Letters to Home

Jakobe Vittori

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Jakobe looked around his dormitory and frowned. There was not much here to pretty the place up, that was for sure. He definitely was going to get some things so that he could make the dorm feel more like home, not that he was worried about complete homely feel. At home people barely paid attention to him unless he needed something and he wasn't allowed to talk unless spoken too. After everything that had happened with Emiko and all that, he was surprised he was even allowed out of his room. He remembered quite vividly the day Kumiko had brought Emiko home. She hadn't looked very good from memory and they had taken her straight up to her room. He hadn't been able to see her for a while after that, but when he had left for school, as far as he knew, she had been getting better. Hikari spent a lot of time in the manor at that point, trying to nurse her twin back to health, but Jakobe and the others had not been allowed near her room, or near her. Jakobe had no idea what had been going on, but when he had left for Hogwarts, Emiko had come out to say hi to him, so he was pretty happy with that. Picking up some parchment and a quill, Jakobe wrote out a quick letter to his sister before walking to the Owlery to send it off. He wanted to see how things were going back home.​
letter said:
Dearest Sister,

It's Jakobe, in case you were wondering. Sorry to bother you, but I was curious about the state of Emiko? I know that when I left for school, she came to see me off, so I know she has at least started to get better, but is she truly on the mend. Mother and Father proceed to tell me nothing and I know you always agree with them, but she's my sister as she is yours. I think I have a right to know if she is going to be well enough for me to write to her, or if I will at least be able to see her through the holidays. Please tell me everything will be alright. I already miss you all. I know I was begging to come, but it's just so drab here in the dormitories. Nothing makes it feel like home. Could you please send me something. Also, believe it or not, but the state of the potions lab is abysmal. Certainly mother would die of shock if she saw the state it was in. I shall have to attempt to draw it so that you may see. It is so medieval.


P.s. I met a couple of friends on the train. One of them is named Giuliano Raven, why do I know that name?

Emiko is doing fine. I know you are worried about her, but there is no need to be. I know what I am doing, as do Mother and Father. She will find peace, I promise. You don't need to worry yourself with such things. You are much too young to bother yourself with the family politics - focus on your studies and make the Hitachiin family proud. You are the first to not go to Beauxbatons, if you fail, you will be removed (from the school. :p)
I will attempt to make you something - Raiden has decided to take up sculpting of all things. I try to give him a broom, but he persists in trying to built things, so I will send you one of his creations if you like - or perhaps a book from the library?
I also hate to hear about the potions lab. If you like, in the holidays you can play in Noah's lab, it is quite nice. You wanted to go to Hogwarts - which is set in a castle. You must expect low-budget equipment. And to answer you question of your friend, if he is the son of one of Father's Italian colleagues, Affonso Raven, then you would at least know the name. Check that, he'll be a pureblood if it is so and you can remain close to him.
I'm happy to see you are making the family proud, Jakobe.

Hikari ♥

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