Letters to and from Nina Patrokov

Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Nina hadn't spoken to Zakary in a little while and thought that she ought to write him, so brought a few sheets of parchment paper and some writing impliments and made her way up to the Owlrey. When she reached it she took a seat on an empty chair in front of a table, and began writing to her boyfriend.
Dear Zakary,

I miss you. I don't know how I'll get through these months without seeing you, and being stuck in these dull classes. I can't wait until graduation. It'll be great to finally be out of school and have my own place. Anyways, how are you love? I hope you're doing well. Anything new happening on your end? Nothing much here, except in Astronomy we are taking a lot of trips, I probably will enjoy this year of Astronomy. I'm a little surprised that I actually decided to take it, considering all those years of complaining about studying something so frivolous. No matter.

Well I guess I'm rambling now, so I'll have this letter come to an end.

Nina Patrokov

Nina rolled her eyes at herself, it was such an awful letter, and she was actually embarassed at how rushed it was. But she shrugged that off and sent the letter to her boyfriend, Zak.
Zak had been sitting in his lounge window, his guitar rested on his legs, singing a song he had written about his girlfriend, when he noticed an owl flying toward his window. He moved out of the way just in time as she owl came flying into his apartment. He put his guitar down, and read the letter addressed to him. He grinned, it was from Nina. Quickly, he replied.


I miss you too babe, I doubt i'll be able to wait until your next holiday, but just the thought of being yours is helping me through.
Im doing well, I got myself a job, in a recording studio, its going well, I hope to find myself a band to join. My last split up pretty quickly. How about you? Ive started speaking to Brogan, I couldnt bear not talking to him for longer than a month, I hope you dont mind love.

I never took Astronomy, you'll have to teach me something about the stars when we next meet.
Hope you are well babe,
Love Zakary.

Zak finished the letter, addressing it to Nina. He tied the letter to the owls left leg, and watched it fly away. Zak sat on his couch, his thoughts on his beautiful girlfriend, and how much he missed not holding her in his arms.
Just as Nina was about to begin writing her Grandma, as they hadn't been in contact for quite some time, a tired owl flew into the Owlrey, with a letter from Zak. Her cheeks flushed, and she could feel herself become more giddy. She let out an elated smile at the thought of her boyfriend and everything that had happened between them in Germany, it certainly had changed the trip, for the better, of course Viktor hadn't been to hospitable to Nina's older boyfriend, but that hadn't bothered either of them and their vacation together had still be amazing.

Nina opened the letter from Zakary, and read it over twice, her heart hammered ever so quickly at the thought of seeing him soon. Brightstone would be open soon, perhaps then they would see each other, she already missed him, and they had been seperated for nearly two weeks now. Quickly, she dipped her quill in black ink and began writing the letter back to her love.


We do have a Brightstone weekend coming up soon, if you'd like to meet then, I certainly wouldn't mind it, however I do have to purchase a few choice materials for classes, IE parchment, I seem to be running low already.

That's great that you got a job. I'm so pleased that a recording studio has finally come to their senses and has signed you. In response to Brogan, you know what I think of him, but I will not air it, he is your brother and I understand, feel free to converse with him in any which way you like.

I'm alright. There seem to be a fair few transfers again, but none of them from Hogwarts Scotland, at least not from what I've seen, but this doesn't matter, I've got my tiny group of friends, although as they are all in their seventh years and are studying for NEWTs, I think we'll all be socially enept again.

Nina Patrokov
Nina sighed contently, but it was a shaky one, although she was happy that she was with Zak, she missed him terribly, she missed seeing him everyday like they had during the summer and she missed his lips on hers and how they almost seemed to be made to fit together, unlike when she and Brogan were together, where it was a puzzle that had all the pieces there but the last one was a tad too large and you would have to jam it into the puzzle just to fit. Everything between herself and Zak, was right, even though there was an age difference.

Nina gave the owl a treat, and pet it's head softly, before tying up the letter and said, "Zakary Swan, again." She gave the bird a meek smile, and it gave her a look that read, Are you kidding me?! The Hufflepuff giggled at such a thought, it amused her to no end, then she began writing to her Grandma who was now in London visiting little Darcy and her parents.

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