Kiera Kingsley

"That's the one thing I know for sure." Liz muttered under her breath.
Bellatrix took a few moments to think. Then wuickly turned on her heels and walked strait up to Liz. "Fine if you care that much! We will meet just you and me!"
Liz turned to Bellatrix. She thought for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, Bellatrix. But I need you to promise one thing. Don't use any curses on me that can not be easily repaired. I doubt that even Alicia can keep you from dementors if you attack another student. Although, if it's mostly harmless, I can likely convince the ministry not to press charges."
Her face looked frightened at the sound of Dementors. "I...... I know... when do you want to meet and where?"
"A little spot by the lake. That's where I found the flowers that I transfigured." Liz smiled. "Whenever you want to. I'm pressuring you enough with my insistence of friendship. I should at least let you be the one to decide a time."

When Bella looked frightened, Liz didn't react strongly. Bella didn't want or need sympathy. She needed a friend.
"Sounds good to me." Liz waved at Courtney, Kiera, and Steel as she walked off, following Bellatrix.

((You can start it :) ))
Kiera watched Bellatix and Liz in silence. When they walked off she said to the others " Well that encounter was interesting. Ive never had a conversation with Bellatix. Im not sure I want to but I do want her to change." Kiera said with a hopeful smile.
Steel looked at the two girls. 'That was weird,' he thought. He turned to Kiera.
"You know I hadn't ever met a pureblood before."
Kiera smiled at him. "Theyre not all like Bellatrix. Liz is one of my roommates and shes really cool. They arent any different from us. They just might know a little more magic starting out." she said to him with a reassuring smile.
"I figured as much. There's always bound to be someone different when a group of people get together. My mum says that," said Steel, hoping against hope that he wasn't babbling. "That's cool that you're roommates. I don't really have any roommates yet. Come to think of it, I don't even know any other guys in Ravenclaw."
There was a silence, but it seemed completely normal to Steel. He liked talking to Kiera. He felt natural when he was speaking to her. His mind wandered back to the sorting. He remembered how Kiera had waited for several seconds before the hat shouted "Gryffindor!" It had screamed "Ravenclaw!" only about a second after Steel had dawned it.
"Can I ask you a sort of personal question?"
"Uh.. what did the Sorting Hat say to you during your sorting?" Steel hoped more than anything that this wasn't too personal.
Kiera smiled at him. She didnt mind at all answering. "Well... It said I would do best in Gryffindor because of my love of other people and my feelings that I must do whats right even if it hurts myself. It said that I would do well in Ravenclaw because was intelligent and I have a passion for knowledge. However in the end my other qualities won over and the hat placed me in Gyffindor." She hoped she answered his question in a tactful manner. "So I actually could have been in your house but...*Kiera acts distressed* I am not.." she said before she brust out in laughter. "What did the Hat say to you?"
"Yeah, I thought you seemed a little like a Ravenclaw," said Steel with a little laugh. "Mine was rather less interesting. I put it on and it said 'Oh, this is easy. You're a RAVENCLAW!' and that was that."
Steel laughed. He liked this girl more and more every minute.
"So what do you think happens with the people who are under the hat for even longer. I'd probably get impatient and end up telling it what to do," he said, laughing again.

(ooc: Sorry, I must go. I have to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and do all kinds of work on it before school starts on the 23rd and I'm on page 70 out of 311. :p )
Kiera laughed and said " I was under there a long time according to others but I really could tell it. I was so focused on the hat that I lost track of the time."

(((your lucky my school started last friday....have fun!! lol)))
"It wasn't that long. Remember that boy who was under there for about two minutes?" he asked. "That was a long time. You were only there for thirty seconds or so. Longer than most, though."
Liz was walking around, and then saw Kiera talking to a boy she'd briefly seen around several times. She decided to go say hi to her roommate.

Liz walked over to them, "Hello!" she said, grinning
"Nothing much!" she said, popping a mint in her mouth, and her hair turned bright pink and blue. "Just out for a stroll. Mind if I hang out with you for a bit?"

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