her right hand and stop anyone from talking, telling them to shut their filthy mouths and leave her alone. It's a surprise that she haven't moved her arms or said a word, lucky him them. When she heard the word distracted, Ashe quickly gave him a look. "Obviously." she responded with a raspy voice. Letting him to continue on further as she was still staring at him, noticing the fine lines of his face as he would speak, smirk and smile. It fascinated her a lot, it's not like everyday Ashe would be caught staring at anyone. Holding her hands together as her eyes were glued to his, Ashe ignored the environment that surround them, it was only him and her alone.

Looking away from him before he melts Ashe sighed for a while. What the hell is wrong with me? She asked herself, clueless of what is going on. Hormones, of course and being a damn teenager. "You." she answered. Ashe was always a straight forward gal, there was no space for lies when it comes to her. It's either you like want you hear or you hate it, mostly she just want to be brutally honest as possible. Disregarding other peoples emotions, it's been always that way for her. She kept her answer short and simple, not wanting to elaborate her reasons. At the same thinking of a clever question to ask him, the only problem is there isn't one. For once her mind became blank, she remained silent for a while and looked at him once more. "I'm guessing you practice is over then?" Ashe asked, her arms crossed. It was either they'll leave and go somewhere else but if Ashe would choose, she'd rather stay here for a while. Enjoy the scenery, ignore the people around them and just spend time with Kiefer. It been their third meeting after all, it's not like he's famous around the school to get to know that easily. But Ashe didn't liked questions, she'd rather act something out that waste her voice on something useless. Waiting for his reply, Ashe flipped her hair backwards, stroking a few strands and placed it under her ears.
As he spoke, Kiefer felt her intense gaze roam just in front of his face. It made his nervousness increase and he felt the urge to bite the inner flesh of his lower lip. Everything that was easy for him to do around the ladies seemed to be difficult to do around her. She was just so elegant and graceful. There was no sign of clumsiness in her actions which made him even more attracted to her. Yes, he really was attracted. He wasn't ready to admit that yet of course. But that pull... It was just so evident whenever he was around her radar. It puzzled him since he wasn't so used to being so attached to someone - except for Elena. She had died anyways and he was used to trudge on without his mom's help. As he heard her simple and very straightforward response, his silvery eyes narrowed positively. A playful smirk hung on his lips and he looked at the field before him. "Ah well... you just made my day." He looked around them briefly before his eyes landed on hers once more. It was so blue and they held thoughts behind its expressionless look. He gave her a half a thankful smile and a smirk. At least he had showed appreciated and sincerity in those words. The girl did not seem to be the type for flowers and hearts. She was more of those dangerous people who he thought were fun to be with as well. "So then let me make yours baby." He added in his mind as another - more evident - smirk crept on his features. Assuming that Ashe saw the smirk, then good for her. He wanted her to know that he wanted to converse with her. And if he was really a lucky bastard, perhaps he would have an hour with only her in the pitch.

"Correct." Kiefer nodded once at her and he glanced at his broom to make sure that it was lying properly. He was so intent with practicing earlier and he was so sure that he would fly until dinner would arrive. Although disappointed, he felt that it was better to socialize and be the charmer he usually was - even in his own stupid ways. Socializing was so much easier than just sleeping around. Frankly, he thought that engaging himself in a conversation was easier than trying to sleep. Unless he was too exhausted to even blink then perhaps that would be the time that sleep would be easier. Kiefer was an active guy and he never really had an interest in his studies and books. Novels were insanely tedious and for him, that was that. "I heard that you really are related to the Keeper of the Falmouth Falcons." He said conversationally. Getting to know her would certainly won't be easy. Kiefer made a mental note about that and he did not want to go beyond the limits. He assumed that she probably knew that he was familiar with her first name; Quincy. It sounded unique but quite frankly, that name wouldn't be his first choice for his kid (if he would have one). He listened to what she had to say and added, "If you practice Quidditch... then you'll be quite the perfect package." Kiefer intentionally said this and he faced her to give her a coy smile. Giving out natural compliments about her were maybe something not new to her at all. She was inhumanly beautiful and it definitely took Kiefer's breath away.
Ashe always wanted to be like her brother, well not entirely of course. Now, she felt like she's flirting with Kiefer and this is not her. There was something urging her to lose control to break her boundaries and she isn't sure if really did wanted that. It was something she needed to ignore, temptation is starting to ooze her. One way or another, Ashe didn't want to fall into that pit. Focusing her bright blue piercing eyes on the railing of the stands, the sixth year glued her eyes on anything that would keep her distracted. Yet, her mouth couldn't stop from saying what's on her mind. She's always prank, brutally yet honestly. It's one of her attitude that made her famous, for saying what' on her mind. Even to some cranky professor but with her beauty and brain, she could manipulate anyone she wanted, even her professors. She couldn't help to just take a peek at his smirk, "It looks like it." Ashe replied as she turned her head away from him. There was no sign of admiration in her words this time, she couldn't help but feel guilty a little bit. Ashe didn't want to show any affection to him although in her mind, a stampede of thought would enter her mind whenever Kiefer was there. At the age of sixteen, there are a lot of things that a person couldn't understand at his or her age. And this is happening to her right now, it's like she never understood why her brother would play every girls heart. The reason? He couldn't decided, he couldn't settle as he haven't found the certain one and here she is, a lot of guys drooling for her when she decides to settle down on someone. Not entirely as what people might think, but in a way that she would spend her free time just to have a conversation with Kiefer or just for him to notice her. As it made her feel special, when a boy or even a girl would look at her. With her reigning glory, but someday she wanted for someone to see her, that will love her sadistic ways.

Truth to be told, she just never wanted to have that yet but something near to that will do. For a few minutes they stayed there, Ashe beside of Kiefer and just gazing unto the pitch, continuing to distract herself. "Related? she repeated, like mocking him. Of course they're related, he could have just said that he knew her brother, Enzo. "He's my brother." Ashe continued on, leaving a trail of confidence. She was proud of her brother, even up to now and no one can take that away from her. Looking up to him and adoring him isn't the typical brother and sister relationship the rest of the siblings have in the world. She's really grateful for it, so grateful. Ashe could smell something, Quidditch read all over it. Kiefer must be doing his assignment, researching Ashe's background. The big question is, why? Why would he even do that? It just means he is interested with her, as friends or as more than friends? She didn't want to expect as it might lead to being disappointed. "Quidditch, you say? It runs in our family but I have better things in mind for such game." she said to him, before even ending her statement Ashe wanted to add some more. "But I'm always open for playing Quidditch, but I dare you to win against me." this time instead of saying that, Ashe whispered those words into Kiefers ears. Pulling her lips closer to his ear, as her last words echoed up to his neck. Ending it with a playful smirk on her face, she always adored compliments. Smothering her with compliments made Kiefer her favorite out of all the guys studying at Durmstrang. As much as possible Ashe tried to avoid making any physical contact with him, for now that is.
It was a total blessing for Kiefer that he was able to have this conversation with the lady he was most interested in. She was too interesting for his own mind to handle. Her beauty in the other hand was distracting him. Tempting him even to do things he thought he wouldn't do with someone - a girl no less. Hormones were overriding his own thoughts and he felt his insides flame rapidly whenever her face came into his view. Kiefer craved to touch at least a small portion of her skin but he couldn't just let that happen. Long physical interaction happened rarely when Kiefer felt himself flirt with other ladies. Some girls were just too clingy and Ashe seemed to be the opposite type. In fact she was actually a tease. For now, he tried joying himself with the memory of their talks with one another no matter how awkward or coy it was. He nodded as he captured the words of his beautiful companion, feeling somewhat jealous for that. Quidditch never really ran in the family but general sports did. Quidditch was one of the many things that his family loved playing. The rest were of muggle sports and a little of wizarding golf. Well it wasn't exactly an "official and known" game among the magical folk, but Kiefer was quite fond of playing that too.

The warm feeling of another person's body heat came very close to his skin and he resisted to cover that very short distance. That would become too intimate as friends. But he thought, did he just want to be friends with Ashe? Hell, she was inhumanly breathtaking and he felt squirmy whenever he caught sight her. He caught a whiff of her scent again which sent him melting internally for the nth time. He felt her hot breath on the skin of his neck and looked down at her gaze. Before she had the chance to move away from him, he lowered his head until his nose was almost touching hers. No physical contact whatsoever. "I'm very much willing," He paused for a whilst and let his eyes fill itself with emotion that would tell her what her what he wanted. The feel of it in him did not flicker once and he narrowed his silvery eyes at her, since they were too close. "and we could do other things besides that anyways." He tried to sound innocent but he miserably failed. It drove him insane to think of what the turn of events would come if ever he did play with the part-veela. Minor distractions always caught his attention. What more could major distractions do, especially her?

To withdraw was something he did strongly disliked. The heat of her breath made him feel slightly yet oddly dizzy, as if he had no experience of this with girls trying to flirt extremely with him. The girl just left a strong effect on him and it left him breathlessly insane. But slowly he parted away from her and stopped when they were about four inches apart and gave away a half boyish and teasing smirk. This was his fun and he was quite aware of the stares they were attracting. Talk about the public display of affection there, even if they weren't exactly a "pair." He broke his eye contact with her and let his silvery gaze slowly drift to a male teenager who seemed entranced on how he was able to speak to her without her getting to verbally bite back at him. Without betraying an emotion, he casually looked behind his shoulder to spot a silent couple. The lady seemed to be blabbing about something and yet the male stubbornly kept his sight on them. Well Kiefer thought it wasn't really him, it was his companion as to why he was looking at them like that. He showed off a very subtle smirk at her and said softly for her to hear, "You attract a good amount of males here, on the pitch... They crave for your attention." Kiefer sighed and casually leaned back, a little bud of jealousy developing. He wanted to keep her close but he did not want to give her a bad impression, in case she wanted to do this slowly (which he thought was unlikely of her). "You're so damn beautiful you know." Not a question, but a statement was uttered from the teenager who breathed in slowly, taking in the fragrance. Was her shampoo really this good? It smelled as so. Kiefer slowly exhaled as well, ignoring the sudden increase of his heartbeat.
By now Ashe would be yawning, bored with their conversation. Surprisingly, she isn't. It's like something inside of her craved this kind of conversation for long. As she didn't shared a lot of things with others, not that she wanted to anyway. Almost everyone knew things about her, there was no need for her to explain herself. Although she isn't that known as much as her brother, Ashe still made sure to tell no deep details about herself. Inside of the blonde, she couldn't help but laugh about herself. Who knew flirting was in her blood, or so she think that it is. Ashe knew that Kiefer adored Quidditch, Enzo and him would probably be buddies if what so ever. What more if he turned out to be a female, oh the joy on his brother would be. And yet up to know he's still unknown of being a part-veela, just like her. Ashe wanted it to be kept for a few more months, just to watch him be his old humble self for a while. As she looked at Kiefer, she couldn't really pin point what made him so irresistible to him. One thing is for sure that he had the guts to talk to her, which made her eyes lit up every time he would speak to her. Let's face it, he isn't that glorifying handsome as the other boys and she could just find a part-veela like her but it wasn't that easy. There was something more Kiefer could offer, something that made her smile every now and then that they would see each other. Something pulling them together and it wasn't just gravity, a connection she couldn't figure out. For what it's worth, Ashe is happy, right now, right here. "Really? Then I guess we need to set a date." she replied, though her reply meant something else.

It's been their fourth, third encounter? And yet here they are hinting out some clue to go on a date or something. "Other things, sounds exciting." a slight smirk covering her face. She knew what he meant or was she thinking the other way around? Psh. Teenagers. For while, she remained silent, not sure of what to say for the first time. Waiting for him to mumble another word, as she kept her legs crossed, flipping her hair once in a while. Ignoring everyone around her, Kiefer being the only exception. Ashe never adored such kind of beauty other than hers and her mother, she could have add her grandmother on the list but she never met her. Strange, since she's still alive. Furthermore she didn't want to think about her family ties at the moment. It was until Kiefer began to talk that her attention towards him seize to exist once more. "So, I've heard." sarcastically saying while waving her hands as if she doesn't care. As long as she's not interested with anyone, there's no reason for her to care and waste her time. A wide grin appeared on her face when she heard him complimenting her, well it's something she wanted to hear, especially from Kiefer Harris. Honestly, she was lost with words, not sure how to handle a guy that she likes complimenting her, for real. She couldn't really figure out what to say, so out of the blue Ashe kissed Kiefer left kiss. Not caring if she made the first move or anything, everyone around them were in shock, females to males's jaws were wide open. Come on, kissing a boy on the cheek isn't a big deal for Ashe, it just meant friendly thank you for her. Although she did wanted to kiss him on the lips but it's not for her to decide, "Thanks." is the only words that escaped her lips.
A date was something Kiefer had in mind from the very beginning and he smiled genuinely at her preposition. Dates did not necessarily mean that it had to be romantic right? There were friendly dates as they called it although Kiefer felt that Ashe had a deeper meaning as to what she said. Kiefer's intelligence was certainly not the highest in his year but his instinct told him that there was a deeper context to her words. The small smile on Kiefer's lips remained, and he thought of what they could do on that particular day, if ever it would happen. Getting rid of the thoughts that were clouding his mind, a smirk tugged on his facial features - even his eyes showed his quiet mirth that he was trying to contain. He was always eager to be around Ashe, and he thought that his attraction to her was quite obvious as so was hers to him. "You tell me," whispered Kiefer, but it was good enough for her to hear. Excitement, uneasiness, nervousness, worry; all those were bubbling inside the blond boy's stomach but he knew that the very first emotion was dominating all of them. Each moment with Ashe was treasured by him in a way that he never thought he could do when it came to girls.

Their flirting sessions with one another was pretty much obvious for the both of them but for some particular reason, Kiefer felt that he should take it to a much more higher level. It would not be good if both of them would be stuck on the base of a blossoming relationship so he thought about being a gentleman in front of Ashe. His view on his favorite female's personality said that she liked gentlemen, yes, but he felt that she wanted a dangerous side to them. He was not so sure if he interpreted her words correctly but he was extremely satisfied with her response. The hormones were raging on inside Kiefer and he was pretty sure that it was normal especially for a guy like him. "Excited are you?" He teasingly asked, his tone laced with playfulness and a wee amount of huskiness. Perhaps Kiefer only imagined that he felt a hint of huskiness in his throat. The words that left his tongue were almost the perfect words that described the funny feeling he felt in his chest whenever Ashe was with him. He was like a boy that had a massive crush on a goddess. For that, he felt unusually peculiar - like he had no experience with girls at all.

Shock ran through every nerve that Kiefer have, as if electricity was suddenly produced in his system. His brain immediately shut down to the attention that they were receiving from the other people who weren't capable of keeping their own eyes to themselves and their companions. Without any care, he treasured the feeling of the soft flesh her lips had as it made contact with his skin. The fragrance from her hair reached his nostrils and Kiefer suddenly breathed it in without thinking. "You are, - " His head turned to face hers and before she could pull away to her original position, his head caved in to temptation. Mere inches; that was the distance between each of their faces. Also, he could not stop thinking of the fragrance from her hair. It was just so, intoxicating. Kiefer returned her grin, flashing a small yet sincere one at her whilst he felt the heat from her face against his, "very, very welcome Ashe." Good thing for him, he did not eat anything bad to make his breath smell unpleasant. Although perhaps his tousled hair was one of his current imperfections. He looked at her in the eye, which he found addicting too. Her eyes were just so blue and so intensifying. Whereas his... Well his was a playful shade of silver which normally twinkled with playfulness and mischievousness.

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