Open Magical Lollies? Magical Everything?

Joshua Lynch

kiwi 🥝 | sports crazy ⚽️
OOC First Name
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Too Young to Care
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
16 (02/2045)
Even though Joshua had known about the magical world for a while now, there were still some things he was still trying to figure out and learn. He had brought a few different lollies from Honeyduke's over break and wanted to bring some to school to share and try. There were still some lollies he still needed and wanted to try. He had tried a few confectionaries already, like the chocolate frogs and sugar quills. The collection of the chocolate frog card he had was slowly starting to grow. The Gryffindor boy sat in the student lounge on one of the tables. He had a few different types of lollies scattered all over the table in front of him. He had a few choices to try he wasn't sure where to begin. "Psssst.... heyyyy.... pssssstttt! You!... psssssttt" Josh said to the person closest to him, trying to get their attention. He needed some help on deciding what to try and maybe could get some help on other magical things too if they knew the answer of course.
Mischa had been incredibly disappointed to have not made the Quidditch team, but he had to remind himself there was always next year. Then he would prove to everyone that he was a great player. For now, however, he was spending a lot of his free time just hanging around in the student lounge. Sure, he could be on the pitch practicing, but there were currently a bunch of older students hogging it and being annoying, so he'd just have to try again later. He entered the room, not really sure what he was doing here, but he was sure he would find something fun to occupy his time with. It wasn't long until something to do found him, glancing at the boy who seemed to be trying to get his attention. "Yea?" He asked as he moved closer, instantly grinning as he saw all the lollies on the table. Stuffing a hand into his pocket, he grabbed a handful of his own candy pulling it out. "Wanna trade stuff? Got some sugar quills and, er, couple a'chocolate frogs an some jelly slugs."
Josh grinned excitedly at the boy's suggestion of a trade. "Sure mate! What did you want? I have some bertie botts, exploding bonbons and acid pops" Josh said with a grin as he pointed and named the few lollies he had. The boy in front of him had some interesting choices of his own, and Josh had hoped that his collection of lollies was as interesting.
The other boy seemed up for trading and Mish grinned, quickly slumping into one of the nearby seats, quickly pulling everything he had out of his pockets and dumping it all on the table. "Really don' mind, s'all good to me." Sweets were sweets and it all tasted equally good. Except for Liquorice wands. Liquorice was disgusting. "Do ya collect chocolate frog cards? My collection is pretty big, pretty sure I have most of 'em."
Josh grinned. "Take whatever you like," Josh said, as he gestured to the collection of lollies he had, there were a lot more different lollies on the table than the ones he had mentioned and pointed to. He didn't mind sharing his collection. He could always get more lollies during the break anyways. Joshua grinned at the mention of chocolate frogs. "Oh yeah! I started my collection earlier this year, so I don't think it's as big as yours. You got any favourites?" Josh said, as he started to open one of the bertie botts boxes and began to eat a jelly bean.
Well, Mischa was always more than happy to help himself to think, leaning forward to grab one of his own jelly slugs off the table, chewing lazily on the end of it as he looked over at the other boy. "Nah, not really," he offered with a small shrug, "I like the quidditch players, I guess." But he didn't really have favorite cards or ones he was attached to more than the others. He just wanted to collect as many of them as he possibly could. "Bu' if ya want more cards, I've got loads'a doubles ya can have."

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