Closed Learning The Ropes

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
Okay. I signed up for the paper. I tried to talk to people but was kind of awful in the meeting. Now what?

Aine hadn't expected to get this far, actually. She was sure she would've chickened out at the signups. Or avoided going to the meeting for fear of actually talking to people and doing...pretty much what she did in the meeting. But she was here, and she'd signed up to write an article of the paper, and she wasn't sure what she was doing at all, actually. I'll write a top 10, I said. It would be fun, I said. Now it's like I can't even think of 10 of anything that has ever existed.

She also had very little idea of what the paper actually expected, and she might have to ask Estella later, she thought, but she was an older student who was likely very busy with exams and actually running the paper. On the bright side, there were a couple of other girls from her year level she recognized. Who she wasn't sure if they liked her at all, actually. They were probably quite annoyed by her. But she was committed to this self-help trying to be a better person thing, at least until the end of the month when the novelty would wear off and she'd be exhausted by it all. And with that in mind, she awkwardly waved at Abby when she saw her, trying very hard to approach her like she was having a normal conversation like someone who knew exactly how to do that. Which she obviously did. Obviously.

"Uh, hey! Did you have a good break?"

Oh yes. Absolutely nailing it, Aine.
Abby was kinda happy but nervous to be back at school. She was excited to learn a little more about Hogwarts and get some fun art materials done. Even see a few of the friends she may or may have made. But she was also nervous to be back, as she knew that she had to put herself out there this year. She didn't make many friends this year and wanted to change that this year.

The Gryffindor girl sat in the Hogwarts Monthly grabbing some ideas of what she could write for the upcoming article, though she was struggling just a little. Abby looked up when she noticed someone walked in and smiled a little. "Hi, Aine" Abby says with a small smile and wave, as she leaned on the table a bit. "My break was alright. Nothing special" Abby says quietly with a small smile. "How was yours?"
Well, that was going better than expected. Though Aine did have a tendency to expect the absolute worst. Like anticipating that Abby would immediately tell her to go away or that she was being annoying. Did it make any logical sense to think that? Of course not, Abby was perfectly nice and wouldn't be so rude. It was unfair of Aine to even think that.

"Uh, yeah, mine was okay. Pretty quiet." She hadn't left her room much for it, after all. She paused for a moment, then launched in to the question that came to mind. "You've been on the paper since first year, right? What's it like?"

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