Matt West

Matt West

Well-Known Member
The Basics:

Name: Matt West
School: Salem Witches Institute
Graduated: 2010
Birthday: December 3, 1992
Hometown: Kentucky, U.S.A.
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Muggle-Born
Five words that best describe your character: Outgoing, bluntly honest,


Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Hair Style: Long-ish (to the collar)
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6 foot

Other distinguishing details: Always has stubble and has very deep dimples in both cheeks.


Father's name: Matt West (Sr) (Deceased)
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Small Town Football Hero, Owned a farm. Muggle.
Mother's name: Anne West
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Farmer. Muggle.
Siblings (names and descriptions): 1 Sister and 1 Brother. Nikki West and Adam West.
Other key family members:

History: Moved to England after he was chosen to play for the Chudley Cannons and played Keeper. Left the team due to an injury and roamed around England until he heard that Quality Quidditch Supplies in New Zealand was up for sale. He bought that and worked there for a couple years. When he was offered the Head of the Quidditch League he sold his shop and moved closer to the Ministry.

At School

Your best subject: Flying and Astronomy
Your worst subject: Potions
Extracurricular activities: Quidditch
Favorite place at school: Quidditch Pitch
Least favorite place at school: Library

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