Kuvari Place



Kuvari Place had lain dormant for just over 10 years nestled neatly out of sight in Godric's Hollow. Its inhabitants had moved out, the man of the house deciding to focus on work rather than family and the female finally giving up and leaving with the son. No one had thought of Diddy and he'd been alone in this house for many years now.

Now, all of a sudden, Diddy was remembered. Instructed to make the place clean enough to be inhabitable again. Diddy did the work furiously quick, getting rid of all sorts of nasty magical creatures he knew the humans wouldn't want around. It only took him a couple of days to clean up the place, sans the masters office. The office itself had a bad boggart infestation, one which Diddy had no plans in tackling. Diddy hated boggarts.

Diddy made sure food was stocked, and beds were made. He even opened up two bedrooms that had not been used in centuries, making them readily available to the children of the Mastress. One was decorated to obviously be a girls room, the other decorated plainly so that the boy could put whatever he liked up. The house was no longer cold and empty, but warming up and coming to life once again which made Diddy very happy.
Iana looked around at the house in amazement. It had been just over 10 years since she had left the place and it seemed even more beautiful than it had then. She stood at the bottom of the stairs, two large trunks on either side of her. A popping sound could be heard from behind her, she turned to see Diddy appear at the top of the stairs.

"Oh Diddy, the place looks beautiful!" she said with complete astonishment. "You did such a good job."
"It was nothing" Diddy explained, "Master ordered it done, so Diddy followed Master's orders."

"The trunk to your right is the kids things, their rooms are to Diddy's right" he instructed her. "Your trunk is to your left. The Master's chambers are to Diddy's left. Diddy assumes you will be staying in the Master's chambers?" he asked.
"I wouldn't want to impose on Fallakin" Iana replied. "As for the children's things, could you take their trunk up to their rooms and seperate out the boxes to their rooms?" Iana asked. "I shall take care of my trunk myself."
"Master is never home. You would not be imposing" Diddy informed her. "Diddy will do as you have asked of him." He took his hand and pointed it at the children's trunk, bringing it up into the air and having it follow him to their rooms.
Iana turned to Marissa. "Go with him, once hes sorted out the boxes you can unpack your stuff and arrange your room how you want" she told her daughter. "Be sure not to hand him any clothes, though. I'm not sure if it would work, but I'd rather be on the safe side." She looked down at Marissa, who nodded at her in acknowledgment then skipped up the stairs and to the left.

Iana flourished her wand, "Locomotor Trunk!" she commanded. The trunk shot up into the air and followed her up the stairs and to the right, down the hall and into the Master's chambers.
Iana felt a new freedom wash over her as she walked into the Master's chambers, which really only amounted to a large master bedroom, large bath as well as a large study and a nursery. There were two walk in closests which were also much bigger than they seemed.

Iana sat her trunk down and got to work with the unpacking. Everything had a place when she had lived her prior, and she remembered exactly where everythings place was. As she unpacked she was amazed at how little time it took her to place everything in its spot. She had always been big on organization, but normally had to spend a lot more time on it. In what seemed like minutes she was done unpacking, only a couple stray boxes of Marissa's had made it into her trunk. 'Nothing to worry about' she thought, 'I'll get Diddy to take them down to her room later.'

She laid down on the down bet and sank in, it was more comfortable than she had remembered. She laid there and looked up at the ceiling, looking up at herself in the mirror. She had a huge smile on her face, on of those smiles that you hold for so long that your face starts to hurt. She truly felt like she were at home for the first time in years.
Iana had been lying on the bed looking up at the ceiling when she heard a gentle tapping at the window. She walked over to see her owl Snowflake outside, a note attached to its leg. She grabbed the note and unrolled it, reading quickly and quietly.
Iana Gaunt,

Of course, my dear! It would be wonderful to have a guest for the ball. I hope to see you there!

Yours in magic,
Alicia Barker

This was great news indeed! The ball started tomorrow and Iana had every intention on being there on time, or at least fashionably late. She would get Diddy to apparate her there and then have Diddy return to watch Marissa. She set to getting her dress and jewelry ready for the big event before going to get her beauty sleep.

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