Letters to a friend

Kayden Hayashi

Well-Known Member
Kayden walked up to the Owlery. She felt so lonely at Hogwarts and missed Izumi greatly. She sat and pulled out some parchment. It was chilly but she needed to talk to someone. She set out her ink and grabbed a quill.
Dear Izumi,
I wish I could see you, it is so horrible here. I miss you and Sheena so much!!! I hope to transfer to your school at the end of this year. I have no friends. Everyone is scared of me. It's not really a horrible thing but no one talks to me. I wish so much to see you. I miss the times we had at the hotel. I'd never have thought we could be so close but no than ever I know we are sisters at heart. I want to know all about your school. Have you met anyone? Please owl back soon.
Your Friend,

Kayden rolled up the letter and sent an owl off with it. she hoped Izumi would write, and soon. She really wanted to hear from her friend, but all she could do is wait.
Izumi may not have been in school, but an owl still found it's way to her. She was surprised, since she hadn't even been living in the hotel anymore; she was just wandering... until Alfie was supposed to show up anyways. She opened it and read it, it was from Kayden; she was so happy. The only Item she had on her, was a muggle pen; now quil and ink. She took it out, finding part of a card board box to write on. She felt stupid replying on the same paper; but, she didn't have paper on hand either.
Dear Kayden,
I can't believe your owl found me. I'm not longer hanging in Beuxbatons, I might not even bee on this planet the next time you catch me. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been making any friends; that really does suck. I want to let you know everything, and more; but, i don't have so much room on this paper. I met a boy, his name is Hadan. He's really awesome... and cute. Then i met up with Alfie; he's another singer. But, he's really nice, not all stuck up. I am trying to move out from my mother's house. She's going mental; completely psycho. So, I don't know if I'll be in school for much longer. I might be going to Durmstrang instead. SO write back. Also; are you sure you don't have any new friends, you are awesome...

The coolest ever,
P.S. send more paper =D

With that, the parchment was sent back; on the same beautiful owl.
Kayden was so surprised when the owl came back so soon she read what Izumi had to say and was happy and sorry for her. She had known her mother was a bot unusual but she didn't know she was crazy. She pulled out some more parchment and began to write again.
I sent more Parchment!! I'm so happy to hear from you. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Sends you all the luck I've got left. I'm happy to know you are having a good patch with boys. I hadn't thought about a boy possible when I wrote last. Thanks for the awesome line, I haven't heard/read that in a while. I hope I can go to Durmstrang with you if that's where you end up going. I hope your having fun with the friends you've made. I supose this one girl Sam was nice to me, but I havn't heard from her.

The most awesome,

She finished and sent the letter hoping that Izumi would be able to sent back another soon.
Izumi waited in that same spot, dirtying her nice, white pants. She decided that sitting on a small park bench wouldn't hurt. The owl came sooner then expected, and managed to spook Izumi a tiny bit. She giggled and read it swiftly, her multi-colored eyes going over it twice. She then began writing a reply.
Yay, parchment is a god thing. It's fine, someday, she'll be far away from me. I just need daddy to come back home. It's too bad that he works out in Japan. Luck? You have luck? Well, why didn't you tell me that in the first place? it's more then I've got. And it's true; after all, i can only tell the truth. You are the best. Maybe I could hook you up with Alfie (he's nice...). i'll even send ya a great picture of him!
The even awesomer the Kayden,

Izumi pulled the only picture of Alfie she had. She had taken it in the muggle part of the world, a long time ago; it was out in front of her show. Even back then he was a real looker. She enclosed it in the letter, and then sent the owl off.
Kayden smiled as the owl came back, this was so much fun, she got the letter and read it. It was just like Izumi to play match-maker. She began to write again.
The awesome Izu,
I didn't now your dad left!?! I hope you find him though. And yes I've been saving all my luck for a moment like this so, use it wisely young grasshopper. Lol Your right about the boy, Alfie he is cute, but I think you would look cute with him;). Yes that was a hint, but it's your say. he looks familiar, I think I might have seen one of their shows.
<3 Kayden

She sent off the owl and looked at the picture again, he seemed to have the nice look, but that was more of an Izumi thing.
Izumi was not as startled by the letter when it came. She opened it greedily; wanting to see what it had to say. She rolled her eyes with that part about Alfie.
Kay - the now dead,
No way! Alfie is my best friend... And I think he might be gay anyways. Wouldn't be the first time. When you are a model, you meet a lot of gay guys. And don't worry, i'm better with luck then anyone could ever know. Though i like the force (or accio as it's formally known). Yeah, they are Crest, or something of that sort.

lubly loveness

After scrawling it down quickly, she sent it out.
Kayden was spooked when someone else's owl came in and set it down. She didn't peak but waited for Izumi's reply. The owl came soon and she smiled.
All the good one's are married, gay, and fictional characters. Yeah I think I went to one of Crest show's before. By the way how is modeling going? Are you still working with Kandee? I hope you havn't run out of paper yet let me know when you need more. So how about the other boy Hadan?

Lover's you

She wrote quickly and sent off the owl. She hoped the owl would get tired or anything.
Izumi tapped her fingers on her knees, humming her favorite song. She was starting to wonder if the owl had gotten lost; though it was unlikely. She was happy when it returned with a letter for her. She read it twice, and then began her reply.
Yeah, I know what you mean! Anyways, they are amazing live; eh? Modeling! Bleck!! I hate it, always have, always will! I stopped seeing Kandee a while ago; haven't even received news from her yet. Just send one more, I'll write a bit smaller. I don't want to use up all of your parchment. =D

Lovers you more,
Kayden waited and then read the next one quickly. She was upset, but they couldn't write forever. She sqribbled quickly.
Sorry about the modeling thing. :( Wish I could be there to help more. I have class soon so I'll have to go anyway. I hope you find your dad. Remember I'm just an owls away. See you soon. (I hope!)
The One and Only,
Kayden Hayashi
P.S I lovers you MORE!

She sent it off. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She thought Izumi might reply but would get it at another time if she did. She ran down the stairs and went to class.

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