Meet me here!

Izumi Toyohana

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Izumi had been going from Hotel to hotel; looking for a nice place she could stay for longer than a few days. She could deal with the staying in a hotel, it was the people she couldn't deal with. So after dressing in a simple outfit, she sent a letter to Alfie. They hadn't talked in months, she hadn't been able to contact him at all. Something inside her made her want to be with him suddenly; hang out. Ever since her and Haden had went their separate ways, anyways.
Alfie was still at home, alone Atticus hadn't come back. He sighed it had been a while since there fight so he had just decieded to go to the studio. He was supprised to see that Atticus had been staying here recently but the really suprising thing was a stack of redrected letters to him from Izumi. He was really mad that Atticus had been keeping them from him.

He opened the seven or so letters and looked up when a owl came in and dropped a letter. He caught it and read it. It was from Zu asking him to come meet her. He smiled and when to find her. He saw her and ran up. He looked at her and smiled, she looked better than ever to him. He straitened his old purple Aqua jacket and tooko her in. It just made him do happy to see her.

He hugged her, he just couldn't hold it back any longer. "Hey you." He was so estatic to see her it was like seeing the sunfor the first time in a month. "I'm sooo sorry." He frowned. "Atticus left and has been intercepting all your letters, I just found them." He really hoped she would forgive him he missed her so much it almost hurt.
Izumi sighed and looked around. Was he going to show up? She wasn't entirely sure if he had even gotten her letter. The last time she had seen Alfie, his brother hadn't been too happy about it. She wondered if he was keeping him hostage. She was about to leave when he embraced her. "Eep!" She let out a surprised yelp.

After a few seconds of just standing there, She realized that she hadn't hugged him back, and so she did. She wrapped her small arms around him in a warming embrace. It felt great, he was warm; and he smelled great... for a boy. "Oh Alfie!" She said with a smile. "It's fine, i can see you now, it's fine!" She said. She was so happy that she could barely breathe. No that was the hug.

"Alfie, I can't breathe." She said with a slight laugh.
Alfie smiled she didn't hug back at first but did after a second. It made him happy. "Oh Sorry." He let go, "I just missed you so much." He smiled, she was like his own personal drug just for him. BUt then he remembered about the boyfriend. He smiled anyway and looked into her mitmatched eyes. It was nice to see her again. He just couldn't get enough of her. He grinned, "So how have you been my little were-minion."
She smiled at him. "The same goes here. I've literally been deprived of everything." She put emphasis on everything and smiled widely at him, even wider then before. "I haven't really been going to school, and have absolutely no friends. Kayden and I haven't spoken in quiet a while either..." She said with a sigh. The words were just rushing out. "And me and Haden lost contact but..." she hugged him like a plush toy. "I've still got the were-king!"
Alfie couldn't help but smile and squeeze back. "And you'll always have me." He had missed everything about her and he wasn't going to let her go so easily this time. He wondered if she had missed him as much as he missed her. He had thought about that a lot while they were apart too. "So.. where are you staying?" He asked.
Izumi felt her smile last longer, her heart thumping in her chest. This just felt... right. She felt butterflies in her stomach when he said that she'd always have him. She was glad. "I'm.... around." She said. She had stopped playing guitar, and since Kandee's pregnancy, she had stopped modeling too. So playing on the streets for change bought her a motel room. But, she wouldn't tell him that.
Alfie looked at her noticing the hesitation in her words wondered what she was keeping from him but didn't want to ruin the moment. So instead he backed away a bit but still held her arms loosely. "Oh well just don't disappear on me again okay?" He smiled it was corny but true. He didn't now what he would do if he lost her again.
"Why are you so worried all of a sudden." She asked in a sweet tone. She knew it was because they were friends, but, she craved more then that. Maybe it would happen someday; but, not soon, she was sure of that. she pulled back a bit from him, getting a bit warm from the embrace.
Alfie shrugged. "Worried me come on." He smiled hiding what he really thought. He didn't really want her to know that he was getting suspicious. He shook the idea from his mind anyway he just wanted to enjoy the time he was spending with her now. He wanted to enjoy it while he could, because he new that afterwords he would have to find and confront Atticus.
Seh smiled and nodded at him. "So... um... I'm sorry about you and Atticus. I mean, I didn't mean to cause trouble." She still felt so bad about what had happened between the two of them. It was a horrible thought. It always made her sad to know that she got between the two of them.

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