Closed Looking to be Friends

Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)
Mallory had noticed that Misha had been spending more time with one of the nurses, and she was curious. She and Misha were friends, at least for her part, and she was pleased that he'd found someone. Wanting to extend her friendship to this woman as well, the Professor had gone out and bought a basket of sweets from a lovely blond with a cute little bakery stall. The basket in arm, Mallory walked to the hospital wing. A gentle smile on her face, she approached the door and knocked gently. "Hello? Miss Romanes?" She asked, stepping back and putting her hand on the handle of the basket.
Isabella Romanes finished several vials of potions and put it in the stock cabinet. A couple were for the common cold, a flu, and healing potions of course. The blonde had her tasks done for the day but the last thing she was expecting was an adult voice that weren’t the other nurses addressing her directly. Isabella turned around to see who she assumed was a professor. The nurse looked her up and down trying to gauge what might be wrong with her for her to come visit the Hospital Wing. She deduced that she was not here for something wrong, but she had a basket. "Is something wrong?" Isabella asked as she pulled her hair back into a bun.
Mallory smiled brightly as the woman turned to her. "Oh, not at all!" She countered. "I'm Mallory, I teach the lower years in Charms." She explained. "I just wanted to come by, bring you some sweets," She showed the basket. "I'm friends with Misha. I thought we could be friends, too?" She told the nurse easily, already excited by the prospect of it.
Isabella dropped her hair and did not finish the bun when the woman said that she was not hurt or sick. She fixed it back as the woman introduced herself, which now it made sense. Isabella dropped the seriousness that her job required, but that did not make that much of a difference. "It almost sounds like a bride, Mallory. Be my friend and I'll bring you things. I assure you, that is not necessary," Isabella managed a smile, a warm one in fact. "But it is appreciated." Isabella looked her over once more and laughed softly, "Isn't the age difference a bit odd? And, was my relationship with Misha too obvious?" As if going to his office and dances were subtle, which it wasn't.
Mallory chuckled. "Oh, it's not a bribe. I just thought we could sit down for a bit, share some tea and treats, maybe talk a while," She offered. "I've found it's easier to make social situations than to wait to find one," She tucked her hair back. She smiled softly at the woman's words. "Oh, perhaps a bit, but friendships can surprise you. He was a great help when I came here- I remember a halloween party where a lot of the staff came in as ten years longer, and most everyone came in as teenagers and I was a little more than a child," She smiled. "It's not obvious, per say, but noticable perhaps," She looked around. "Would you like to sit somewhere? We could go back to my office if you'd like, I've got some comfortable couches."
Isabella most certainly knew that this woman was a very friendly. She likely wanted to be friends with everyone in the castle. She seemed warm, maybe a little naive. She wondered what Ophelia thought of her. "Wow, how long ago was that Halloween party?" Isabella laughed softly, wondering what her boyfriend looked like as a teenager. She looked similar, just older. Much, much older. Only a handful of her daughters have looked like her growing up. "I don't want to leave the wing here just in case something happens. But you are free to come sit in my office though." Isabella motioned for her to follow and opened her door to reveal all the children she had. Pictures of all 8 of them, in various ages. It was clear she was a very, very dedicated mother.
Mallory chuckled. "Oh, a few years now, I'd only just started here myself." She replied, following Isabella into her office. Her eyes widened a little as she saw all the pictures, trying to process the information. "Oh wow, are these all your children?" She asked, sitting on a couch and turning to look at the woman again with a newfound admiration. "It's so nice to see a devoted parent," There was a hint of wistfulness in her voice as her mind drifted to her own parents. There had been one family portrait, hung above the grand staircase- though it had been remade after Dimitri had been thrown out. She wondered if it had been redone again... if it had, there would only be her parents left on the canvas in the cold, pristine mansion.
Isabella nodded, but glad that Mallory stuck around because the turn over rate was a bit high. It was like that while she was in school herself. Mallory seemed to look at her pictures of her kids, which made her proud. She was a proud mom after all. Stern but she was fair at the same time. "Yes, they are all my pride and joy. I even let some attend here. Ophelia Dragonova is my daughter. She's a Ravenclaw second year." Isabella pointed to the one that did not have a smile on her face. Some of her kids were like that after all. "She is the one I was pregnant with when I lost my first husband to his illness." Isabella shrugged her shoulders since she was over that now. She was still a little bitter over her divorce but she learned to take things slower. "I hate it when kids have parents that are not proud of them. Mine died before I even knew if they were proud of who their kids had become."
Mallory sat enraptured, listening to the woman talk. Mallory couldn't wait to have children of her own. "My goodness, is she really?" She asked, and suddenly the similarities between the two were apparent. She bit her lip as the woman mentioned the loss of her husband, and her disdain for particular parents. "Remind me not to introduce you to mine," She joked lightly. "I am sorry for your loss," She offered sincerely. "I've not yet been married, but I am seeing someone. To lose him..." She winced at the thought, sighing softly. "But I digress," She gave an apologetic smile. "How has your day been?" She asked, trying to change the subject to something lighter.
Isabella nodded to confirm that Ophelia was indeed hers. Ophelia did take after her parents quite evenly, though it might take the knowledge and seeing both of them to witness it. Isabella raised her eyebrow when she said not to introduce her to her parents. So, her parents must not have been a good set. "I'm Italian, former Slytherin, so probably a good idea because I can have a temper, and not have a filter during those times." Isabella smiled softly, as if to let her know that she was in her corner though. Parents could be rough, especially if they were terrible. "It has been over a decade. I've married again and divorced after Demeter. And now I'm seeing Misha. There are years between the divorce and Misha, I promise. So, no need to even think about going through what I did." Isabella shrugged her shoulders. "It has been quiet. My days aren't nearly as exciting as being a professor. Your day is going well I assume?"
Amodeus wasn't there, just walking by oblivious to the conversation
Mallory couldn't help but giggle at the womans statement. That would really be something. Maybe she should introduce her to father, if only for the amusement of it all. She blinked when the woman mentioned how long it had been, and she felt like a child all over again. "I've made a new friend, so my day is going wonderfully," She replied easily, smiling at the woman. "I'm glad you two have found each other. He seems... happier," She offered with a fond smile. "It's nice to see him smile." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "Maybe one of these days we can have you over for dinner, and I can introduce you to Atkin," She offered.
Isabella laughed under her breath when Mallory said that she made a new friend, and that was why her day was going so well. The happiness of this woman was almost contagious. Isabella was not a fan of expressing too much emotions because she could lose them from time to time. "He does? I'm glad that I am the cause of that. I hope anyway," Isabella joked, though a part of her wondered if she had too much baggage to date. 8 kids. A widow and a divorced woman. She went through many jobs. She was just a mess that looked like she had it together. "Was he unhappy before I came along? I know my kids adored him as a professor, but I never knew him before." Isabella really felt nervous about meeting new people, but then again, it couldn't hurt. "Like a double date, or just me meeting you and...Atkin?"
Mallory giggled. "I think so," She replied easily. "I think he was pretty happy, or at least content with his life," She mused, before she shifted to her basket, opening it up. "How do you feel about tea?" She asked, looking to Isabella with a warm smile. "Atkin, yes, and I'd love a double date, if you're willing. I've been meaning to introduce Misha anyway, it would be nice to get out with the four of us. Maybe somewhere nice. Have a bit of wine and chat as adults." She offered.
Isabella nodded, and smiled softly at the thought of having a good, strong impact on Misha. Sometimes, she was not sure how much he had liked someone like her. She was still stern, not exactly funny. She was more serious to his playful nature. But, he made her laugh and smile. A good reason to be happy nowadays. It was very nice. "Tea is pretty good. I prefer mine with some cinnamon." Isabella liked the taste of cinnamon in her tea. "I thought you were inviting just me, and I would have to be a third wheel. I'm glad that you want Misha there too." Isabella laughed softly to herself since she would be awkward without Misha there with her.
Mallory smiled even brighter, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, wonderful, would you like a cup?" She asked, taking out the blends she'd brought and conjuring up a tray. She set everything up and floated it over to Isabella, giving her a chance to peruse what they had. "Oh, of course! Although my office is open any time for tea, you can stop in whenever you'd like," She nodded determinedly, smiling. "I'd love if we could spend more time together."
Isabella would not mind a cup at all, so long as she had the right flavors. It was the best way to her heart, honestly. No, wait, that was lattes. But she didn't want to burden the Charms professor more than she already had. "You are very nice. I cannot imagine how many students really enjoy your teaching." Isabella had a few nice professors when she was in school, though she could not remember many of them except for Styx. He was real easy to remember. "You know, I think I'll take you up on that. When there's not many people here. Quidditch practices and games have me rather busy."
Mallory smiled shyly, and set about making Isabella a cup of tea. "Oh, I certainly hope so," She chuckled. "Of course there are students that don't take me seriously, but thats alright. Not every child is bound to love a professor," She gave an easy smile, and with the tea ready she offered out the teacup to Isabella. "Oh, I imagine, especially when the Slytherin team is playing," She teased, thinking of Celia. That girl was definitely not someone to be taken lightly. "Well, how about this, why don't you send me a message when you're free? And then I can come down with some tea?"
Isabella laughed softly, though that was true. She certainly did not love many professors during her time at the school. She looked up to her Head of House, and also to Professor Kingsley. They were both still around, which was a little endearing but also nerve wrecking at the same time. "Yes, I heard some tales of that beater. It is hard to impress me, but I was." Isabella just hoped that no one got seriously hurt from the practices. But she nodded, and replied, "Allow me to treat you to tea or coffee next time. It is only fair, and my lattes are always smooth." Isabella was more of a latte person, and she would choose that over tea every single time.
Mallory smiled easily. "Oh, a latte sounds lovely!" She agreed. "Would you like me to bring anything? Snacks? My cats?" She added the last part teasingly. "It's nice to make more friends at the castle. We spend so much time here- it's always nicer to feel like we have people here," She smiled shyly at that. "If that makes any sense,"
Isabella smiled more as Malloy agreed that a latte sounded good, since if she did not like lattes, their newfound friendship might be over. "That is true, Mallory. I cannot agree more. Although, I do find my hands full with one of the younger nurses here. She’s new." Isabella knew that Amethyst was a good person, just a bit overwhelming at times. "But no, you won’t need to bring anything. Allow me this time. It would be my pleasure." Isabella was glad that she was joking about the cats. Isabella was not an animal person.
Mallory giggled. "Well, I should get back and finish my grading. But this has been absolutely lovely. Just let me know when you're free next week and I can come by?" She offered, giving Isabella her best smile. "This was really fun," She stood, hesitating. "Do you think its too early for hugs?"
Isabella nodded at her request that she would let Mallory know when she was free. Her smile was very contagious. She must be a good teacher if she could even influence someone like Isabella into smiling. Charms was in the absolute best hands apparently. "I'm not a big fan of physical contact, so no hugs. I'm sorry." Isabella was only affectionate behind closed doors, and with her children. Everyone else, she kept a distance.
Mallory chuckled. "Oh, that's absolutely fine," She reassured her. "There are many, many more ways to show affection," She promised, heading for the door. "Lattes next week then?" She asked, just affirming in her mind their next meeting.
Isabella was glad that Mallory had a respect for her boundaries, and smiled from it. She hated it when people tried to counter her. Not that many would ever do that. She nodded, "Yes, that will be fine. I'll see you next week." Isabella not only looked forward to lattes, but also to meeting the other Charms professor, and befriending her.

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